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GALLERY - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.VsoScope
Grants read access to public and private items and publishers.
GALLERY_ACQUIRE - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.VsoScope
Grants read access and the ability to acquire items.
GALLERY_MANAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.VsoScope
Grants read access and the ability to publish and manage items and publishers.
GALLERY_PUBLISH - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.VsoScope
Grants read access and the ability to upload, update, and share items.
GATE_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.DeploymentOperationStatus
The deployment operation status is GateFailed.
GATEDCHECKIN - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.DefinitionTriggerType
A validation build should be started for each check-in.
gates() - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseBaseRequestBuilder
Provides functionality to work with Release gates API.
Gates - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.ResourceName
GatesRequestBuilder - Class in org.azd.release.gates
Provides functionality to work with Release Gates Api.
GatesRequestBuilder(String, AccessTokenCredential) - Constructor for class org.azd.release.gates.GatesRequestBuilder
Instantiates a new RequestBuilder instance and sets the default values.
GateStatus - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
A variable group reference is a shallow reference to variable group.
gatesToIgnore - Variable in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseGatesUpdateRequest
Name of gate to be ignored.
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.HttpStatusCode
GENERAL_ATTACHMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.AttachmentType
Attachment type GeneralAttachment , use this as default type unless you have other type.
GENERAL_ATTACHMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.TestAttachmentType
General_Settings - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.ResourceName
generate(SecurityToken.Scope, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class
Based on the scope parameter, map replacement tokens in the token format string to values in the provided hashmap
get() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.organization.OrganizationRequestBuilder
Get the list of future object of organization.
get() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.profile.ProfileRequestBuilder
Get the current user profile.
get() - Method in class org.azd.core.projects.ProjectsRequestBuilder
Get the current project.
get() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupMap
get() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestQueryParameters
get(int) - Method in class
Gets the changes associated with a build
get(int) - Method in class
Gets the logs for a build.
get(int) - Method in class
Gets a build
get(int) - Method in class
Gets the work items associated with a build.
get(int) - Method in class
Gets a controller
get(int) - Method in class
Gets a definition
get(int) - Method in class
Gets the tags for a definition.
get(int) - Method in class
Gets the tags for a build.
get(int) - Method in class
Gets details for a build.
get(int) - Method in class
Converts a definition to YAML.
get(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.deploymentgroups.DeploymentGroupsRequestBuilder
Get a deployment group by its ID.
get(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.environments.EnvironmentsRequestBuilder
Get an environment by its ID.
get(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.variablegroups.VariableGroupsRequestBuilder
Get a variable group.
get(int) - Method in class org.azd.policy.configurations.ConfigurationsRequestBuilder
Get a policy configuration by its ID.
get(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.definitions.DefinitionsRequestBuilder
Get a release definition.
get(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleaseLogsRequestBuilder
Get logs for a release Id.
get(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleasesRequestBuilder
Get a Release
get(int) - Method in class org.azd.test.runs.RunsRequestBuilder
Get a test run by its ID.
get(int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.recyclebin.RecycleBinRequestBuilder
Gets a deleted work item from Recycle Bin.
get(int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder
Returns a single work item.
get(int, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.test.runs.RunsRequestBuilder
Get a test run by its ID.
get(int, int) - Method in class
Gets an individual log file for a build.
get(int, int) - Method in class
Gets the work items associated with a build.
get(int, int) - Method in class
Gets the tags for a definition.
get(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.agents.AgentsRequestBuilder
Get information about an agent.
get(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.runs.RunsRequestBuilder
Gets a run for a particular pipeline.
get(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.release.definitions.DefinitionsRevisionRequestBuilder
Get release definition for a given definitionId and revision
get(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.release.manualinterventions.ManualInterventionsRequestBuilder
Get manual intervention for a given release and manual intervention id.
get(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleaseEnvironmentRequestBuilder
Get a release environment.
get(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.results.ResultsRequestBuilder
Get a test case results for a test run.
get(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.revisions.WorkItemRevisionsRequestBuilder
Returns a fully hydrated work item for the requested revision
get(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.logs.LogsRequestBuilder
Get a specific log from a pipeline run
get(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.iterations.IterationsRequestBuilder
Get iteration for a result
get(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.points.PointsRequestBuilder
Get a test point.
get(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.testsuites.TestSuitesRequestBuilder
Get a specific test case in a test suite with test case id.
get(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.test.iterations.IterationsRequestBuilder
Get iteration for a result
get(int, int, int, String...) - Method in class org.azd.test.points.PointsRequestBuilder
Get a test point.
get(int, int, int, GetLogExpandOptions) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.logs.LogsRequestBuilder
Get a specific log from a pipeline run
get(int, int, Consumer<BuildLogsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets an individual log file for a build as plain text.
get(int, int, Consumer<AgentsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.agents.AgentsRequestBuilder
Get information about an agent.
get(int, int, Consumer<ArtifactsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.artifacts.ArtifactsRequestBuilder
Get a specific artifact from a pipeline run
get(int, int, ReleaseEnvironmentExpands) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleaseEnvironmentRequestBuilder
Get a release environment.
get(int, int, WorkItemExpand) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.revisions.WorkItemRevisionsRequestBuilder
Returns a fully hydrated work item for the requested revision
get(int, String) - Method in class
Gets a specific artifact for a build.
get(int, String) - Method in class
Gets a build
get(int, String) - Method in class
Gets details for a build.
get(int, String) - Method in class
Returns page detail corresponding to Page ID.
get(int, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.variablegroups.VariableGroupsRequestBuilder
Get variable groups by Ids.
get(int, String, int) - Method in class
Returns page detail corresponding to Page ID.
get(int, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequest.PullRequestReviewersRequestBuilder
Retrieve information about a particular reviewer on a pull request
get(int, String, Consumer<TimelineRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets details for a build.
get(int, Consumer<BuildChangesRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets the changes associated with a build
get(int, Consumer<DefinitionsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets a definition
get(int, Consumer<YamlRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Converts a definition to YAML.
get(int, Consumer<DeploymentGroupsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.deploymentgroups.DeploymentGroupsRequestBuilder
Get a deployment group by its ID.
get(int, Consumer<DefinitionsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.release.definitions.DefinitionsRequestBuilder
Get a release definition.
get(int, Consumer<ReleasesRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleasesRequestBuilder
Get a Release
get(int, Consumer<WorkItemsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder
Returns a single work item.
get(int, EnvironmentExpands) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.environments.EnvironmentsRequestBuilder
Get an environment by its ID.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.accounts.profile.ProfileRequestBuilder
Get the user profile for given id.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedManagementRequestBuilder
Get the settings for a specific feed.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedPermissionsRequestBuilder
Get the permissions for a feed.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.core.processes.ProcessesRequestBuilder
Get a list of processes.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.core.projects.ProjectsRequestBuilder
Get project with the specified id or name
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.core.projects.PropertiesRequestBuilder
Get a collection of team project properties.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsRequestBuilder
Get a list of teams.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.git.forks.ForksRequestBuilder
Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.git.repositories.RepositoriesRequestBuilder
Retrieve a git repository.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.descriptors.DescriptorsRequestBuilder
Resolve a storage key to a descriptor
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.groups.GroupsRequestBuilder
Get a group by its descriptor.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.membershipstates.MembershipStatesRequestBuilder
Check whether a subject is active or inactive.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.providerinfo.ProviderInfoRequestBuilder
Get the graph provider information.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.serviceprincipals.ServicePrincipalsRequestBuilder
Get a service principal by its descriptor.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.storagekeys.StorageKeysRequestBuilder
Resolve a descriptor to a storage key.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.users.UsersRequestBuilder
Get a user by its descriptor.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.groupentitlements.GroupEntitlementsRequestBuilder
Get a group entitlement.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.members.MembersRequestBuilder
Get direct members of a Group.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.serviceprincipalentitlements.ServicePrincipalEntitlementsRequestBuilder
Get Service principal Entitlement for a service principal.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.userentitlements.UserEntitlementsRequestBuilder
Get User Entitlement for a user.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.pipelines.PipelinesRequestBuilder
Gets a pipeline.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.policy.evaluations.EvaluationsRequestBuilder
Gets the present evaluation state of a policy.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.policy.policytypes.TypesRequestBuilder
Retrieve a specific policy type by ID.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.endpoints.EndpointsRequestBuilder
Get the service endpoint details.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.subscriptions.SubscriptionsRequestBuilder
Get a specific service hooks subscription.
get(String) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided path.
get(String) - Method in class
Gets the wiki corresponding to the wiki ID or wiki name provided.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.fields.FieldsRequestBuilder
Gets information on a specific field.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.queries.QueriesRequestBuilder
Retrieves an individual query and its children
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.tags.WorkItemTagsRequestBuilder
Get the tag for the project.
get(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitemtypes.WorkItemTypesRequestBuilder
Returns a work item type definition.
get(String...) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.userentitlementsummary.UserEntitlementSummaryRequestBuilder
Get summary of Licenses, Extension, Projects, Groups and their assignments in the collection.
get(String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedManagementRequestBuilder
Get the settings for a specific feed.
get(String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.repositories.RepositoriesRequestBuilder
Retrieve a git repository with parent.
get(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.forks.ForksRequestBuilder
Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository.
get(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequests.PullRequestsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a pull request.
get(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.pushes.PushesRequestBuilder
Retrieves a particular push.
get(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.pipelines.PipelinesRequestBuilder
Gets a pipeline at the specified version.
get(String, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequest.PullRequestStatusRequestBuilder
Get the specific pull request status by ID.
get(String, int, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequest.PullRequestLabelsRequestBuilder
Retrieves a single label that has been assigned to a pull request.
get(String, int, Consumer<ForksRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.forks.ForksRequestBuilder
Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository.
get(String, int, Consumer<PullRequestsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequests.PullRequestsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a pull request.
get(String, int, Consumer<PushesRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.pushes.PushesRequestBuilder
Retrieves a particular push.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedViewRequestBuilder
Get a view by Id.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsMembersRequestBuilder
Get a list of members for a specific team.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsRequestBuilder
Get a specific team.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.ExtensionManagementRequestBuilder
Get an installed extension by its publisher and extension id.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.annotatedtags.AnnotatedTagsRequestBuilder
Get an annotated tag.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.blobs.BlobsRequestBuilder
Get a single blob.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.commits.CommitsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a particular commit.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.items.ItemsRequestBuilder
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.memberships.MembershipsRequestBuilder
Get a membership relationship between a container and subject.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.policy.revisions.RevisionsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a specific revision of a given policy by ID.
get(String, String) - Method in class
Get a team's capacity including total capacity and days off
get(String, String) - Method in class
Get team's iteration by iterationId
get(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitemtypesfield.WorkItemTypesFieldRequestBuilder
Get a field for a work item type with detailed references.
get(String, String...) - Method in class org.azd.core.projects.PropertiesRequestBuilder
Get a collection of team project properties.
get(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsRequestBuilder
Get a specific team.
get(String, String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.commits.CommitsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a particular commit.
get(String, String, String) - Method in class
Get a team member's capacity
get(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.ExtensionManagementRequestBuilder
Get an installed extension by its publisher and extension id.
get(String, String, HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>, CustomHeader, boolean) - Static method in class org.azd.utils.BaseRestClient
Sends a GET request to REST API with basic authentication
get(String, String, Consumer<TeamsMembersRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsMembersRequestBuilder
Get a list of members for a specific team.
get(String, String, Consumer<BlobsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.blobs.BlobsRequestBuilder
Get a single blob.
get(String, String, WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitemtypesfield.WorkItemTypesFieldRequestBuilder
Get a field for a work item type with detailed references.
get(String, Consumer<FeedPermissionsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedPermissionsRequestBuilder
Get the permissions for a feed.
get(String, Consumer<ProjectsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.core.projects.ProjectsRequestBuilder
Get project with the specified id or name
get(String, Consumer<TeamsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsRequestBuilder
Get a list of teams.
get(String, Consumer<ForksRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.forks.ForksRequestBuilder
Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository.
get(String, Consumer<MembersRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.members.MembersRequestBuilder
Get direct members of a Group.
get(String, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided path.
get(String, Consumer<PagesBatchRequestBuilder.WikiPagesBatchRequest>) - Method in class
Returns pageable list of Wiki Pages
get(String, Consumer<PagesBatchRequestBuilder.WikiPagesBatchRequest>, Consumer<PagesBatchRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Returns pageable list of Wiki Pages
get(String, Consumer<WorkItemTrackingAttachmentsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.attachments.WorkItemTrackingAttachmentsRequestBuilder
Downloads an attachment.
get(String, Consumer<QueriesRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.queries.QueriesRequestBuilder
Retrieves an individual query and its children
get(String, ServiceEndpointActionFilter) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.endpoints.EndpointsRequestBuilder
Get the service endpoint details.
get(Consumer<MavenRequestBuilder.MavenPathParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.maven.MavenRequestBuilder
Get information about a package version.
get(Consumer<MavenRequestBuilder.MavenPathParameters>, Predicate<ArtifactsPackageTypesRequestBuilder.DeletedPackagePredicate>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.maven.MavenRequestBuilder
Get information about a package version.
get(Consumer<PackageFromRecycleBinRequestBuilder.PackagePathParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.maven.PackageFromRecycleBinRequestBuilder
Get information about a package version in the recycle bin.
get(Consumer<UpstreamingBehaviorRequestBuilder.UpstreamPathParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.maven.UpstreamingBehaviorRequestBuilder
Get the upstreaming behavior of a package within the context of a feed
get(Consumer<UniversalRequestBuilder.UPackPathParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.universal.UniversalPackageFromRecycleBinRequestBuilder
Show information about a package version.
get(Consumer<UniversalRequestBuilder.UPackPathParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.universal.UniversalRequestBuilder
Show information about a package version.
get(Consumer<UniversalRequestBuilder.UPackPathParameters>, Predicate<ArtifactsPackageTypesRequestBuilder.DeletedPackagePredicate>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.universal.UniversalRequestBuilder
Show information about a package version.
get(Consumer<AttachmentsRequestBuilder.AttachmentParameters>) - Method in class
Gets the attachment of a specific type that are associated with a build.
get(Consumer<BuildWorkItemsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets all the work items between two builds.
get(Consumer<ReleaseTaskLogRequestBuilder.UriParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleaseTaskLogRequestBuilder
Gets the task log of a release as a plain text file.
get(Consumer<ReleaseTaskLogRequestBuilder.UriParameters>, Consumer<ReleaseTaskLogRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleaseTaskLogRequestBuilder
Gets the task log of a release as a plain text file.
get(FeatureManagement) - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.FeatureManagementRequestBuilder
Get a feature by id.
get(FeatureManagement, FeatureManagementUserScope) - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.state.StateRequestBuilder
Get the state of the specified feature for the given user/all-users scope
get(FeatureManagement, FeatureManagementUserScope, FeatureManagementScopeName, String) - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.scope.StateScopeRequestBuilder
Get the state of the specified feature for the given named scope
get(TreeStructureGroup, String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.classificationnodes.ClassificationNodesRequestBuilder
Gets the classification node for a given node path.
get(TreeStructureGroup, String, int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.classificationnodes.ClassificationNodesRequestBuilder
Gets the classification node for a given node path.
GET - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.RequestMethod
GET() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.internals.ClientRequestBuilder
Represents the GET request and sets the RequestMethod for sending the request.
GET() - Method in interface org.azd.http.ClientRequest.Builder
Represents the "GET" request method and constructs url for GET calls.
get_links() - Method in class
get_links() - Method in class
get_links() - Method in class
get_links() - Method in class
get_links() - Method in class
get_links() - Method in class
get_links() - Method in class
get_links() - Method in class
get_links() - Method in class
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.Author
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Project
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentReference
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskOrchestrationOwner
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedView
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitBlobRef
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkRef
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPush
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPushRef
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRef
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatus
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphDescriptor
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntity
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphMembership
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphStorageKeyResult
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.Package
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyEvaluationRecord
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironmentShallowReference
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseReference
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseShallowReference
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.upack.types.Package
get_links() - Method in class
get_links() - Method in class
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItem
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemClassificationNode
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
get_links() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemRecycleBinReference
get_public() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.PackagingSourceType
getAadIdentity() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getAbbreviation() - Method in class
getAbbreviation() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectReference
getAbbreviation() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectReference
getAcceptanceCriteria() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getAccessControlEntries() - Method in class
getAccessControlLists(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.SecurityDetails
getAccessControlLists(String) - Method in class
Return a list of access control lists for the specified security namespace and token.
getAccessControlLists(String, String[], String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.SecurityDetails
getAccessControlLists(String, String[], String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Return a list of access control lists for the specified security namespace and token.
getAccessLevel() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupOptions
getAccessLevel() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlement
getAccessLevel() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlement
getAccessPoint() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getAccessPoint() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentReference
getAccessToken() - Method in interface org.azd.authentication.AccessTokenCredential
getAccessToken() - Method in class org.azd.authentication.OAuthAccessTokenCredential
If not already authenticated, automatically authenticates, acquires the access token and returns it.
getAccessToken() - Method in class org.azd.authentication.PersonalAccessTokenCredential
Gets the personal access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in class org.azd.oauth.types.AuthorizedToken
getAccessToken(String, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.oauth.OAuthAccessTokenBuilder
Now you use the authorization code to request an access token for the user.
getAccessToken(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.azd.oauth.OAuthApi
Now you use the authorization code to request an access token for the user.
getAccount() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.Properties
getAccountId() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getAccountLicenseType() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.AccessLevel
getAccountLicenseType() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.LicenseSummaryData
getAccountName() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getAccountOwner() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getAccountRecentActivityWorkItems() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AccountRecentActivityWorkItems
getAccounts() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Accounts
getAccounts(String) - Method in class org.azd.accounts.AccountsApi
Get a list of accounts for a specific member.
getAccounts(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AccountsDetails
getAccountsApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getAccountsApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of AccountsApi
getAccountStatus() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getAccountType() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getAccountUri() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getAcesDictionary() - Method in class
getACLs() - Method in class
getAcquisitionRoute() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.FeatureProperties
getActionDescription() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getActionPath() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestActionResultModel
getActionPath() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResultAttachmentModel
getActionPath() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResultParameterModel
getActionResults() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModel
getActions() - Method in class
getActivatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getActivatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getActive() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.WebApiTagDefinition
getActivities() - Method in class
getActivityDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2
getActivityType() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2
getAfnStripId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getAgent() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentMachine
getAgent() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentCloudRequest
getAgent(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get information about an agent.
getAgent(int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getAgent(int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get information about an agent.
getAgent(int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getAgentCloudId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentCloudRequest
getAgentConnectedTime() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentCloudRequest
getAgentData() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentCloudRequest
getAgentName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getAgents(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get a list of agents.
getAgents(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getAgents(int, String, String[], boolean, boolean, boolean, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get a list of agents.
getAgents(int, String, String[], boolean, boolean, boolean, String[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getAgentSpecification() - Method in class
getAgentSpecification() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentCloudRequest
getAgentSpecification() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getAlias() - Method in class
getAlias() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Artifact
getAlias() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ArtifactMetadata
getAlias() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseArtifacts
getAliases() - Method in class
getAliases() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getAllow() - Method in class
getAllowedValues() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldInstance
getAllowedValues() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldWithReference
getAllowOverride() - Method in class
getAllowOverride() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ConfigurationVariableValue
getAlwaysRequired() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldWithReference
getAlwaysRun() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getAnnotatedTag(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get an annotated tag.
getAnnotatedTag(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getApiUrl() - Method in class
getApiVersion() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionRevision
getApplicationId() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getApprovalOptions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionApprovals
getApprovals() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionApprovals
getApprovalType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getApprovedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getApprover() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getApprover() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getApprover() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApprovalHistory
getApprover() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionApprovalStep
getArea() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getArea() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getArtifact(int, String) - Method in class
Gets a specific artifact for a build.
getArtifact(int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getArtifactAsZip(int, String) - Method in class
Gets a specific artifact for a build as a zip file.
getArtifactAsZip(int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
GetArtifactExpandOptions - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
Expand options.
getArtifactFile(int, String, String, String) - Method in class
Gets a file from the build.
getArtifactFile(int, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getArtifactId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getArtifactId() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.MavenPackageVersionDeletionState
getArtifactId() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyEvaluationRecord
getArtifacts() - Method in class
getArtifacts() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getArtifacts() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getArtifacts() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseReference
getArtifacts() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseStartMetadata
getArtifacts(int) - Method in class
Gets all artifacts for a build.
getArtifacts(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getArtifacts(int, int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PipelinesDetails
getArtifacts(int, int, String) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.PipelinesApi
Get a specific artifact from a pipeline run
getArtifacts(int, int, String, PipelinesExpandOptions) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PipelinesDetails
getArtifacts(int, int, String, PipelinesExpandOptions) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.PipelinesApi
Get a specific artifact from a pipeline run
getArtifactTypesToDelete() - Method in class
getAsOf() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryResult
getAssetType() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionFile
getAssigned() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.LicenseSummaryData
getAssignedAgentCloudRequest() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getAssignedRequest() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getAssignedTo() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getAssignedTo() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2
getAssignmentSource() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.AccessLevel
getAssignmentSource() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ProjectEntitlement
getAssignTime() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getAssignToRequestor() - Method in class
getAssociatedBugs() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getAsText(String, String, Consumer<ItemsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.items.ItemsRequestBuilder
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item.
getAsText(String, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided path.
getAsTextAsync(String, String, Consumer<ItemsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.items.ItemsRequestBuilder
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item.
getAsTextAsync(String, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided path.
getAsync() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.organization.OrganizationRequestBuilder
Get the list of future object of organization.
getAsync() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.profile.ProfileRequestBuilder
Get the current user profile.
getAsync() - Method in class org.azd.core.projects.ProjectsRequestBuilder
Get the current project.
getAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets the changes associated with a build
getAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets the logs for a build.
getAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets a build
getAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets the work items associated with a build.
getAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets a controller
getAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets a definition
getAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets the tags for a definition.
getAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets the tags for a build.
getAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets details for a build.
getAsync(int) - Method in class
Converts a definition to YAML.
getAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.deploymentgroups.DeploymentGroupsRequestBuilder
Get a deployment group by its ID.
getAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.environments.EnvironmentsRequestBuilder
Get an environment by its ID.
getAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.variablegroups.VariableGroupsRequestBuilder
Get a variable group.
getAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.policy.configurations.ConfigurationsRequestBuilder
Get a policy configuration by its ID.
getAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.definitions.DefinitionsRequestBuilder
Get a release definition.
getAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleaseLogsRequestBuilder
Get logs for a release Id.
getAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleasesRequestBuilder
Get a Release
getAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.test.runs.RunsRequestBuilder
Get a test run by its ID.
getAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.recyclebin.RecycleBinRequestBuilder
Gets a deleted work item from Recycle Bin.
getAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder
Returns a single work item.
getAsync(int, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.test.runs.RunsRequestBuilder
Get a test run by its ID.
getAsync(int, int) - Method in class
Gets an individual log file for a build.
getAsync(int, int) - Method in class
Gets the work items associated with a build.
getAsync(int, int) - Method in class
Gets the tags for a definition.
getAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.agents.AgentsRequestBuilder
Get information about an agent.
getAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.runs.RunsRequestBuilder
Gets a run for a particular pipeline.
getAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.release.definitions.DefinitionsRevisionRequestBuilder
Get release definition for a given definitionId and revision
getAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.release.manualinterventions.ManualInterventionsRequestBuilder
Get manual intervention for a given release and manual intervention id.
getAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleaseEnvironmentRequestBuilder
Get a release environment.
getAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.results.ResultsRequestBuilder
Get a test case results for a test run.
getAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.revisions.WorkItemRevisionsRequestBuilder
Returns a fully hydrated work item for the requested revision
getAsync(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.logs.LogsRequestBuilder
Get a specific log from a pipeline run
getAsync(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.iterations.IterationsRequestBuilder
Get iteration for a result
getAsync(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.points.PointsRequestBuilder
Get a test point.
getAsync(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.testsuites.TestSuitesRequestBuilder
Get a specific test case in a test suite with test case id.
getAsync(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.test.iterations.IterationsRequestBuilder
Get iteration for a result
getAsync(int, int, int, String...) - Method in class org.azd.test.points.PointsRequestBuilder
Get a test point.
getAsync(int, int, int, GetLogExpandOptions) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.logs.LogsRequestBuilder
Get a specific log from a pipeline run
getAsync(int, int, Consumer<BuildLogsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets an individual log file for a build as plain text.
getAsync(int, int, Consumer<AgentsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.agents.AgentsRequestBuilder
Get information about an agent.
getAsync(int, int, Consumer<ArtifactsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.artifacts.ArtifactsRequestBuilder
Get a specific artifact from a pipeline run
getAsync(int, int, ReleaseEnvironmentExpands) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleaseEnvironmentRequestBuilder
Get a release environment.
getAsync(int, int, WorkItemExpand) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.revisions.WorkItemRevisionsRequestBuilder
Returns a fully hydrated work item for the requested revision
getAsync(int, String) - Method in class
Gets a specific artifact for a build.
getAsync(int, String) - Method in class
Gets a build
getAsync(int, String) - Method in class
Gets details for a build.
getAsync(int, String) - Method in class
Returns page detail corresponding to Page ID.
getAsync(int, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.variablegroups.VariableGroupsRequestBuilder
Get variable groups by Ids.
getAsync(int, String, int) - Method in class
Returns page detail corresponding to Page ID.
getAsync(int, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequest.PullRequestReviewersRequestBuilder
Retrieve information about a particular reviewer on a pull request
getAsync(int, String, Consumer<TimelineRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets details for a build.
getAsync(int, Consumer<BuildChangesRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets the changes associated with a build
getAsync(int, Consumer<DefinitionsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets a definition
getAsync(int, Consumer<YamlRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Converts a definition to YAML.
getAsync(int, Consumer<DeploymentGroupsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.deploymentgroups.DeploymentGroupsRequestBuilder
Get a deployment group by its ID.
getAsync(int, Consumer<DefinitionsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.release.definitions.DefinitionsRequestBuilder
Get a release definition.
getAsync(int, Consumer<ReleasesRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleasesRequestBuilder
Get a Release
getAsync(int, Consumer<WorkItemsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder
Returns a single work item.
getAsync(int, EnvironmentExpands) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.environments.EnvironmentsRequestBuilder
Get an environment by its ID.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.accounts.profile.ProfileRequestBuilder
Get the user profile for given id.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedManagementRequestBuilder
Get the settings for a specific feed.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedPermissionsRequestBuilder
Get the permissions for a feed.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.core.processes.ProcessesRequestBuilder
Get a list of processes.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.core.projects.ProjectsRequestBuilder
Get project with the specified id or name
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.core.projects.PropertiesRequestBuilder
Get a collection of team project properties.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsRequestBuilder
Get a list of teams.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.git.forks.ForksRequestBuilder
Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.git.repositories.RepositoriesRequestBuilder
Retrieve a git repository.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.descriptors.DescriptorsRequestBuilder
Resolve a storage key to a descriptor
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.groups.GroupsRequestBuilder
Get a group by its descriptor.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.membershipstates.MembershipStatesRequestBuilder
Check whether a subject is active or inactive.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.providerinfo.ProviderInfoRequestBuilder
Get the graph provider information.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.serviceprincipals.ServicePrincipalsRequestBuilder
Get a service principal by its descriptor.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.storagekeys.StorageKeysRequestBuilder
Resolve a descriptor to a storage key.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.users.UsersRequestBuilder
Get a user by its descriptor.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.groupentitlements.GroupEntitlementsRequestBuilder
Get a group entitlement.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.members.MembersRequestBuilder
Get direct members of a Group.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.serviceprincipalentitlements.ServicePrincipalEntitlementsRequestBuilder
Get Service principal Entitlement for a service principal.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.userentitlements.UserEntitlementsRequestBuilder
Get User Entitlement for a user.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.pipelines.PipelinesRequestBuilder
Gets a pipeline.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.policy.evaluations.EvaluationsRequestBuilder
Gets the present evaluation state of a policy.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.policy.policytypes.TypesRequestBuilder
Retrieve a specific policy type by ID.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.endpoints.EndpointsRequestBuilder
Get the service endpoint details.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.subscriptions.SubscriptionsRequestBuilder
Get a specific service hooks subscription.
getAsync(String) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided path.
getAsync(String) - Method in class
Gets the wiki corresponding to the wiki ID or wiki name provided.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.fields.FieldsRequestBuilder
Gets information on a specific field.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.queries.QueriesRequestBuilder
Retrieves an individual query and its children
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.tags.WorkItemTagsRequestBuilder
Get the tag for the project.
getAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitemtypes.WorkItemTypesRequestBuilder
Returns a work item type definition.
getAsync(String...) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.userentitlementsummary.UserEntitlementSummaryRequestBuilder
Get summary of Licenses, Extension, Projects, Groups and their assignments in the collection.
getAsync(String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedManagementRequestBuilder
Get the settings for a specific feed.
getAsync(String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.repositories.RepositoriesRequestBuilder
Retrieve a git repository with parent.
getAsync(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.forks.ForksRequestBuilder
Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository.
getAsync(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequests.PullRequestsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a pull request.
getAsync(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.pushes.PushesRequestBuilder
Retrieves a particular push.
getAsync(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.pipelines.PipelinesRequestBuilder
Gets a pipeline at the specified version.
getAsync(String, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequest.PullRequestStatusRequestBuilder
Get the specific pull request status by ID.
getAsync(String, int, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequest.PullRequestLabelsRequestBuilder
Retrieves a single label that has been assigned to a pull request.
getAsync(String, int, Consumer<ForksRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.forks.ForksRequestBuilder
Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository.
getAsync(String, int, Consumer<PullRequestsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequests.PullRequestsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a pull request.
getAsync(String, int, Consumer<PushesRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.pushes.PushesRequestBuilder
Retrieves a particular push.
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedViewRequestBuilder
Get a view by Id.
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsMembersRequestBuilder
Get a list of members for a specific team.
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsRequestBuilder
Get a specific team.
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.ExtensionManagementRequestBuilder
Get an installed extension by its publisher and extension id.
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.annotatedtags.AnnotatedTagsRequestBuilder
Get an annotated tag.
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.blobs.BlobsRequestBuilder
Get a single blob.
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.commits.CommitsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a particular commit.
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.items.ItemsRequestBuilder
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item.
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.memberships.MembershipsRequestBuilder
Get a membership relationship between a container and subject.
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.policy.revisions.RevisionsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a specific revision of a given policy by ID.
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class
Get a team's capacity including total capacity and days off
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class
Get team's iteration by iterationId
getAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitemtypesfield.WorkItemTypesFieldRequestBuilder
Get a field for a work item type with detailed references.
getAsync(String, String...) - Method in class org.azd.core.projects.PropertiesRequestBuilder
Get a collection of team project properties.
getAsync(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsRequestBuilder
Get a specific team.
getAsync(String, String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.commits.CommitsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a particular commit.
getAsync(String, String, String) - Method in class
Get a team member's capacity
getAsync(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.ExtensionManagementRequestBuilder
Get an installed extension by its publisher and extension id.
getAsync(String, String, Consumer<TeamsMembersRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsMembersRequestBuilder
Get a list of members for a specific team.
getAsync(String, String, Consumer<BlobsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.blobs.BlobsRequestBuilder
Get a single blob.
getAsync(String, String, WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitemtypesfield.WorkItemTypesFieldRequestBuilder
Get a field for a work item type with detailed references.
getAsync(String, Consumer<FeedPermissionsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedPermissionsRequestBuilder
Get the permissions for a feed.
getAsync(String, Consumer<ProjectsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.core.projects.ProjectsRequestBuilder
Get project with the specified id or name
getAsync(String, Consumer<TeamsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsRequestBuilder
Get a list of teams.
getAsync(String, Consumer<ForksRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.forks.ForksRequestBuilder
Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository.
getAsync(String, Consumer<MembersRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.members.MembersRequestBuilder
Get direct members of a Group.
getAsync(String, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided path.
getAsync(String, Consumer<PagesBatchRequestBuilder.WikiPagesBatchRequest>) - Method in class
Returns pageable list of Wiki Pages
getAsync(String, Consumer<PagesBatchRequestBuilder.WikiPagesBatchRequest>, Consumer<PagesBatchRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Returns pageable list of Wiki Pages
getAsync(String, Consumer<WorkItemTrackingAttachmentsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.attachments.WorkItemTrackingAttachmentsRequestBuilder
Downloads an attachment.
getAsync(String, Consumer<QueriesRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.queries.QueriesRequestBuilder
Retrieves an individual query and its children
getAsync(String, ServiceEndpointActionFilter) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.endpoints.EndpointsRequestBuilder
Get the service endpoint details.
getAsync(Consumer<MavenRequestBuilder.MavenPathParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.maven.MavenRequestBuilder
Get information about a package version.
getAsync(Consumer<MavenRequestBuilder.MavenPathParameters>, Predicate<ArtifactsPackageTypesRequestBuilder.DeletedPackagePredicate>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.maven.MavenRequestBuilder
Get information about a package version.
getAsync(Consumer<PackageFromRecycleBinRequestBuilder.PackagePathParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.maven.PackageFromRecycleBinRequestBuilder
Get information about a package version in the recycle bin.
getAsync(Consumer<UpstreamingBehaviorRequestBuilder.UpstreamPathParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.maven.UpstreamingBehaviorRequestBuilder
Get the upstreaming behavior of a package within the context of a feed
getAsync(Consumer<UniversalRequestBuilder.UPackPathParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.universal.UniversalPackageFromRecycleBinRequestBuilder
Show information about a package version.
getAsync(Consumer<UniversalRequestBuilder.UPackPathParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.universal.UniversalRequestBuilder
Show information about a package version.
getAsync(Consumer<UniversalRequestBuilder.UPackPathParameters>, Predicate<ArtifactsPackageTypesRequestBuilder.DeletedPackagePredicate>) - Method in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.universal.UniversalRequestBuilder
Show information about a package version.
getAsync(Consumer<AttachmentsRequestBuilder.AttachmentParameters>) - Method in class
Gets the attachment of a specific type that are associated with a build.
getAsync(Consumer<BuildWorkItemsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets all the work items between two builds.
getAsync(Consumer<ReleaseTaskLogRequestBuilder.UriParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleaseTaskLogRequestBuilder
Gets the task log of a release as a plain text file.
getAsync(Consumer<ReleaseTaskLogRequestBuilder.UriParameters>, Consumer<ReleaseTaskLogRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleaseTaskLogRequestBuilder
Gets the task log of a release as a plain text file.
getAsync(FeatureManagement) - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.FeatureManagementRequestBuilder
Get a feature by id.
getAsync(FeatureManagement, FeatureManagementUserScope) - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.state.StateRequestBuilder
Get the state of the specified feature for the given user/all-users scope
getAsync(FeatureManagement, FeatureManagementUserScope, FeatureManagementScopeName, String) - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.scope.StateScopeRequestBuilder
Get the state of the specified feature for the given named scope
getAsync(TreeStructureGroup, String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.classificationnodes.ClassificationNodesRequestBuilder
Gets the classification node for a given node path.
getAsync(TreeStructureGroup, String, int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.classificationnodes.ClassificationNodesRequestBuilder
Gets the classification node for a given node path.
getAsZip(int) - Method in class
Gets the logs for a build as zip content.
getAsZip(int, int) - Method in class
Gets an individual log file for a build as a zip file.
getAsZip(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.RunAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test result attachment by its ID.
getAsZip(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.ResultAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test result attachment by its ID.
getAsZip(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.ResultAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test sub result attachment by its ID.
getAsZip(int, String) - Method in class
Gets a specific artifact for a build as a zip file.
getAsZip(String, String, Consumer<ItemsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.items.ItemsRequestBuilder
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item.
getAsZip(String, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided path.
getAsZip(String, Consumer<WorkItemTrackingAttachmentsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.attachments.WorkItemTrackingAttachmentsRequestBuilder
Downloads an attachment.
getAsZip(String, List<String>) - Method in class org.azd.git.blobs.BlobsRequestBuilder
Gets one or more blobs in a zip file download.
getAsZip(String, List<String>, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.blobs.BlobsRequestBuilder
Gets one or more blobs in a zip file download.
getAsZipAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets the logs for a build as zip content.
getAsZipAsync(int, int) - Method in class
Gets an individual log file for a build as a zip file.
getAsZipAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.RunAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test result attachment by its ID.
getAsZipAsync(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.ResultAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test result attachment by its ID.
getAsZipAsync(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.ResultAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test sub result attachment by its ID.
getAsZipAsync(int, String) - Method in class
Gets a specific artifact for a build as a zip file.
getAsZipAsync(String, String, Consumer<ItemsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.items.ItemsRequestBuilder
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item.
getAsZipAsync(String, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided path.
getAsZipAsync(String, Consumer<WorkItemTrackingAttachmentsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.attachments.WorkItemTrackingAttachmentsRequestBuilder
Downloads an attachment.
getAsZipAsync(String, List<String>) - Method in class org.azd.git.blobs.BlobsRequestBuilder
Gets one or more blobs in a zip file download.
getAsZipAsync(String, List<String>, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.blobs.BlobsRequestBuilder
Gets one or more blobs in a zip file download.
getAttachment(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getAttachment(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
This method is deprecated as of version 5.0.0. Please use getAttachmentContent() or getAttachmentAsZip() for working with work item attachment API.
getAttachmentAsZip(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getAttachmentAsZip(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Downloads an attachment as a zip file.
getAttachmentContent(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getAttachmentContent(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Downloads an attachment.
getAttachments() - Method in class
getAttachments() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestAttachments
getAttachments() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModel
getAttachments(int, String) - Method in class
Gets the list of attachments of a specific type that are associated with a build.
getAttachments(int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getAttachmentType() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestAttachment
getAttempt() - Method in class
getAttempt() - Method in class
getAttempt() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getAttempt() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getAttempt() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getAttempt() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.JobReference
getAttempt() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PhaseReference
getAttempt() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ReleaseReference
getAttempt() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.StageReference
getAttributes() - Method in class
getAttributes() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemClassificationNode
getAttributes() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemRelations
getAuthenticatedUser() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.ConnectionData
getAuthenticator() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.RequestOption
Get the proxy authentication.
getAuthKey() - Method in class
getAuthKey() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskSourceDefinitionBase
getAuthor() - Method in class
getAuthor() - Method in class
getAuthor() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getAuthor() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getAuthor() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.LastMergeCommit
getAuthoredBy() - Method in class
getAuthorization() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getAuthorization() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getAuthorizationEndpoint(String, String, List<VsoScope>, String) - Static method in class org.azd.oauth.OAuthApi
Generate the authorization endpoint with client id, state, scope and redirection url.
getAuthorizationUrl() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentAuthorization
getAuthorizedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemAttributes
getAuthorizedUser() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.ConnectionData
getAutoCompleteIgnoreConfigIds() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestCompletionOptions
getAutoCompleteSetBy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getAutoLinkWorkItems() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentOptions
getAutomated() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getAutomatedTestId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getAutomatedTestName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getAutomatedTestName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestHistoryQuery
getAutomatedTestStorage() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getAutomatedTestType() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getAutomatedTestTypeId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getAutoTriggeredAndPreviousEnvironmentApprovedCanBeSkipped() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ApprovalOptions
getAvailable() - Method in class
getAvailable() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.LicenseSummaryData
getAvailableAccessLevels() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UsersSummary
getAvatar() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getBadge() - Method in class
getBadge() - Method in class
getBadge() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getBadgeEnabled() - Method in class
getBadgeEnabled() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentOptions
getBadgesEnabled() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getBadgeUrl() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getBag() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PropertyBag
getBaseUri() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getBatch(GitItemRequestData, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.items.ItemsRequestBuilder
Post for retrieving a creating a batch out of a set of items in a repo / project given a list of paths or a long path
getBatch(QueryBatchGetRequest) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.queries.QueriesRequestBuilder
Gets a list of queries by ids (Maximum 1000)
getBatch(WorkItemBatchGetRequest) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder
Gets work items for a list of work item ids (Maximum 200)
getBatchAsync(GitItemRequestData, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.items.ItemsRequestBuilder
Post for retrieving a creating a batch out of a set of items in a repo / project given a list of paths or a long path
getBatchAsync(QueryBatchGetRequest) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.queries.QueriesRequestBuilder
Gets a list of queries by ids (Maximum 1000)
getBatchAsync(WorkItemBatchGetRequest) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder
Gets work items for a list of work item ids (Maximum 200)
getBehavior() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.LicensingOverride
getBit() - Method in class
getBlob(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get a single blob.
getBlob(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getBlob(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get a single blob.
getBlob(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getBlobContent(String, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get a single blob content.
getBlobContent(String, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getBlobContentAsStream(String, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get a single blob content as input stream.
getBlobContentAsStream(String, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getBlobContentAsZip(String, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get a single blob as zip of input stream.
getBlobContentAsZip(String, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getBlobsZip(String, String, List<String>) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Gets one or more blobs in a zip file download.
getBlobsZip(String, String, List<String>) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getBlobsZip(String, List<String>) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Gets one or more blobs in a zip file download.
getBlobsZip(String, List<String>) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getBlockCount() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ModuleCoverage
getBlockData() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ModuleCoverage
getBlocksCovered() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.CoverageStatistics
getBlocksNotCovered() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.CoverageStatistics
getBranch() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestHistoryQuery
getBranch() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResultGroupBy
getBranch(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get a specific branch from a repository.
getBranch(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getBranches() - Method in class
getBranches() - Method in class
getBranches(String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get the branches from a repository.
getBranches(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getBranches(String, String, String) - Method in class
Gets a list of branches for the given source code repository.
getBranches(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBranches(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Gets a list of branches for the given source code repository.
getBranches(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBranchesCovered() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.CoverageStatistics
getBranchesNotCovered() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.CoverageStatistics
GetBranchesQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetBranchesRequestConfiguration() - Constructor for class
getBranchesUrl() - Method in class
getBranchFilters() - Method in class
getBranchFilters() - Method in class
getBranchName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getBranchName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildReference
getBuild() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.FailingSince
getBuild() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getBuild() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getBuild() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getBuild(int) - Method in class
Gets a build
getBuild(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getBuildApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Build Api
getBuildArtifacts() - Method in class
getBuildChanges() - Method in class
getBuildChanges(int) - Method in class
Gets the changes associated with a build
getBuildChanges(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildChanges(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class
Gets the changes associated with a build
getBuildChanges(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildCodeCoverage(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.codecoverage.CodeCoverageRequestBuilder
Get code coverage data for a test run.
getBuildCodeCoverageAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.codecoverage.CodeCoverageRequestBuilder
Get code coverage data for a test run.
getBuildConfiguration() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getBuildController(int) - Method in class
Gets a controller
getBuildController(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildControllers() - Method in class
Gets controllers
getBuildControllers() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildControllers(String) - Method in class
Gets controller, optionally filtered by name
getBuildControllers(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildCoverages() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildCoverages
getBuildDefinition(int) - Method in class
Gets a definition
getBuildDefinition(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildDefinition(int, boolean, String, int) - Method in class
Gets a definition, optionally at a specific revision.
getBuildDefinition(int, boolean, String, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildDefinitionId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getBuildDefinitionId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestHistoryQuery
getBuildDefinitionRevision() - Method in class
getBuildDefinitionRevisions(int) - Method in class
Gets all revisions of a definition.
getBuildDefinitionRevisions(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildDefinitions() - Method in class
Gets a list of definitions.
getBuildDefinitions() - Method in class
getBuildDefinitions() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildDefinitions(boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Gets a list of definitions.
getBuildDefinitions(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildDefinitions(int) - Method in class
Gets a list of definitions.
getBuildDefinitions(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildDefinitions(int[]) - Method in class
Gets a list of definitions.
getBuildDefinitions(int[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildDefinitions(String) - Method in class
Gets a list of definitions.
getBuildDefinitions(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildDefinitions(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, int, DefinitionQueryOrder, String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Gets a list of definitions.
getBuildDefinitions(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, int, DefinitionQueryOrder, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildDropLocation() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getBuilder(String, String) - Static method in class org.azd.utils.BaseRestClient
Helper method to create the request with request url and access token.
getBuildFlavor() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getBuildLog(int, int) - Method in class
Gets an individual log file for a build.
getBuildLog(int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildLog(int, int, long, long) - Method in class
Gets an individual log file for a build.
getBuildLog(int, int, long, long) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildLogs() - Method in class
getBuildLogs(int) - Method in class
Gets the logs for a build.
getBuildLogs(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildNumber() - Method in class
getBuildNumberFormat() - Method in class
getBuildNumberRevision() - Method in class
getBuildPlatform() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getBuildReference() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getBuildReference() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getBuildResults() - Method in class
getBuilds() - Method in class
Gets a list of builds.
getBuilds() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuilds() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RunResourcesParameters
getBuilds(int) - Method in class
Gets a list of builds.
getBuilds(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuilds(int[]) - Method in class
Gets a list of builds.
getBuilds(int[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuilds(int, String, String, String, int[], QueryDeletedOption, int, String, String, String[], BuildQueryOrder, int[], BuildReason, String, String, String, BuildResult, BuildStatus, String) - Method in class
Gets a list of builds.
getBuilds(int, String, String, String, int[], QueryDeletedOption, int, String, String, String[], BuildQueryOrder, int[], BuildReason, String, String, String, BuildResult, BuildStatus, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildSystem() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getBuildSystem() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildReference
getBuildTags(int) - Method in class
Gets the tags for a build.
getBuildTags(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildWorkItems() - Method in class
getBuildWorkItems(int) - Method in class
Gets the work items associated with a build.
getBuildWorkItems(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getBuildWorkItems(int, int) - Method in class
Gets the work items associated with a build.
getBuildWorkItems(int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getByCode(int) - Static method in enum class org.azd.enums.HttpStatusCode
getById(int) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequests.PullRequestsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a pull request.
getById(String, int) - Method in class
Gets metadata or content of the wiki page for the provided page id.
getById(String, int, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetByIdRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata or content of the wiki page for the provided page id.
getByIdAsText(String, int, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetByIdRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata or content of the wiki page for the provided page id.
getByIdAsTextAsync(String, int, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetByIdRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata or content of the wiki page for the provided page id.
getByIdAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.git.pullrequests.PullRequestsRequestBuilder
Retrieve a pull request.
getByIdAsync(String, int) - Method in class
Gets metadata or content of the wiki page for the provided page id.
getByIdAsync(String, int, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetByIdRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata or content of the wiki page for the provided page id.
getByIdAsZip(String, int, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetByIdRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata or content of the wiki page for the provided page id.
getByIdAsZipAsync(String, int, Consumer<PagesRequestBuilder.GetByIdRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets metadata or content of the wiki page for the provided page id.
GetByIdQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetByIdRequestConfiguration() - Constructor for class
getByNames(String...) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.endpoints.EndpointsRequestBuilder
Get the service endpoints by name.
getByNames(Consumer<EndpointsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.endpoints.EndpointsRequestBuilder
Get the service endpoints by name.
getByNamesAsync(String...) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.endpoints.EndpointsRequestBuilder
Get the service endpoints by name.
getByNamesAsync(Consumer<EndpointsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.endpoints.EndpointsRequestBuilder
Get the service endpoints by name.
getBypassPolicy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestCompletionOptions
getBypassReason() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestCompletionOptions
getByQuery(TestPointsQuery) - Method in class org.azd.test.points.PointsRequestBuilder
Get test points using query.
getByQuery(TestPointsQuery, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.points.PointsRequestBuilder
Get test points using query.
getByQueryAsync(TestPointsQuery) - Method in class org.azd.test.points.PointsRequestBuilder
Get test points using query.
getByQueryAsync(TestPointsQuery, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.points.PointsRequestBuilder
Get test points using query.
getCallbackContextTemplate() - Method in class
getCallbackContextTemplate() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getCallbackRequiredTemplate() - Method in class
getCallbackRequiredTemplate() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getCanSortBy() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Project
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getCapacityPerDay() - Method in class
getCaseSensitive() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.InputFilterCondition
getCategory() - Method in class
getCategory() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemStateColor
getChangeCounts() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getChangeCounts() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitChanges
getChangeCounts() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getChangedBy() - Method in class
getChangedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApprovalHistory
getChangedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionRevision
getChangedDate() - Method in class
getChangedDate() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionRevision
getChangedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2
getChangeId() - Method in class
getChangeId() - Method in class
getChangeId() - Method in class
getChangeId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitChange
getChanges() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getChanges() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitChanges
getChanges() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getChanges(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.commits.CommitsRequestBuilder
Retrieve changes for a particular commit.
getChanges(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve changes for a particular commit.
getChanges(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getChanges(String, String, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve changes for a particular commit.
getChanges(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getChanges(String, String, Consumer<CommitsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.commits.CommitsRequestBuilder
Retrieve changes for a particular commit.
getChangesAsync(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.commits.CommitsRequestBuilder
Retrieve changes for a particular commit.
getChangesAsync(String, String, Consumer<CommitsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.git.commits.CommitsRequestBuilder
Retrieve changes for a particular commit.
getChangesBetweenBuilds(int, int, int) - Method in class
Gets the changes made to the repository between two given builds.
getChangesBetweenBuilds(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getChangeType() - Method in class
getChangeType() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitChange
getChangeType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionRevision
getCheckoutSubmodules() - Method in class
getChildren() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getChildren() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemClassificationNode
getClassName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.FunctionCoverage
getClauses() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getClauses() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryClause
getClean() - Method in class
getClean() - Method in class
getClientId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentAuthorization
getCloneUrl() - Method in class
getCloneUrl() - Method in class
getClosedBy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getClosedDate() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getCode() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentUpdateReason
getCode() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.HttpStatusCode
getCode() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDelete
getCode() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteReference
getCodeCoverageFileUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildCoverage
getCodeReviewId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getCollection() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryRef
getCollectionId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GlobalGitRepositoryKey
getColor() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemStateColor
getColor() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemType
getColumns() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getColumns() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryResult
getComment() - Method in class
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.LastMergeCommit
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionRevision
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironmentUpdateMetadata
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseUpdateMetadata
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestActionResultModel
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestAttachment
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModel
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getComment() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemAttributes
getCommentId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemCommentVersionRef
getComments() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getComments() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getComments() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApprovalHistory
getCommentTruncated() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getCommentTruncated() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getCommentVersionRef() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemRecycleBinReference
getCommit(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve a particular commit.
getCommit(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getCommit(String, String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve a particular commit.
getCommit(String, String, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getCommitId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getCommitId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getCommitId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
getCommitId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.LastMergeCommit
getCommitId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.LastMergeSourceCommit
getCommitId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.LastMergeTargetCommit
getCommitMessage() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.BuildVersion
getCommits() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommits
getCommits() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getCommits() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPush
getCommits(String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve git commits for a project.
getCommits(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getCommits(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve git commits for a project.
getCommits(String, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getCommits(String, int, int, String, String, GitVersionOptions, GitVersionType, boolean, String, String, String, String, GitHistoryMode, List<String>, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean, String, String, GitVersionOptions, GitVersionType) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve git commits for a project.
getCommits(String, int, int, String, String, GitVersionOptions, GitVersionType, boolean, String, String, String, String, GitHistoryMode, List<String>, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean, String, String, GitVersionOptions, GitVersionType) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getCommits(String, List<String>) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve git commits for a project.
getCommits(String, List<String>) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getCommitsBatch(String, GitCommitsBatch) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve git commits for a project matching the search criteria.
getCommitsBatch(String, GitCommitsBatch) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
GetCommitsQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.commits.CommitsRequestBuilder.GetCommitsQueryParameters
getCommitter() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getCommitter() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getCommitter() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.LastMergeCommit
getCompleted() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlementOperationReference
getCompleted() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementOperationReference
getCompleted() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementOperationReference
getCompleteDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getCompletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyEvaluationRecord
getCompletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestActionResultModel
getCompletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getCompletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModel
getCompletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getCompletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getCompletedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getCompletionOptions() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getCompletionQueueTime() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getComputerName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getComputerName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getConcurrencyCount() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentExecutionPolicy
getCondition() - Method in class
getCondition() - Method in class
getCondition() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getConditions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getConditions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getConditions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getConditions() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.InputFilter
getConditionType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Condition
getConditionType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseCondition
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.Pipeline
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyEvaluationRecord
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildCoverage
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PointAssignment
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getConfigurationIds() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getConfigurationNames() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PointsFilter
getConflictAuthorshipCommits() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestMergeOptions
getConnectedServiceId() - Method in class
getConnection() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getConnection() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
getConnectionData() - Method in class org.azd.locations.LocationsBaseRequestBuilder
getConnectionDataAsync() - Method in class org.azd.locations.LocationsBaseRequestBuilder
getConnectionTimeOut() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.RequestOption
Request timeout duration.
getConstraints() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.Contribution
getConstraints() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getConsumerActionId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooks
getConsumerActionId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getConsumerActionId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.SubscriptionsQuery
getConsumerId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooks
getConsumerId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getConsumerId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.SubscriptionsQuery
getConsumerInputFilters() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.SubscriptionsQuery
getConsumerInputs() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooks
getConsumerInputs() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getContainer() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.MembershipReferenceLinks
getContainer() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getContainerDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphMembership
getContainers() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RunResourcesParameters
getContent() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
getContent() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.ItemContent
getContent() - Method in class
getContent() - Method in class
getContent(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.RunAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test run attachment by its ID.
getContent(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.ResultAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test result attachment by its ID.
getContent(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.ResultAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test sub result attachment by its ID.
getContentAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.RunAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test run attachment by its ID.
getContentAsync(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.ResultAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test result attachment by its ID.
getContentAsync(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.attachments.ResultAttachmentRequestBuilder
Download a test sub result attachment by its ID.
getContentMetadata() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
getContentType() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.FileContentMetadata
getContentType() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.ItemContent
getContext() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatus
getContext() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyEvaluationRecord
getContinuationToken() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.ApiResponse
Retrieves the continuation token from response header.
getContinuationToken() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.serializer.SerializableCollectionEntity
Retrieves the continuation token from response header.
getContinuationToken() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.PagedGraphMemberList
getContinuationToken() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.SearchMemberEntitlement
getContinuationToken() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestHistoryQuery
getContinuationTokenValue() - Method in class
getContinueOnError() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getContributions() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getContributionTypes() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getController() - Method in class
getController() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getController() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getCoreApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getCoreApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Core Api
getCoreRevision() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Profile
getCount() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.PropertiesCollection
getCount() - Method in class
getCount() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ResourceAreas
getCount() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.PropertiesCollection
getCount() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.PropertiesCollection
getCount() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.PropertiesCollection
getCount() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunStatistic
getCount() - Method in class
getCount() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItemsResult
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getCreatedBy() - Method in class
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentInstance
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroup
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatus
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyConfiguration
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Folder
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseReference
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getCreatedDate() - Method in class
getCreatedDate() - Method in class
getCreatedDate() - Method in class
getCreatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitDeletedRepository
getCreatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRun
getCreatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyConfiguration
getCreatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getCreatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestAttachment
getCreatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getCreatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getCreatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getCreatedFor() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getCreatedInRevision() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemCommentVersionRef
getCreatedOn() - Method in class
getCreatedOn() - Method in class
getCreatedOn() - Method in class
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentInstance
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroup
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineLog
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Folder
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApprovalHistory
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseReference
getCreatedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getCreationDate() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getCreationDate() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatus
getCreationDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getCreationDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ReleaseReference
getCreator() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkRef
getCreator() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRef
getCsmContent() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.DtlEnvironmentDetails
getCsmParameters() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.DtlEnvironmentDetails
getCurrentOperation() - Method in class
getCurrentRelease() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getCurrentState() - Method in class
getCurrentState() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentUpdate
getCustomDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getCustomFields() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getCustomFields() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getCustomFields() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getCustomMessage() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdateResult
getCustomTestFields() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getData() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Issue
getData() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Issues
getData() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getDataProviders() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Organizations
getDataSourceBindings() - Method in class
getDataSourceBindings() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ProcessParameters
getDataSourceName() - Method in class
getDataSourceName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getDataspaceCategory() - Method in class
getDate() - Method in class
getDate() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.Committer
getDate() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPush
getDate() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPushRef
getDate() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitUserDate
getDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.FailingSince
getDateCompleted() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.LastResultDetails
getDateCreated() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlement
getDateCreated() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlement
getDay() - Method in class
getDaysOff() - Method in class
getDaysToKeep() - Method in class
getDaysToKeep() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentRetentionPolicy
getDaysToRelease() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseSchedule
getDefaultAccessLevel() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UsersSummary
getDefaultAccessMappingMoniker() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.LocationServiceData
getDefaultBranch() - Method in class
getDefaultBranch() - Method in class
getDefaultBranch() - Method in class
getDefaultBranch() - Method in class
getDefaultBranch() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getDefaultByteArraySize() - Static method in class org.azd.helpers.StreamHelper
Returns the default byte array size
getDefaultMaxRetry() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.handlers.RetryHandler
Get the default max retry value.
getDefaultPollingInterval() - Method in class
getDefaultRoute() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.FeatureProperties
getDefaultTeam() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Project
getDefaultTeamImageUrl - Variable in class org.azd.core.projects.ProjectsRequestBuilder.ListQueryParameters
Get the team's default image URL.
getDefaultTeamImageUrl() - Method in class
getDefaultTeamImageUrl() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectReference
getDefaultTeamImageUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectReference
getDefaultValue() - Method in class
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldInstance
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldWithReference
getDefaultValueRules() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getDefaultViewId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getDefinition() - Method in class
getDefinition() - Method in class
getDefinition() - Method in class
getDefinition() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getDefinitionEnvironmentId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getDefinitionEnvironmentId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentTrigger
getDefinitionEnvironmentId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getDefinitionEnvironmentId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseStartEnvironmentMetadata
getDefinitionId() - Method in class
getDefinitionId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.BuildVersion
getDefinitionId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionRevision
getDefinitionId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseStartMetadata
getDefinitionId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildReference
getDefinitionId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ReleaseReference
getDefinitionName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.BuildVersion
getDefinitionReference() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Artifact
getDefinitionReference() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseArtifacts
getDefinitionResourceReferences() - Method in class
getDefinitionSnapshotRevision() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getDefinitionTags(int) - Method in class
Gets the tags for a definition.
getDefinitionTags(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getDefinitionTags(int, int) - Method in class
Gets the tags for a definition.
getDefinitionTags(int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getDefinitionType() - Method in class
getDefinitionType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getDefinitionUrl() - Method in class
getDefinitionUrl() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionRevision
getDeleteBuildRecord() - Method in class
getDeleted() - Method in class
getDeletedBy() - Method in class
getDeletedBy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitDeletedRepository
getDeletedBy() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDelete
getDeletedBy() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteReference
getDeletedDate() - Method in class
getDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitDeletedRepository
getDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.MavenPackageVersionDeletionState
getDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.Package
getDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.upack.types.Package
getDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.upack.types.UPackPackageVersionDeletionState
getDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDelete
getDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteReference
getDeletedInOrigin() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.Author
getDeletedInOrigin() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getDeletedReason() - Method in class
getDeletedRepositories() - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve deleted git repositories.
getDeletedRepositories() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getDeletedWorkItemsFromRecycleBin() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getDeletedWorkItemsFromRecycleBin() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Gets a list of the IDs and the URLs of the deleted the work items in the Recycle Bin.
getDeletedWorkItemsFromRecycleBin(int[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getDeletedWorkItemsFromRecycleBin(int[]) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Gets the work items from the recycle bin, whose IDs have been specified in the parameters
getDeleteSourceBranch() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestCompletionOptions
getDeleteTestResults() - Method in class
getDemands() - Method in class
getDemands() - Method in class
getDemands() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getDemands() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getDemands() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getDeny() - Method in class
getDependentFields() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldInstance
getDependentFields() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldWithReference
getDeploymentGroup(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get a deployment group by its ID.
getDeploymentGroup(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getDeploymentGroup(int, DeploymentGroupExpands, DeploymentGroupActionFilter) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get a deployment group by its ID.
getDeploymentGroup(int, DeploymentGroupExpands, DeploymentGroupActionFilter) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getDeploymentGroups() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get a list of deployment groups by name or IDs.
getDeploymentGroups() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentGroups
getDeploymentGroups() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getDeploymentGroups(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get a list of deployment groups by name or IDs.
getDeploymentGroups(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getDeploymentGroups(int[]) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get a list of deployment groups by name or IDs.
getDeploymentGroups(int[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getDeploymentGroups(String) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get a list of deployment groups by name or IDs.
getDeploymentGroups(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getDeploymentGroups(DeploymentGroupExpands) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get a list of deployment groups by name or IDs.
getDeploymentGroups(DeploymentGroupExpands) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getDeploymentGroups(DeploymentGroupExpands, int, DeploymentGroupActionFilter, String, int[], String) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get a list of deployment groups by name or IDs.
getDeploymentGroups(DeploymentGroupExpands, int, DeploymentGroupActionFilter, String, int[], String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getDeploymentId() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.ConnectionData
getDeploymentId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getDeploymentInput() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeployPhase
getDeploymentJobs() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDeployPhase
getDeploymentJobs() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseGates
getDeployments() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployments
getDeploymentStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getDeploymentType() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.ConnectionData
getDeployPhases() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getDeployPhasesSnapshot() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getDeployStep() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getDeploySteps() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Process
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Project
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Team
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectReference
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.WebApiTeam
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentGroup
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentInstance
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroup
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupDefinition
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupProjectReference
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.Contribution
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionPropertyDescription
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionType
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatus
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectReference
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphGroup
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.SubjectLookup
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyType
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Folder
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseReference
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseStartMetadata
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroupProjectReference
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpointProjectReference
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getDescription() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemType
getDescriptor() - Method in class
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.Author
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntity
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphProviderInfo
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphSubjectLookupKey
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthenticatedUser
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthorizedUser
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getDescriptor() - Method in class
getDescriptor() - Method in class
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getDescriptor(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.GraphApi
Resolve a storage key to a descriptor
getDescriptor(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GraphDetails
getDetailedStatus() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkSyncRequest
getDetails() - Method in class
getDetectRenameFalsePositives() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestMergeOptions
getDirectoryAlias() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getDirectoryAlias() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getDirectoryAlias() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUser
getDirectoryAlias() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getDirectoryAlias() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getDisabled() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.LicenseSummaryData
getDisableRenames() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestMergeOptions
getDisplayLocation() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getDisplayLocation() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.UpstreamSourceInfo
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Profile
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.Author
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedPermission
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.Reviewers
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntity
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.Group
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyType
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyTypeRef
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResultHistoryForGroup
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getDistributedTaskApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getDistributedTaskApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of DistributedTask Api
getDomain() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntity
getDomain() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphProviderInfo
getDomain() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getDomain() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
getDomain() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getDoNotRun() - Method in class
getDownloadUrl() - Method in class
getDraftOf() - Method in class
getDrafts() - Method in class
getDropLocation() - Method in class
getDropLocation() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getDtlAutEnvironment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getDtlAutEnvironment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getDtlEnvironment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getDtlEnvironmentCreationDetails() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getDtlTestEnvironment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getDueDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getDueDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getDuration() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.LastResultDetails
getDuration() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunSummaryModel
getDurationInMs() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestActionResultModel
getDurationInMs() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getDurationInMs() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModel
getDurationInMs() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getEditor() - Method in class
getEditor() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getEffectiveAllow() - Method in class
getElementLength() - Method in class
getEmail() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.Committer
getEmail() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitUserDate
getEmailAddress() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Profile
getEnabled() - Method in class
getEnabled() - Method in class
getEnabled() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getEnabled() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentReference
getEnabled() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getEncoding() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.FileContentMetadata
getEnd() - Method in class
getEndDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getEndpoint() - Method in class
getEndpoint() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskSourceDefinitionBase
getEndpointId() - Method in class
getEndpointId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getEndpointId() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.RefreshAuthenticationParameters
getEndpointUrl() - Method in class
getEndpointUrl() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getEnforceIdentityRevalidation() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ApprovalOptions
getEntities() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntities
getEnvironment() - Method in class
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResultGroupBy
getEnvironment(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get an environment by its ID.
getEnvironment(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getEnvironment(int, EnvironmentExpands) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get an environment by its ID.
getEnvironment(int, EnvironmentExpands) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getEnvironmentCreationDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ReleaseReference
getEnvironmentDefinitionId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ReleaseReference
getEnvironmentDefinitionName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ReleaseReference
getEnvironmentDetails() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ReleaseReference
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestEnvironment
getEnvironmentInstances() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentInstances
getEnvironmentName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ReleaseReference
getEnvironmentName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestEnvironment
getEnvironmentOptions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getEnvironmentOptions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getEnvironments() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get all environments.
getEnvironments() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getEnvironments() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getEnvironments() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getEnvironments(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get all environments.
getEnvironments(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getEnvironments(int, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get all environments.
getEnvironments(int, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getEnvironments(String) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get all environments.
getEnvironments(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getEnvironmentsMetadata() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseStartMetadata
getEnvironmentTriggers() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getErrorCode() - Method in class org.azd.exceptions.ApiException
getErrorCount() - Method in class
getErrorLog() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDeployPhase
getErrorMessage() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getErrorMessage() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestActionResultModel
getErrorMessage() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getErrorMessage() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModel
getErrorMessage() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getErrorMessage() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getErrors() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupOperationResult
getErrors() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementOperationResult
getErrors() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementOperationResult
geteTag() - Method in class
geteTag() - Method in class
geteTag() - Method in class
geteTag() - Method in class
geteTag() - Method in class
getETag() - Static method in class
Helper method to inject the header value in json response.
getEvaluationId() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyEvaluationRecord
getEventCallbacks() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getEventDescription() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getEventId() - Method in class org.azd.exceptions.ApiException
getEventType() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooks
getEventType() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getEventType() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.SubscriptionsQuery
getExecutionOrder() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ApprovalOptions
getExecutionPolicy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getExpiresIn() - Method in class org.azd.oauth.types.AuthorizedToken
getExponent() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentPublicKey
getExpression() - Method in class
getExpression() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputValidation
getExtendedInfo() - Method in class
getExtension() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.FileContentMetadata
getExtension(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.ExtensionManagementApi
Get an installed extension by its publisher and extension id.
getExtension(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ExtensionManagementDetails
getExtension(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.ExtensionManagementApi
Get an installed extension by its publisher and extension id.
getExtension(String, String, String[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ExtensionManagementDetails
getExtensionId() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getExtensionManagementApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getExtensionManagementApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Extension management Api
getExtensionName() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getExtensions() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.ExtensionManagementApi
List the installed extensions
getExtensions() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ExtensionManagementDetails
getExtensionType() - Method in class
getExternalId() - Method in class
getFailingSince() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getFailureType() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getFailureType() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getFallbackBaseUri() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getFeatureId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.ProjectFeature
getFeatureId() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.FeatureManagement
getFeatureId() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeatureState
getFeatureIds() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeatureStateQuery
getFeatureProperties() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getFeatures() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeatures
getFeatureState(String, FeatureManagement) - Method in class org.azd.core.CoreApi
Call un-published API feature to fetch project service feature state.
getFeatureState(String, FeatureManagement) - Method in class org.azd.helpers.featuremanagement.FeatureManagementHelpersRequestBuilder
Call un-published API feature to fetch project service feature state.
getFeatureState(String, FeatureManagement) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.CoreDetails
getFeatureStateChangedListeners() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getFeatureStates() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeatureStateQuery
getFeatureValue() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.ContributedFeatureEnabledValue
getFeed() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getFeed(String) - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.FeedManagementApi
Get the settings for a specific feed.
getFeed(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.FeedManagementDetails
getFeed(String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.FeedManagementApi
Get the settings for a specific feed.
getFeed(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.FeedManagementDetails
getFeedManagementApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getFeedManagementApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of FeedManagement Api
getFeedPermission() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedPermissions
getFeedPermissions(String) - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.FeedManagementApi
Get the permissions for a feed.
getFeedPermissions(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.FeedManagementDetails
getFeedPermissions(String, boolean, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.FeedManagementApi
Get the permissions for a feed.
getFeedPermissions(String, boolean, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.FeedManagementDetails
getFeeds() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.FeedManagementApi
Get all feeds in an account where you have the provided role access.
getFeeds() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feeds
getFeeds() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.FeedManagementDetails
getFeeds(FeedRole, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.FeedManagementApi
Get all feeds in an account where you have the provided role access.
getFeeds(FeedRole, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.FeedManagementDetails
getFeedView() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedViews
getFeedView(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.FeedManagementApi
Get a view by Id.
getFeedView(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.FeedManagementDetails
getFeedViews(String) - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.FeedManagementApi
Get all views for a feed.
getFeedViews(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.FeedManagementDetails
getField() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryClause
getField() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQuerySortColumn
getFieldInstances() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemType
getFieldName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.CustomTestField
getFields() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getFields() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItem
getFields() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemRecycleBinReference
getFields() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemType
GetFieldsExpand - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
Use ExtensionFields to include extension fields, otherwise exclude them.
getFieldValue() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryClause
getFile(int, String, Consumer<ArtifactsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets a file from the build.
getFileAsync(int, String, Consumer<ArtifactsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets a file from the build.
getFileContents(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Gets the contents of a file in the given source code repository.
getFileContents(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getFileContents(String, Consumer<SourceProvidersRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets the contents of a file in the given source code repository.
getFileContentsAsync(String, Consumer<SourceProvidersRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets the contents of a file in the given source code repository.
getFileName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.FileContentMetadata
getFileName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestAttachment
getFiles() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getFileUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ModuleCoverage
getFilter() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getFilter() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getFilterOptions() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getFinalYaml() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRun
getFinalYaml() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PreviewRun
getFinishDate() - Method in class
getFinishedDate() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRun
getFinishTime() - Method in class
getFinishTime() - Method in class
getFinishTime() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getFinishTime() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getFlags() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getFlags() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtensionState
getFlaky() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ResultMetadata
getFlavor() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getFolder() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.Pipeline
getFolder() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineReference
getFolders() - Method in class
Gets a list of build definition folders.
getFolders() - Method in class
getFolders() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getFolders() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Folders
getFolders(String, FolderQueryOrder) - Method in class
Gets a list of build definition folders.
getFolders(String, FolderQueryOrder) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getForks(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve all forks of a repository in the collection.
getForks(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getForkSource() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getForkSyncRequest() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkSyncRequests
getForkSyncRequest(String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get a specific fork sync operation's details.
getForkSyncRequest(String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.helpers.git.GitHelpersRequestBuilder
Get a specific fork sync operation's details.
getForkSyncRequest(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getForkSyncRequests(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository.
getForkSyncRequests(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.helpers.git.GitHelpersRequestBuilder
Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository.
getForkSyncRequests(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getFormat() - Method in enum class
getFrom() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.JsonPatchDocument
getFromCommits(int, List<String>, int) - Method in class
Gets the work items associated with a build, filtered to specific commits.
getFromCommitsAsync(int, List<String>, int) - Method in class
Gets the work items associated with a build, filtered to specific commits.
getFullName() - Method in class
getFullName() - Method in class
getFullName() - Method in class
getFullyQualifiedId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getFullyQualifiedName() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getFunctions() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ModuleCoverage
getGates() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep
getGatesOptions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep
getGenre() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatusContext
getGitApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getGitApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Git Api
getGitCommitRefs() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRefs
getGitDeletedRepositories() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitDeletedRepositories
getGitItemPath() - Method in class
getGitObjectType() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
getGitRefUpdateResults() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdateResults
getGitRefUpdateStatus() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdateResult
getGraphApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getGraphApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of GraphApi
getGraphGroups() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphGroups
getGraphMemberships() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphMemberships
getGroup() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionConstraint
getGroup() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlement
getGroup() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupOptions
getGroup() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ProjectEntitlement
getGroup(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.GraphApi
Get a group by its descriptor.
getGroup(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GraphDetails
getGroupAssignments() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlement
getGroupAssignments() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlement
getGroupBy() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestHistoryQuery
getGroupByValue() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResultHistoryForGroup
getGroupEntitlement(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.MemberEntitlementManagementDetails
getGroupEntitlement(String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.MemberEntitlementManagementApi
Get a group entitlement.
getGroupEntitlements() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.MemberEntitlementManagementDetails
getGroupEntitlements() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.MemberEntitlementManagementApi
Get the group entitlements for an account.
getGroupEntitlements() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlements
getGroupId() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.MavenPackageVersionDeletionState
getGroupId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupOperationResult
getGroupMembersOf(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.GraphApi
get subjects (users, groups) that are a member of the specified group
getGroupMembersOf(String) - Method in class org.azd.helpers.graph.GraphHelpersRequestBuilder
get subjects (users, groups) that are a member of the specified group
getGroupMembersOf(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GraphDetails
getGroupName() - Method in class
getGroupName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getGroupOptions() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UsersSummary
getGroups() - Method in class org.azd.graph.GraphApi
Gets a list of all groups in the current scope (usually organization or account).
getGroups() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GraphDetails
getGroupType() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.Group
getHasChildren() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getHasChildren() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemClassificationNode
getHasDeclined() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getHasMultipleMergeBases() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getHasStarted() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getHaveResultsSucceeded() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlementOperationReference
getHaveResultsSucceeded() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementOperationReference
getHaveResultsSucceeded() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementOperationReference
getHeaders() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.RequestHeaders
Get the headers.
getHeaders() - Method in class
getHeaders() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getHelpMarkDown() - Method in class
getHelpMarkDown() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getHelpText() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldInstance
getHelpText() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldWithReference
getHideDeletedPackageVersions() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getHistory() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getHistory(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.definitions.DefinitionsRevisionRequestBuilder
Get revision history for a release definition
getHistoryAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.definitions.DefinitionsRevisionRequestBuilder
Get revision history for a release definition
getHostId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getHref() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.Reference
getHtml() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getIcon() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemType
getId() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Organization
getId() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Profile
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.Author
getId() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.LocationUrl
Get the id of the resource area.
getId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.OperationReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Process
getId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Project
getId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Team
getId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectCollectionReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.WebApiTeam
getId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentGroup
getId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentMachine
getId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentInstance
getId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentResourceReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentPoolReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskOrchestrationOwner
getId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroup
getId() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.ResourceArea
getId() - Method in class org.azd.exceptions.ApiException
getId() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.Contribution
getId() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionConstraint
getId() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionType
getId() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.LicensingOverride
getId() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedView
getId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.ProjectReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitDeletedRepository
getId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryRef
getId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatus
getId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.ResourceRef
getId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.Reviewers
getId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectCollectionReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.WebApiTagDefinition
getId() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthenticatedUser
getId() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthorizedUser
getId() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.Package
getId() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.UpstreamSourceInfo
getId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlement
getId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlementOperationReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ProjectRef
getId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlement
getId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementOperationReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.TeamRef
getId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlement
getId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementOperationReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.Pipeline
getId() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineLog
getId() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRun
getId() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyConfiguration
getId() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyType
getId() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyTypeRef
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ArtifactSourceReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.BuildVersion
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ProjectReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionApprovalStep
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionDeployStep
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironmentShallowReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseGates
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseShallowReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTaskReference
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ReleaseReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ShallowReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.SharedStepModel
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestAttachment
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestAttachmentReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResultAttachmentModel
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModel
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResolutionState
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.WorkItemReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.upack.types.Package
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AttachmentReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItem
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemAttributes
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemClassificationNode
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDelete
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteShallowReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemIcon
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemRecycleBinReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemReference
getId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTagDefinition
getIdentifier() - Method in class
getIdentifier() - Method in class
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.IdentityDescriptor
getIdentifier() - Method in class
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemClassificationNode
getIdentities() - Method in class
getIdentities(String[], String[], String[], String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.SecurityDetails
getIdentities(String[], String[], String[], String, String, String) - Method in class
Resolve legacy identity information for use with older APIs such as the Security APIs
getIdentitiesFromSubjectDescriptors(String...) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.SecurityDetails
getIdentitiesFromSubjectDescriptors(String...) - Method in class
see SecurityApi.getIdentities(String[], String[], String[], String, String, String) shortcut to provide var args list of subjectDescriptors only
getIdentity() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamMember
getIdentity() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.WebApiTeam
getIdentityDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedPermission
getIdentityId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedPermission
getIdentityId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2
getIdentityType() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.IdentityDescriptor
getIdentityType() - Method in class
getIdentityUrl() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Team
getIdentityUrl() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.WebApiTeam
getIgnoredGates() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseGates
getImageUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitUserDate
getImageUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getImageUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getInactive() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getInactive() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getIncludedQuantity() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.LicenseSummaryData
getIncludes() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.Contribution
getIncompleteTests() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getInheritedAllow() - Method in class
getInitialContextTemplate() - Method in class
getInitialContextTemplate() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getInnerException() - Method in class org.azd.exceptions.ApiException
getInputId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.InputFilterCondition
getInputs() - Method in class
getInputs() - Method in class
getInputs() - Method in class
getInputs() - Method in class
getInputs() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ProcessParameters
getInputs() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getInputValue() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.InputFilterCondition
getInstallationIssues() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtensionState
getInstalledExtensions() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtensions
getInstallState() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getInstance() - Static method in class org.azd.abstractions.ClientConfiguration
Get the instance to configure.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.azd.abstractions.RequestOption
Get a new instance.
getInstance() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.Instance
getInstance(AccessTokenCredential) - Static method in class org.azd.abstractions.internals.LocationService
Get the instance of location service.
getInstance(AccessTokenCredential) - Static method in class org.azd.abstractions.internals.LookUpService
Get the instance of lookup service.
getInstanceId() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.ConnectionData
getInstanceReference() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ArtifactMetadata
getInstructions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getInternal() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.PackagingSourceType
getInternalUpstreamCollectionId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getInternalUpstreamFeedId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getInternalUpstreamProjectId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getInternalUpstreamViewId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getIntValue() - Method in class
getIsAadIdentity() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getIsActive() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getIsAutomated() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getIsAutomated() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionApprovalStep
getIsAutomated() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getIsBinary() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.FileContentMetadata
getIsContainer() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getIsContainer() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getIsDeleted() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getIsDeleted() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getIsDeleted() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getIsDeletedInOrigin() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getIsDeletedInOrigin() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getIsDeletedInOrigin() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getIsDisabled() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getIsDraft() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getIsDraft() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseStartMetadata
getIsEnabled() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionGatesOptions
getIsFieldValue() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryClause
getIsFlagged() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getIsFolder() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
getIsFolder() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getIsFork() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getIsFork() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryRef
getIsHosted() - Method in class
getIsHosted() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentPoolReference
getIsIdentity() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getIsImage() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.FileContentMetadata
getIsInheritedRole() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedPermission
getIsInvalidSyntax() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getIsLegacy() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentPoolReference
getIsLocked() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkRef
getIsLocked() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRef
getIsLockedBy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkRef
getIsLockedBy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRef
getIsMultiDefinitionType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.BuildVersion
getIsNonConformant() - Method in class
getIsNotificationOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionApprovalStep
getIsParentPage() - Method in class
getIsPicklist() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getIsPicklistSuggested() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getIsPrimary() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Artifact
getIsPublic() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getIsQueryable() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getIsReadOnly() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getIsReadOnly() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableValue
getIsRequired() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getIsRetained() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Artifact
getIsRetained() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseArtifacts
getIsSecret() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.Variable
getIsSecret() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ConfigurationVariableValue
getIsSecret() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableValue
getIsShared() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getIsSuccess() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupOperationResult
getIsSuccess() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementOperationResult
getIsSuccess() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementsPatchResponse
getIsSuccess() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementsPostResponse
getIssues() - Method in class
getIssues() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getIssues() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getIssueType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Issue
getIssueType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Issues
getIsSymLink() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
getIsTeamAdmin() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamMember
getItem() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.PropertiesCollection
getItem() - Method in class
getItem() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.PropertiesCollection
getItem() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.PropertiesCollection
getItem() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitChange
getItem() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.PropertiesCollection
getItems() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItems
getItems(String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a collection of items.
getItems(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getItems(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, VersionControlRecursionType, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a collection of items.
getItems(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, VersionControlRecursionType, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getItems(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, VersionControlRecursionType, String, String, GitVersionOptions, GitVersionType) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a collection of items.
getItems(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, VersionControlRecursionType, String, String, GitVersionOptions, GitVersionType) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getItems(String, VersionControlRecursionType) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a collection of items.
getItems(String, VersionControlRecursionType) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getIteration() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getIteration() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getIterationDetails() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getIterationId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.SourcePullRequestVersion
getIterationId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestActionResultModel
getIterationId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResultAttachmentModel
getIterationId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResultParameterModel
getIterations() - Method in class
getJob() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentJob
getJobAuthorizationScope() - Method in class
getJobAuthorizationScope() - Method in class
getJobCancelTimeoutInMinutes() - Method in class
getJobId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getJobId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseSchedule
getJobName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getJobName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.JobReference
getJobReference() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PipelineReference
getJobTimeoutInMinutes() - Method in class
getKeepForever() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getKeepForever() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseUpdateMetadata
getKeys() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.PropertiesCollection
getKeys() - Method in class
getKeys() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.PropertiesCollection
getKeys() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.PropertiesCollection
getKeys() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.PropertiesCollection
getKeySelector() - Method in class
getKeySelector() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskSourceDefinitionBase
getLabel() - Method in class
getLabel() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getLabels() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getLanguage() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionFile
getLanguage() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getLastAccessedDate() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlement
getLastAccessedDate() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlement
getLastChangedBy() - Method in class
getLastChangedBy() - Method in class
getLastChangedBy() - Method in class
getLastChangedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Folder
getLastChangedDate() - Method in class
getLastChangedDate() - Method in class
getLastChangedDate() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Folder
getLastChangedOn() - Method in class
getLastChangedOn() - Method in class
getLastChangedOn() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineLog
getLastChangeId() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.LocationServiceData
getLastChangeId64() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.LocationServiceData
getLastCompletedRequest() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getLastError() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildCoverage
getLastError() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRunCoverage
getLastExecuted() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlement
getLastExecutedBy() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getLastExecutedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getLastMergeCommit() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getLastMergeSourceCommit() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getLastMergeTargetCommit() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getLastModified() - Method in class
getLastModifiedBy() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentInstance
getLastModifiedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getLastModifiedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getLastModifiedBy() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getLastModifiedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getLastModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentInstance
getLastModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getLastModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getLastModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.IgnoredGate
getLastModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.IgnoredGates
getLastModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseGates
getLastPublished() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getLastRefreshedOn() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupProviderData
getLastRelease() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getLastResetToActive() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getLastResolutionStateId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getLastResult() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getLastResultDetails() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getLastResultState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getLastRunBuildInteger() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getLastTestRun() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getLastUpdated() - Method in class
getLastUpdated() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtensionState
getLastUpdated() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTagDefinition
getLastUpdatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getLastUpdatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getLastUpdatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getLastUpdatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getLastUpdatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getLastUpdatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getLastUpdatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getLastUpdatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getLastUpdatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getLastUpdatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getLastUpdatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getLastUpdateTime() - Method in class
getLastUpdateTime() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Project
getLastUpdateTime() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectReference
getLastUpdateTime() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectReference
getLatestBuild() - Method in class
getLatestCompletedBuild() - Method in class
getLatestProcessedChange() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
getLeaseId() - Method in class
getLegacyDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphGroup
getLegacyDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getLegacyDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUser
getLegacyDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
getLegacyDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getLicenseDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.AccessLevel
getLicenseName() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.LicenseSummaryData
getLicenseRule() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlement
getLicenses() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UsersSummary
getLicensing() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getLicensingSource() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.AccessLevel
getLineCount() - Method in class
getLineCount() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineLog
getLineCount() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getLinesCovered() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.CoverageStatistics
getLinesNotCovered() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.CoverageStatistics
getLinesPartiallyCovered() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.CoverageStatistics
getLinkClauses() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getLinks() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getLinks() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkSyncRequest
getLinks() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphMembershipState
getLinks() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.ReferenceLinks
getLinks() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ReferenceLinks
getLinks() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.Pipeline
getLinks() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getLinks() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ReferenceLinks
getLinks() - Method in class org.azd.upack.types.ReferenceLinks
getLocation() - Method in class
getLocation() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getLocation() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.UpstreamSourceInfo
getLocation(String, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.internals.LocationService
Get the location details for given url, area and location id.
getLocationServiceData() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.ConnectionData
getLocationUrl() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.LocationUrl
Get the location url of the resource area.
getLockedUntil() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getLog() - Method in class
GetLogExpandOptions - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
Expand options.
getLogicalOperator() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryClause
getLogs() - Method in class
getLogs() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.LogCollection
getLogsContainerUrl() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getLogUrl() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getLookupKeys() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphSubjectLookup
getMachineCount() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentGroup
getMachines() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentGroup
getMachineTags() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentGroup
getMailAddress() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntity
getMailAddress() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getMailAddress() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
getMailAddress() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getManageUrl() - Method in class
getManifestVersion() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getManualEnvironments() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseStartMetadata
getManualEnvironments() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseUpdateMetadata
getManualIntervention(int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getManualIntervention(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get manual intervention for a given release and manual intervention id.
getManualInterventions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualInterventions
getManualInterventions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDeployPhase
getManualInterventions(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getManualInterventions(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
List all manual interventions for a given release.
getMappedPath() - Method in class
getMappedPath() - Method in class
getMasterId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getMatchedAgents() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getMatchesAllAgentsInPool() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getMavenApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getMavenApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Maven Api
getMaxCompleteDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestHistoryQuery
getMaxConcurrentBuildsPerBranch() - Method in class
getMaxParallelism() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getMember() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.MembershipReferenceLinks
getMember() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlement
getMemberDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphMembership
getMemberEntitlementManagementApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getMemberEntitlementManagementApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Member Entitlement management Api
getMemberIds() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getMemberIds() - Method in class
getMemberOf() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getMemberOf() - Method in class
getMemberOfGroups(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.GraphApi
get groups that the specified subject (user, group) belongs to
getMemberOfGroups(String) - Method in class org.azd.helpers.graph.GraphHelpersRequestBuilder
get groups that the specified subject (user, group) belongs to
getMemberOfGroups(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GraphDetails
getMembers() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getMembers() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlement
getMembers() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.PagedGraphMemberList
getMembers() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.SearchMemberEntitlement
getMembers() - Method in class
getMembers(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.MemberEntitlementManagementDetails
getMembers(String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.MemberEntitlementManagementApi
Get direct members of a Group.
getMembers(String, int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.MemberEntitlementManagementDetails
getMembers(String, int, String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.MemberEntitlementManagementApi
Get direct members of a Group.
getMemberships() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphReferenceLinks
getMembershipState() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphReferenceLinks
getMergeCommitMessage() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestCompletionOptions
getMergeFailureMessage() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getMergeFailureType() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getMergeId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getMergeOptions() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getMergeStatus() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getMergeStrategy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestCompletionOptions
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.HttpStatusCode
getMessage() - Method in class org.azd.exceptions.ApiException
getMessage() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtensionStateIssue
getMessage() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitAnnotatedTag
getMessage() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Issue
getMessage() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Issues
getMessage() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputValidation
getMessage() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteReference
getMetaType() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getMetaType() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUser
getMetaType() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getMetaTypeId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getMetaTypeId() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthenticatedUser
getMetaTypeId() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthorizedUser
getMetaTypeId() - Method in class
getMetrics() - Method in class
getMinimumSuccessDuration() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionGatesOptions
getMinimumToKeep() - Method in class
getModifiedBy() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroup
getModifiedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getModifiedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getModifiedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseReference
getModifiedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getModifiedBy() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getModifiedDate() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroup
getModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApprovalHistory
getModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getModifiedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getModules() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildCoverage
getModules() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRunCoverage
getModulus() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentPublicKey
getMsdnLicenseType() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.AccessLevel
getMsdnLicenseType() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.LicenseSummaryData
getMyWorkRecentActivity() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getMyWorkRecentActivity() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
getName() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Organization
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.LocationUrl
Get the name of the resource area.
getName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Process
getName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Project
getName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.ProjectProperty
getName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Team
getName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectCollectionReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.WebApiTeam
getName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.Demand
getName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentGroup
getName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentInstance
getName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentResourceReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentPoolReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskOrchestrationOwner
getName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroup
getName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupDefinition
getName() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupProjectReference
getName() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.CustomHeader
getName() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.ResourceArea
getName() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.ResourceName
getName() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionConstraint
getName() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionPropertyDescription
getName() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionType
getName() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getName() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeatureHandlerSettings
getName() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getName() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedView
getName() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.ProjectReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.Committer
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitAnnotatedTag
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitDeletedRepository
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkRef
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRef
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdate
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdateResult
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryCreateOptions
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryRef
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatusContext
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitTemplate
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitUserDate
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectCollectionReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.WebApiCreateTagRequestData
getName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.WebApiTagDefinition
getName() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.Package
getName() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.UpstreamSourceInfo
getName() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ProjectRef
getName() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.TeamRef
getName() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.Pipeline
getName() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRun
getName() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelinesArtifact
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ArtifactSourceReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.AuthorizationHeader
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.BuildVersion
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Condition
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Demand
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeployPhase
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.IgnoredGate
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.IgnoredGates
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ProjectReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseCondition
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDeployPhase
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironmentShallowReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseShallowReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseUpdateMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroupProjectReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTaskReference
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getName() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpointProjectReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.FunctionCoverage
getName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ModuleCoverage
getName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ReleaseReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ShallowReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResultAttachmentModel
getName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResolutionState
getName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestTag
getName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.WorkItemReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.upack.types.Package
getName() - Method in class org.azd.upack.types.UPackPackageVersionDeletionState
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemAttributes
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemClassificationNode
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDelete
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFieldOperation
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFieldReference
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemStateColor
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTagDefinition
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemType
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldInstance
getName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldWithReference
getNamespace() - Method in enum class
getNamespace(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.SecurityDetails
getNamespace(String) - Method in class
return a namespace with the specific identifier
getNameSpace() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.FunctionCoverage
getNamespaceId() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getNamespaceId() - Method in class
getNamespaceId() - Method in class
getNamespaces() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.SecurityDetails
getNamespaces() - Method in class
return all security namespaces, remote and local
getNamespaces(boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.SecurityDetails
getNamespaces(boolean) - Method in class
return all security namespaces, remote and local
getNewCollectionId() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getNewContent() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitChange
getNewContentTemplate() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitChange
getNewObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdate
getNewObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdateResult
getNewOrder() - Method in class
getNewOrder() - Method in class
getNewPath() - Method in class
getNewPath() - Method in class
getNextBillingDate() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.LicenseSummaryData
getNextPageLink() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.serializer.SerializableCollectionEntity
getNextScheduledUtcTime() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getNodeId() - Method in class
getNone() - Method in class
getNotApplicableTests() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getNotificationType() - Method in class
getNumber() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getNumber() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildReference
getO() - Method in class org.azd.legacy.MockParameters
getOAuth() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getOAuth() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of OAuth Api
getObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitAnnotatedTag
getObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitBlobRef
getObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkRef
getObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
getObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitObject
getObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRef
getObjectType() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitObject
getOffline() - Method in class
getOldObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdate
getOldObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdateResult
getOperation() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.JsonPatchDocument
getOperationId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkSyncRequest
getOperationResult() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementsPatchResponse
getOperationResult() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementsPostResponse
getOperationResult() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementsResponse
getOperationStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getOperationStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getOperationStatus() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getOperator() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.InputFilterCondition
getOperator() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryClause
getOptions() - Method in class
getOptions() - Method in class
getOptions() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentPoolReference
getOptions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getOrchestrationId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getOrchestrationPlan() - Method in class
getOrchestrationType() - Method in class
getOrder() - Method in class
getOrder() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getOrder() - Method in class
getOrderBy() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPointsQuery
getOrganization() - Method in class org.azd.connection.Connection
Get the default organization name
getOrganization() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.Placeholders
getOrganization() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getOrganization() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
getOrganizationName() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getOrganizations() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.AccountsApi
Get the list of organizations that you have access to.
getOrganizations() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.OrganizationsProvider
getOrganizations() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AccountsDetails
getOrganizationsProvider() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.DataProvider
getOrganizationUrl() - Method in interface org.azd.authentication.AccessTokenCredential
getOrganizationUrl() - Method in class org.azd.authentication.OAuthAccessTokenCredential
Gets the organization or tfs collection name.
getOrganizationUrl() - Method in class org.azd.authentication.PersonalAccessTokenCredential
Gets the organization or tfs collection name.
getOrganizationUrl() - Method in interface org.azd.serviceclient.AzDServiceClient
Organization url.
getOrganizationUrl() - Method in class org.azd.serviceclient.BaseServiceClient
Organization url.
getOrgName() - Method in class
getOrigin() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntity
getOrigin() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphProviderInfo
getOrigin() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getOrigin() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
getOrigin() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getOriginalObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
getOriginalPath() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitChange
getOriginId() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntity
getOriginId() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphProviderInfo
getOriginId() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getOriginId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
getOriginId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getOsDescription() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getOsDescription() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentReference
getOtherFields() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getOutcome() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunStatistic
getOutcome() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestActionResultModel
getOutcome() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getOutcome() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModel
getOutcome() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getOutcome() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getOverrideInputs() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getOverrideRules() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getOverrides() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionLicensing
getOwner() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getOwner() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getOwner() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getOwner() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getOwner() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getOwner() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getOwner() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getOwner() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getOwnerAvatarUrl() - Method in class
getOwnerId() - Method in class
getOwnerId() - Method in class
getP() - Method in class org.azd.legacy.MockParameters
getPackages() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getPackages() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RunResourcesParameters
getPackageVersion(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.UpackDetails
getPackageVersion(String, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.upack.UPackApi
Show information about a package version.
getPackageVersion(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.UpackDetails
getPackageVersion(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.upack.UPackApi
Show information about a package version.
getPackageVersion(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.MavenDetails
getPackageVersion(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.maven.MavenApi
Get information about a package version.
getPackageVersion(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.MavenDetails
getPackageVersion(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.maven.MavenApi
Get information about a package version.
getPackageVersionFromRecycleBin(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.UpackDetails
getPackageVersionFromRecycleBin(String, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.upack.UPackApi
Get information about a package version in the recycle bin.
getPackageVersionFromRecycleBin(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.MavenDetails
getPackageVersionFromRecycleBin(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.maven.MavenApi
Get information about a package version in the recycle bin.
getPage() - Method in class
getPageLength() - Method in class
getPageStats(String, int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WikiDetails
getPageStats(String, int, int) - Method in class
Returns page detail corresponding to Page ID.
getParameterName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResultParameterModel
getParameters() - Method in class
getParameters() - Method in class
getParameters() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getParameters() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.EndpointAuthorization
getParameters() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModel
getParentId() - Method in class
getParentId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getParentRepository() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getParentRepository() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryCreateOptions
getParents() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getParents() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getPassedTests() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getPasswordAuthentication() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.proxy.DefaultProxyAuthenticator
Get the password authentication.
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.JsonPatchDocument
getPath() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
getPath() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Folder
getPath() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getPath() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getPath() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemClassificationNode
getPathContents(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Gets the contents of a directory in the given source code repository.
getPathContents(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getPathContents(String, Consumer<SourceProvidersRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets the contents of a directory in the given source code repository.
getPathContentsAsync(String, Consumer<SourceProvidersRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class
Gets the contents of a directory in the given source code repository.
getPeeledObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkRef
getPeeledObjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRef
getPendingUpdate() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getPercentComplete() - Method in class
getPercentComplete() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getPermanentDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getPermanentlyDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.Package
getPermanentlyDeletedDate() - Method in class org.azd.upack.types.Package
getPermission(int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.agents.AgentsRequestBuilder
Get Permissions on Pool.
getPermissionAsync(int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.agents.AgentsRequestBuilder
Get Permissions on Pool.
getPermissions() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getPermissions() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getPersonalAccessToken() - Method in class org.azd.connection.Connection
Get the personal access token
getPhase() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getPhaseId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDeployPhase
getPhaseName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PhaseReference
getPhaseReference() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PipelineReference
getPhases() - Method in class
getPhases() - Method in class
getPhaseType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeployPhase
getPhaseType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDeployPhase
getPicklistId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getPipeline() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRun
getPipeline(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PipelinesDetails
getPipeline(int) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.PipelinesApi
Gets a pipeline, optionally at the specified version
getPipeline(int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PipelinesDetails
getPipeline(int, String) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.PipelinesApi
Gets a pipeline, optionally at the specified version
getPipelineId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PipelineReference
getPipelineLog(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PipelinesDetails
getPipelineLog(int, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.PipelinesApi
Get a specific log from a pipeline run
getPipelineLog(int, int, int, PipelinesExpandOptions) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PipelinesDetails
getPipelineLog(int, int, int, PipelinesExpandOptions) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.PipelinesApi
Get a specific log from a pipeline run
getPipelineLogs(int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PipelinesDetails
getPipelineLogs(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.PipelinesApi
Get a list of logs from a pipeline run.
getPipelineLogs(int, int, PipelinesExpandOptions) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PipelinesDetails
getPipelineLogs(int, int, PipelinesExpandOptions) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.PipelinesApi
Get a list of logs from a pipeline run.
getPipelineReference() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getPipelineReference() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getPipelineRun(int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PipelinesDetails
getPipelineRun(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.PipelinesApi
Gets a run for a particular pipeline.
getPipelineRuns() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRuns
getPipelineRuns(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PipelinesDetails
getPipelineRuns(int) - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.PipelinesApi
Gets top 10000 runs for a particular pipeline.
getPipelines() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PipelinesDetails
getPipelines() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.PipelinesApi
Get a list of pipelines.
getPipelines() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.Pipelines
getPipelines() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RunResourcesParameters
getPipelinesApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getPipelinesApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Pipelines Api
getPlan() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getPlan() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getPlanGroup() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getPlanId() - Method in class
getPlanId() - Method in class
getPlanId() - Method in class
getPlanId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getPlans() - Method in class
getPlanType() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getPlatform() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getPluginId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlementOperationReference
getPluginId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementOperationReference
getPluginId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementOperationReference
getPointAssignments() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.SuiteTestCase
getPointIds() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getPoints() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPointsQuery
getPointsFilter() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPointsQuery
getPolicyApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getPolicyApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Policy Api
getPolicyConfiguration(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PolicyDetails
getPolicyConfiguration(int) - Method in class org.azd.policy.PolicyApi
Get a policy configuration by its ID.
getPolicyConfigurations() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PolicyDetails
getPolicyConfigurations() - Method in class org.azd.policy.PolicyApi
Get a list of policy configurations in a project.
getPolicyConfigurations() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyConfigurations
getPolicyConfigurations(int, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PolicyDetails
getPolicyConfigurations(int, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.policy.PolicyApi
Get a list of policy configurations in a project.
getPolicyType(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PolicyDetails
getPolicyType(String) - Method in class org.azd.policy.PolicyApi
Retrieve a specific policy type by ID.
getPolicyTypes() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.PolicyDetails
getPolicyTypes() - Method in class org.azd.policy.PolicyApi
Retrieve all available policy types.
getPolicyTypes() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyTypes
getPollingInterval() - Method in class
getPool() - Method in class
getPool() - Method in class
getPool() - Method in class
getPool() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentGroup
getPool() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentCloudRequest
getPoolId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getPoolName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getPoolType() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentPoolReference
getPostApprovalsSnapshot() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getPostDeployApprovals() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getPostDeployApprovals() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getPostDeployApprovals() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getPostDeploymentGates() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getPostDeploymentGates() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getPostDeploymentGatesSnapshot() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getPostDisable() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionEventCallbackCollection
getPostEnable() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionEventCallbackCollection
getPostInstall() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionEventCallbackCollection
getPostProcessState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getPostUninstall() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionEventCallbackCollection
getPostUpdate() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionEventCallbackCollection
getPreApprovalsSnapshot() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getPreDeployApprovals() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getPreDeployApprovals() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getPreDeployApprovals() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getPreDeploymentGates() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getPreDeploymentGates() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getPreDeploymentGatesSnapshot() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getPreInstall() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionEventCallbackCollection
getPreviewRun() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RunPipelineParameters
getPreviousAttempts() - Method in class
getPrincipalName() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntity
getPrincipalName() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getPrincipalName() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
getPrincipalName() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getPriority() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getPriority() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getPriority() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getProbationRetries() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getProcess() - Method in class
getProcesses() - Method in class org.azd.core.CoreApi
Get a list of processes.
getProcesses() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Processes
getProcesses() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.CoreDetails
getProcessId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.ProcessMigrationResultModel
getProcessParameters() - Method in class
getProcessParameters() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getProcessParameters() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getProcessTemplate() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Capabilities
getProfile() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.AccountsApi
Gets the logged in user profile.
getProfile() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AccountsDetails
getProfile(String) - Method in class org.azd.accounts.AccountsApi
Gets a user profile.
getProfile(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AccountsDetails
getProfileUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getProfileUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getProject() - Method in class
getProject() - Method in class
getProject() - Method in class
getProject() - Method in class
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.connection.Connection
Get the default Project name
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentGroup
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentInstance
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitDeletedRepository
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryCreateOptions
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryRef
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResolutionState
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDelete
getProject() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteReference
getProject(String) - Method in class org.azd.core.CoreApi
Get project with the specified id or name
getProject(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.CoreDetails
getProject(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.core.CoreApi
Get project with the specified id or name with optional parameters
getProject(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.CoreDetails
getProjectEntitlements() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlement
getProjectEntitlements() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlement
getProjectEntitlements() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlement
getProjectId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Team
getProjectId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.WebApiTeam
getProjectId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GlobalGitRepositoryKey
getProjectId() - Method in class
getProjectId() - Method in class
getProjectId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.ProcessMigrationResultModel
getProjectName() - Method in interface org.azd.authentication.AccessTokenCredential
getProjectName() - Method in class org.azd.authentication.OAuthAccessTokenCredential
Gets the project name.
getProjectName() - Method in class org.azd.authentication.PersonalAccessTokenCredential
Gets the project name.
getProjectName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Team
getProjectName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.WebApiTeam
getProjectPermissionInherited() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ProjectEntitlement
getProjectProperties(String) - Method in class org.azd.core.CoreApi
Get a collection of team project properties.
getProjectProperties(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.CoreDetails
getProjectRef() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ProjectEntitlement
getProjectReference() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupDefinition
getProjectReference() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupProjectReference
getProjectReference() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getProjectReference() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getProjectReference() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getProjectReference() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference
getProjectReference() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroupProjectReference
getProjectReference() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpointProjectReference
getProjectRefs() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UsersSummary
getProjects() - Method in class org.azd.core.CoreApi
Get all projects in the organization that the authenticated user has access to.
getProjects() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Projects
getProjects() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.CoreDetails
getProjects(Integer, Integer, Number, Boolean, ProjectState) - Method in class org.azd.core.CoreApi
Get all projects in the organization that the authenticated user has access to.
getProjects(Integer, Integer, Number, Boolean, ProjectState) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.CoreDetails
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentMachine
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.Contribution
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionConstraint
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionType
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeatureHandlerSettings
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatus
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthenticatedUser
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthorizedUser
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseStartMetadata
getProperties() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getPropertyBag() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getProtocol() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getProviderData() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroup
getProviderData() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupDefinition
getProviderData() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getProviderDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getProviderDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthenticatedUser
getProviderDisplayName() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthorizedUser
getProviderDisplayName() - Method in class
getProviderName() - Method in class
getProvisionedTime() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentCloudRequest
getProvisioningState() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getProvisioningState() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentReference
getProvisionRequestTime() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentCloudRequest
getProxySelector() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.RequestOption
Get the proxy selector object.
getPublicAlias() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Profile
getPublicKey() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentAuthorization
getPublishDeploymentStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentOptions
getPublisherId() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getPublisherId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooks
getPublisherId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getPublisherId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.SubscriptionsQuery
getPublisherInputFilters() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.SubscriptionsQuery
getPublisherInputs() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooks
getPublisherInputs() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getPublisherName() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getPullRequest(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve a pull request.
getPullRequest(String, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequest(String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve a pull request.
getPullRequest(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequest(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve a pull request.
getPullRequest(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequest(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Gets a pull request object from source provider.
getPullRequest(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Gets a pull request object from source provider.
getPullRequest(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getPullRequestAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Gets a pull request object from source provider.
getPullRequestById(int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve a pull request.
getPullRequestById(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequestDeploymentEnabled() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentOptions
getPullRequestId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getPullRequestId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.SourcePullRequestVersion
getPullRequestLabel(String, int, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieves a single label that has been assigned to a pull request.
getPullRequestLabel(String, int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequestLabels(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get all the labels assigned to a pull request.
getPullRequestLabels(String, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequestMergedAt() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.SourcePullRequestVersion
getPullRequestReviewer(int, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve information about a particular reviewer on a pull request
getPullRequestReviewer(int, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequestReviewers() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.PullRequestReviewers
getPullRequestReviewers(int, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve the reviewers for a pull request
getPullRequestReviewers(int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequests() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.PullRequests
getPullRequests(String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve all pull requests from a repository
getPullRequests(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequests(String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve all pull requests from a repository
getPullRequests(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequests(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve all pull requests from a repository
getPullRequests(String, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequests(String, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve all pull requests from a repository
getPullRequests(String, int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequests(String, int, int, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve all pull requests from a repository
getPullRequests(String, int, int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequests(String, PullRequestStatus) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve all pull requests from a repository
getPullRequests(String, PullRequestStatus) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequests(String, GitPullRequestQueryParameters) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve all pull requests from a repository
getPullRequests(String, GitPullRequestQueryParameters) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequestsByProject() - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Gets all pull requests from a project.
getPullRequestsByProject() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequestsByProject(int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Gets all pull requests from a project.
getPullRequestsByProject(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequestsByProject(int, int, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, PullRequestStatus, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Gets all pull requests from a project.
getPullRequestsByProject(int, int, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, PullRequestStatus, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequestsByProject(PullRequestStatus) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Gets all pull requests from a project.
getPullRequestsByProject(PullRequestStatus) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequestStatus(int, String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get the specific pull request status by ID.
getPullRequestStatus(int, String, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequestStatuses(int, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Get all the statuses associated with a pull request.
getPullRequestStatuses(int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPullRequestWorkItems(int, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve a list of work items associated with a pull request.
getPullRequestWorkItems(int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPush() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getPush() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getPush(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieves a particular push.
getPush(String, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPush(String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieves a particular push.
getPush(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPush(String, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieves a particular push.
getPush(String, int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPush(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieves a particular push.
getPush(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPushCommits(String, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve a list of commits associated with a particular push.
getPushCommits(String, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPushCommits(String, int, boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve a list of commits associated with a particular push.
getPushCommits(String, int, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPushedBy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPush
getPushedBy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPushRef
getPusher() - Method in class
getPushes() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPushes
getPushes(String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieves pushes associated with the specified repository.
getPushes(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getPushId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPush
getPushId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPushRef
getQuality() - Method in class
getQuality() - Method in class
getQueries() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getQueries() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Gets the root queries and their children
getQueries(int, QueryExpand, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getQueries(int, QueryExpand, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Gets the root queries and their children
getQuery() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphSubjectQuery
getQuery(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getQuery(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Retrieves an individual query and its children
getQuery(String, int, QueryExpand, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getQuery(String, int, QueryExpand, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Retrieves an individual query and its children
getQueryBatches(QueryErrorPolicy, QueryExpand, String[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getQueryBatches(QueryErrorPolicy, QueryExpand, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Gets a list of queries by ids (Maximum 1000)
getQueryHierarchyItems() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItems
getQueryHierarchyItems() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItemsResult
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedManagementRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.artifacts.feedmanagement.FeedPermissionsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.core.projects.ProjectsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsMembersRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.core.teams.TeamsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.distributedtask.agents.AgentsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.distributedtask.deploymentgroups.DeploymentGroupsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.distributedtask.environments.EnvironmentsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.distributedtask.variablegroups.VariableGroupsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.extensionmanagement.ExtensionManagementRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.featuremanagement.FeatureManagementRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.blobs.BlobsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.commits.CommitsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.forks.ForksRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.items.ItemsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.pullrequests.PullRequestsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.pushes.PushesRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.refs.RefsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.repositories.RepositoriesRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.groups.GroupsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.memberships.MembershipsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.serviceprincipals.ServicePrincipalsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.users.UsersRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.memberentitlements.MemberEntitlementsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.members.MembersRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.userentitlements.UserEntitlementsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.pipelines.artifacts.ArtifactsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.pipelines.pipelines.PipelinesRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.policy.configurations.ConfigurationsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.policy.evaluations.EvaluationsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.policy.revisions.RevisionsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.release.definitions.DefinitionsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.release.deployments.DeploymentsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.release.releases.ReleasesRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.release.releases.ReleaseTaskLogRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.serviceendpoint.endpoints.EndpointsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.servicehooks.subscriptions.SubscriptionsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.test.points.PointsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.test.runs.RunsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.test.session.SessionRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.workitemtracking.attachments.WorkItemTrackingAttachmentsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.workitemtracking.classificationnodes.ClassificationNodesRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.workitemtracking.queries.QueriesRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.workitemtracking.revisions.WorkItemRevisionsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.workitemtracking.wiql.WiqlRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
GetQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
getQueryRecursionOption() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getQueryResultType() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryResult
getQueryType() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getQueryType() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryResult
getQueue() - Method in class
getQueue() - Method in class
getQueueDepthCount() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentExecutionPolicy
getQueuedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getQueuedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getQueueId() - Method in class
getQueueId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getQueueId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getQueueOptions() - Method in class
getQueuePosition() - Method in class
getQueueStatus() - Method in class
getQueueStatus() - Method in class
getQueueTime() - Method in class
getQueueTime() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getRank() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeployPhase
getRank() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getRank() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionApprovalStep
getRank() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getRank() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDeployPhase
getRank() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getRank() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getReadersGroup() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getReadOnly() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getReadPermission() - Method in class
getReason() - Method in class
getReason() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentUpdate
getReason() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeatureState
getReason() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamStatusDetail
getReason() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getReason() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getReason() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getReason() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseReference
getReason() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseStartMetadata
getReceivedTimestamp() - Method in class org.azd.oauth.types.AuthorizedToken
getReceiveTime() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getRecordId() - Method in class
getRecords() - Method in class
getRecords() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyEvaluationRecords
getRecycleBinRepositories() - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve soft-deleted git repositories from the recycle bin.
getRecycleBinRepositories() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getRedirectPolicy() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.RequestOption
Get the Http redirect policy.
getRedirectPolicy() - Static method in class org.azd.utils.BaseRestClient
Get the current redirect policy.
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFieldOperation
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFieldReference
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemType
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldInstance
getReferenceName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldWithReference
getRefName() - Method in class
getRefName() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RepositoryResourceParameters
getRefName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeployPhase
getRefName() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getRefreshToken() - Method in class org.azd.oauth.types.AuthorizedToken
getRefreshToken(String, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.oauth.OAuthAccessTokenBuilder
If a user's access token expires, you can use the refresh token that they acquired in the authorization flow to get a new access token.
getRefreshToken(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.azd.oauth.OAuthApi
If a user's access token expires, you can use the refresh token that they acquired in the authorization flow to get a new access token.
getRefs() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefs
getRefs(String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Queries the provided repository for its refs and returns them.
getRefs(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getRefs(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Queries the provided repository for its refs and returns them.
getRefs(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getRefsUrl() - Method in class
getRefUpdates() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPush
getRegistrationId() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getRejectedBy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdateResult
getRel() - Method in class
getRel() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemLink
getRel() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemRelations
getRelations() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItem
getRelations() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemRecycleBinReference
getRelationships() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionConstraint
getRelease() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getRelease() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getRelease() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getRelease() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getRelease() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.FailingSince
getRelease() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getRelease() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getRelease(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getRelease(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a Release
getRelease(int, SingleReleaseExpands) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getRelease(int, SingleReleaseExpands) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Gets a Release
getRelease(int, SingleReleaseExpands, ReleaseApprovalFilters, String[], int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getRelease(int, SingleReleaseExpands, ReleaseApprovalFilters, String[], int) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Gets a Release
getReleaseApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getReleaseApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Release Api
getReleaseApprovals() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseApprovals() - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of approvals
getReleaseApprovals() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApprovals
getReleaseApprovals(int[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseApprovals(int[]) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of approvals
getReleaseApprovals(String, int, boolean, ReleaseQueryOrder, int[], ReleaseApprovalStatus, int, ReleaseApprovalType) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseApprovals(String, int, boolean, ReleaseQueryOrder, int[], ReleaseApprovalStatus, int, ReleaseApprovalType) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of approvals
getReleaseCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getReleaseCreatorCanBeApprover() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ApprovalOptions
getReleaseDefinition() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getReleaseDefinition() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getReleaseDefinition() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getReleaseDefinition() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getReleaseDefinition() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getReleaseDefinition() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseReference
getReleaseDefinition(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseDefinition(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a release definition.
getReleaseDefinitionHistory(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseDefinitionHistory(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get revision history for a release definition
getReleaseDefinitionId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentTrigger
getReleaseDefinitionRevision() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getReleaseDefinitionRevisions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionRevisions
getReleaseDefinitions() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseDefinitions() - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of release definitions.
getReleaseDefinitions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitions
getReleaseDefinitions(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseDefinitions(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of release definitions.
getReleaseDefinitions(int[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseDefinitions(int[]) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of release definitions.
getReleaseDefinitions(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseDefinitions(String) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of release definitions.
getReleaseDefinitions(ReleaseDefinitionExpands) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseDefinitions(ReleaseDefinitionExpands) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of release definitions.
getReleaseDefinitions(ReleaseDefinitionExpands, int, String, String, String, int[], boolean, boolean, String, String[], ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder, String, boolean, String[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseDefinitions(ReleaseDefinitionExpands, int, String, String, String, int[], boolean, boolean, String, String[], ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder, String, boolean, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of release definitions.
getReleaseDeployPhases() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getReleaseEnvDefinitionId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestHistoryQuery
getReleaseEnvironment() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getReleaseEnvironment() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getReleaseEnvironment() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getReleaseEnvironment(int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseEnvironment(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a release environment.
getReleaseEnvironment(int, int, SingleReleaseExpands) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleaseEnvironment(int, int, SingleReleaseExpands) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a release environment.
getReleaseEnvironmentUri() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getReleaseEnvironmentUri() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getReleaseId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getReleaseNameFormat() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getReleaseNameFormat() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getReleaseReference() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getReleaseReference() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getReleaseRequestTime() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentCloudRequest
getReleases() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleases() - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of releases
getReleases() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Releases
getReleases(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleases(int) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of releases
getReleases(String[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleases(String[]) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of releases
getReleases(ReleaseExpands) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleases(ReleaseExpands) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of releases
getReleases(ReleaseExpands, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleases(ReleaseExpands, int) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of releases
getReleases(ReleaseExpands, int, String, String, int, String, int, int, int, boolean, String, String, String, String[], ReleaseQueryOrder, String[], String, String, String, ReleaseStatus, String[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleases(ReleaseExpands, int, String, String, int, String, int, int, int, boolean, String, String, String, String[], ReleaseQueryOrder, String[], String, String, String, ReleaseStatus, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of releases
getReleases(ReleaseExpands, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ReleaseDetails
getReleases(ReleaseExpands, String) - Method in class org.azd.release.ReleaseApi
Get a list of releases
getReleasesToKeep() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentRetentionPolicy
getReleaseUri() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getReleaseUri() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getRemoteUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getRemoteUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getRemoteUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getRemoteUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getRemoteUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryRef
getRemoteUrl() - Method in class
getRemoteUrl() - Method in class
getRepositories() - Method in class
getRepositories() - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve git repositories.
getRepositories() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.Repositories
getRepositories() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getRepositories() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RunResourcesParameters
getRepositories(boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve git repositories.
getRepositories(boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getRepositories(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve git repositories.
getRepositories(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getRepositories(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve git repositories.
getRepositories(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getRepositories(String, String) - Method in class
Gets a list of source code repositories.
getRepositories(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getRepositories(String, String, String) - Method in class
Gets a list of source code repositories.
getRepositories(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getRepositories(String, String, String, String, boolean, SourceProviderResultSet) - Method in class
Gets a list of source code repositories.
getRepositories(String, String, String, String, boolean, SourceProviderResultSet) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
GetRepositoriesQueryParameters() - Constructor for class
GetRepositoriesRequestConfiguration() - Constructor for class
getRepository() - Method in class
getRepository() - Method in class
getRepository() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkRef
getRepository() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getRepository() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPush
getRepository(String) - Method in class org.azd.git.GitApi
Retrieve a git repository.
getRepository(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GitDetails
getRepositoryGuid() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getRepositoryId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdate
getRepositoryId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdateResult
getRepositoryId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GlobalGitRepositoryKey
getRepositoryId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildReference
getRepositoryId() - Method in class
getRepositoryId() - Method in class
getRepositoryType() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getRepositoryWebhooks() - Method in class
GetRequestConfiguration() - Constructor for class
GetRequestConfiguration() - Constructor for class
GetRequestConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.azd.release.definitions.DefinitionsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration
GetRequestConfiguration() - Constructor for class
GetRequestConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.azd.workitemtracking.attachments.WorkItemTrackingAttachmentsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration
GetRequestConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration
getRequestContent() - Method in class
getRequestContent() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getRequestedBy() - Method in class
getRequestedBy() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentUpdate
getRequestedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getRequestedBy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getRequestedFor() - Method in class
getRequestedFor() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getRequestedFor() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getRequestId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentCloudRequest
getRequestId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getRequestInformation() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.ApiResponse
Get the request information object.
getRequestOption() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.ClientConfiguration
Get the request option object.
getRequestTime() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentUpdate
getRequestUri() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.RequestInformation
Returns the fully constructed request URL.
getRequestUrl() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.ApiResponse
Get the request url.
getRequestVerb() - Method in class
getRequestVerb() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getRequired() - Method in class
getRequired() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionPropertyDescription
getRequired() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getRequiredApproverCount() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ApprovalOptions
getRerun() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ResultMetadata
getReservedAgent() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getResetCount() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getResolutionState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunStatistic
getResolutionState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getResolutionStateId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getResource() - Method in class
getResourceAreas() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ResourceAreas
getResourceCreatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemAttributes
getResourceModifiedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemAttributes
getResourceRefs() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryRefs
getResourceRefs() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.ResourceRefs
getResources() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentInstance
getResources() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRun
getResources() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RunPipelineParameters
getResourceVersion() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getResourceVersion() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthenticatedUser
getResourceVersion() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthorizedUser
getResourceVersion() - Method in class
getResourceVersion() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooks
getResourceVersion() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getResponse() - Static method in class org.azd.abstractions.ResponseHandler
Get the Api response object after the execution of a request.
getResponse() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.serializer.SerializableEntity
getResponse(HttpRequest, HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>, boolean) - Static method in class org.azd.utils.BaseRestClient
Helper method to get the response based on built http request.
getResponseBody() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.ApiResponse
Get the response body.
getResponseHeader(String) - Static method in class org.azd.utils.RestClient.Metadata
getResponseHeaders() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.ApiResponse
Get the response headers.
getResponseHeaders() - Static method in class org.azd.utils.RestClient.Metadata
getResponseHeadersMap() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.ApiResponse
Get the response headers map.
getRestrictedTo() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.Contribution
getRestrictedTo() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getResult() - Method in class
getResult() - Method in class
getResult() - Method in class
getResult() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getResult() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupOperationResult
getResult() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementOperationResult
getResult() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementOperationResult
getResult() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRun
getResult() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseCondition
getResultCode() - Method in class
getResultCode() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getResultCount() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunSummaryModel
getResultGroupType() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getResultGroupType() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getResultMetadata() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunStatistic
getResults() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlementOperationReference
getResults() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementOperationReference
getResults() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementOperationReference
getResults() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.SubscriptionsQuery
getResults() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResults
getResults() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResultHistoryForGroup
getResults() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteBatch
getResultSelector() - Method in class
getResultSelector() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getResultsForGroup() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestHistoryQuery
getResultTemplate() - Method in class
getResultTemplate() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getRetainBuild() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentRetentionPolicy
getRetainedByRelease() - Method in class
getRetentionLeases() - Method in class
getRetentionLeases(int) - Method in class
Gets all retention leases that apply to a specific build.
getRetentionLeasesAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets all retention leases that apply to a specific build.
getRetentionPolicy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getRetentionRules() - Method in class
getRetryAfterInterval() - Method in class org.azd.utils.RestClient.Metadata
getRetryCountOnTaskFailure() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getRetryHandler() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.ClientConfiguration
Get the retry handler object.
getRev() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItem
getRev() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemRecycleBinReference
getReviewers() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getReviewerUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getReviewerUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.Reviewers
getRevisedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemAttributes
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Profile
getRevision() - Method in class
getRevision() - Method in class
getRevision() - Method in class
getRevision() - Method in class
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Project
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectReference
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectReference
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.Pipeline
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineReference
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyConfiguration
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApprovalHistory
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionRevision
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.SharedStepModel
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getRevision() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getRevision(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleasesRequestBuilder
Get release for a given revision number.
getRevisionAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.release.releases.ReleasesRequestBuilder
Get release for a given revision number.
getRevisions(int) - Method in class
Gets a definition revisions.
getRevisionsAsync(int) - Method in class
Gets a definition revisions.
getRisk() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getRole() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedPermission
getRootFolder() - Method in class
getRun() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRunStatistic
getRunBy() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.LastResultDetails
getRunBy() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getRunId() - Method in class
getRunPlanId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDeployPhase
getRunPlanId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseGates
getRunStatistics() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getRunStatistics() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRunStatistic
getRunSummary() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getRunTimeout() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getSafeRepository() - Method in class
getSafeRepository() - Method in class
getSamplingInterval() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionGatesOptions
getScheduledDeploymentTime() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getScheduledDeploymentTime() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getScheduledDeploymentTime() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironmentUpdateMetadata
getScheduledPermanentDeleteDate() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getScheduleOnlyWithChanges() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseSchedule
getSchedules() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getSchedules() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getScheme() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.EndpointAuthorization
getScope() - Method in class
getScope() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.ProjectFeature
getScope() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentPoolReference
getScope() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeatureState
getScope() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.RefreshAuthenticationParameters
getScopeDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphSubjectQuery
getScopeId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getScopeName() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.FeatureManagementScopeName
getScopes() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getScopes() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getScopeValues() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeatureStateQuery
getSecurityApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getSecurityApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of security api
getSecurityNamespaces() - Method in class
getSecurityRoles() - Method in class
getSelector() - Method in class
getSelector() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskSourceDefinitionBase
getSelf() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLink
getSelf() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getSelf() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphDescriptorReferenceLinks
getSelf() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphReferenceLinks
getSelf() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.MembershipReferenceLinks
getSeparatorValue() - Method in class
getSequenceId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getServiceEndpoint(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ServiceEndpointDetails
getServiceEndpoint(String) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.ServiceEndpointApi
Get the service endpoint details.
getServiceEndpoint(String, ServiceEndpointActionFilter) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ServiceEndpointDetails
getServiceEndpoint(String, ServiceEndpointActionFilter) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.ServiceEndpointApi
Get the service endpoint details.
getServiceEndpointApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getServiceEndpointApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Service endpoint Api
getServiceEndpointId() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupProviderData
getServiceEndpointId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getServiceEndpointProjectId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getServiceEndpointProjectReferences() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getServiceEndpoints() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ServiceEndpointDetails
getServiceEndpoints() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.ServiceEndpointApi
Get the service endpoints.
getServiceEndpoints() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoints
getServiceEndpointsByNames(String[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ServiceEndpointDetails
getServiceEndpointsByNames(String[]) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.ServiceEndpointApi
Get the service endpoints by name.
getServiceEndpointsByNames(String[], String[], boolean, boolean, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ServiceEndpointDetails
getServiceEndpointsByNames(String[], String[], boolean, boolean, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.ServiceEndpointApi
Get the service endpoints by name.
getServiceHooksApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getServiceHooksApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Service Hooks Api
getServiceInstanceType() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getServiceInstanceType() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getServiceOwner() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getServiceOwner() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.LocationServiceData
getServicePrincipal() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlement
getServicePrincipalEntitlement() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementsPatchResponse
getServicePrincipalEntitlement() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementsPostResponse
getServicePrincipalId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementOperationResult
getServicePrincipals() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipals
getSettings() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyConfiguration
getSettingScope() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.ProjectFeature.Scope
getSettingScope() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeatureSettingScope
getSharedStepModel() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestActionResultModel
getShortName() - Method in class
getSignature() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ModuleCoverage
getSignatureAge() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ModuleCoverage
getSignatureExpires() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.SignedUrl
getSignedContent() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.LogCollection
getSignedContent() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineLog
getSignedContent() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelinesArtifact
getSize() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentPoolReference
getSize() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitBlobRef
getSize() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getSize() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestAttachment
getSize() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResultAttachmentModel
getSocialDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getSocialDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthenticatedUser
getSocialDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthorizedUser
getSortColumns() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getSortColumns() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryResult
getSource() - Method in class
getSource() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionFile
getSource() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtensionStateIssue
getSource() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkSyncRequest
getSource() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.LicenseSummaryData
getSource() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getSource() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getSource() - Method in class
getSource() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemLink
getSourceBranch() - Method in class
getSourceBranch() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.BuildVersion
getSourceBranch() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.SourcePullRequestVersion
getSourceBranchCommitId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.SourcePullRequestVersion
getSourceBranchRef() - Method in class
getsourceChain() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.Package
getSourceClauses() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getSourceControlType() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.VersionControl
getSourceDefinitions() - Method in class
getSourceDefinitions() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ProcessParameters
getSourceFile() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.FunctionCoverage
getSourceProviderAttributes() - Method in class
getSourceProviderName() - Method in class
getSourceProviders() - Method in class
Get a list of source providers and their capabilities.
getSourceProviders() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getSourcePullRequestVersion() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.BuildVersion
getSourceRef() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.SourceToTargetRef
getSourceRefName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getSourceRepositoryId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.BuildVersion
getSourceRepositoryItems() - Method in class
getSourceRepositoryOwner() - Method in class
getSourceRepositoryType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.BuildVersion
getSourceServerItem() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitChange
getSourceSha() - Method in class
getSourceToTargetRefs() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkSyncRequest
getSourceType() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.UpstreamSourceInfo
getSourceVersion() - Method in class
getSourceVersion() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentUpdate
getSourceVersion() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.BuildVersion
getSourceVersion() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getSourceVersionDisplayUri() - Method in class
getSourceVersionDisplayUri() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getSourceWorkflow() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getSquashMerge() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestCompletionOptions
getSshUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getSshUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryRef
getStabilizationCompletedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseGates
getStabilizationTime() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionGatesOptions
getStackTrace() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getStackTrace() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getStageName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.StageReference
getStageReference() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PipelineReference
getStagesToSkip() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RunPipelineParameters
getStart() - Method in class
getStartDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getStartDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getStartDate() - Method in class
getStartedDate() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyEvaluationRecord
getStartedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestActionResultModel
getStartedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getStartedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModel
getStartedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getStartedDate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getStartedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Deployment
getStartedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDeployPhase
getStartedOn() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseGates
getStartHours() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseSchedule
getStartMinutes() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseSchedule
getStartTime() - Method in class
getStartTime() - Method in class
getStartTime() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Project
getState() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.ProjectFeature
getState() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectReference
getState() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeatureState
getState() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatus
getState() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectReference
getState() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRun
getState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildCoverage
getState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunStatistic
getState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRunCoverage
getState() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getState() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2
getStateAsBoolean() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.ProjectFeature
getStateChangeDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getStates() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemType
getStatistics() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.FunctionCoverage
getStatistics() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ModuleCoverage
getStatistics(int) - Method in class org.azd.test.runs.RunsRequestBuilder
Get test run statistics , used when we want to get summary of a run by outcome.
getStatisticsAsync(int) - Method in class org.azd.test.runs.RunsRequestBuilder
Get test run statistics , used when we want to get summary of a run by outcome.
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.OperationReference
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentReference
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkSyncRequest
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.AccessLevel
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlement
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlementOperationReference
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementOperationReference
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementOperationReference
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyEvaluationRecord
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentAttempt
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDeployPhase
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironmentUpdateMetadata
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseGates
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseUpdateMetadata
getStatus() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getStatusChangedOn() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getStatusCode() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.ApiResponse
Get the status code.
getStatusDetails() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getStatuses() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getStatuses() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getStatuses() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkRef
getStatuses() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRef
getStatuses() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatuses
getStatusMessage() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getStatusMessage() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.AccessLevel
getStatusReason() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Account
getStepIdentifier() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestActionResultModel
getStepIdentifier() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResultParameterModel
getSteps() - Method in class
getStorageKey() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphDescriptorReferenceLinks
getStorageKey() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphReferenceLinks
getStoryPoints() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getStructureType() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemClassificationNode
getStructureValue() - Method in class
getSubject() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphDescriptorReferenceLinks
getSubjectDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getSubjectDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthenticatedUser
getSubjectDescriptor() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.AuthorizedUser
getSubjectDescriptor() - Method in class
getSubjectKind() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntity
getSubjectKind() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getSubjectKind() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphSubjectQuery
getSubjectKind() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
getSubjectKind() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getSubPages() - Method in class
getSubResults() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getSubResults() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getSubscriber() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getSubscriberId() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.SubscriptionsQuery
getSubscription(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ServiceHooksDetails
getSubscription(String) - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.ServiceHooksApi
Get a specific service hooks subscription.
getSubscriptionName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.DtlEnvironmentDetails
getSubscriptions() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ServiceHooksDetails
getSubscriptions() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.ServiceHooksApi
Get a list of subscriptions.
getSubscriptions() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscriptions
getSubscriptions(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.ServiceHooksDetails
getSubscriptions(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.ServiceHooksApi
Get a list of subscriptions.
getSubstate() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getSucceedingSince() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseGates
getSuite() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getSuiteTestCases() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.SuiteTestCases
getSupportedCapabilities() - Method in class
getSupportedCapabilities() - Method in class
getSupportedOperations() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getSupportedTriggers() - Method in class
getSupportsIterations() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getSystemAreaId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemAreaLevel1() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemAreaPath() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemAssignedTo() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemAuthorizedAs() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemAuthorizedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemBitMask() - Method in class
getSystemBoardColumn() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemCapabilities() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getSystemChangedBy() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemChangedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemCommentCount() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemCreatedBy() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemCreatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemDescription() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemIterationId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemIterationLevel1() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemIterationPath() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemNodeName() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemPersonId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemReason() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemRev() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemRevisedDate() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemState() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemTags() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemTeamProject() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemTitle() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemWatermark() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getSystemWorkItemType() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFields
getT() - Method in class org.azd.legacy.MockParameters
getTaggedBy() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitAnnotatedTag
getTaggedObject() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitAnnotatedTag
getTags() - Method in class
Gets a list of all build tags in the project.
getTags() - Method in class
getTags() - Method in class
getTags() - Method in class
getTags() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.DeploymentMachine
getTags() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentResourceReference
getTags() - Method in class org.azd.featuremanagement.types.ContributedFeature
getTags() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getTags() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getTags() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getTags() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getTags() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getTarget() - Method in class
getTarget() - Method in class
getTarget() - Method in class
getTarget() - Method in class
getTarget() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DataSourceBindingBase
getTarget() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskSourceDefinitionBase
getTarget() - Method in class
getTarget() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemLink
getTargetBranch() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.SourcePullRequestVersion
getTargetBranchName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getTargetBranchRef() - Method in class
getTargetClauses() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getTargetRef() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.SourceToTargetRef
getTargetRefName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getTargetRepositoryOwner() - Method in class
getTargets() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.Contribution
getTargetUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatus
getTargetVersion() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentUpdate
getTask() - Method in class
getTask() - Method in class
getTask() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getTaskAgents() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgents
getTaskId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getTaskInstanceId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getTasks() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeploymentJob
getTasks() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionDeployStep
getTasks() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionGate
getTeam() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getTeam(String, String) - Method in class org.azd.core.CoreApi
Get a specific team.
getTeam(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.CoreDetails
getTeam(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.azd.core.CoreApi
Get a specific team.
getTeam(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.CoreDetails
getTeamIteration() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getTeamIterationWorkItems(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkDetails
getTeamIterationWorkItems(String, String) - Method in class
Get work items for iteration
getTeamMember() - Method in class
getTeamMemberCapacity(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkDetails
getTeamMemberCapacity(String, String, String) - Method in class
Get a team member's capacity
getTeamMemberCapacityIdentityRefs() - Method in class
getTeamMembers() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamMembers
getTeamMembers() - Method in class
getTeamProject() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2
getTeamRefs() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ProjectEntitlement
getTeams() - Method in class org.azd.core.CoreApi
Get a list of all teams.
getTeams() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Teams
getTeams() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.WebApiTeams
getTeams() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.CoreDetails
getTeams(boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.core.CoreApi
Get a list of all teams.
getTeams(boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.CoreDetails
getTeamSettingsIteration(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkDetails
getTeamSettingsIteration(String, String) - Method in class
Get team's iteration by iterationId
getTeamSettingsIterations(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkDetails
getTeamSettingsIterations(String) - Method in class
Get a team's iterations
getTeamSettingsIterations(String, IterationsTimeFrame) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkDetails
getTeamSettingsIterations(String, IterationsTimeFrame) - Method in class
Get a team's iterations using timeframe filter
getTemplate(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder
Returns a single work item from a template.
getTemplate(String, Consumer<WorkItemsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder
Returns a single work item from a template.
getTemplateAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder
Returns a single work item from a template.
getTemplateAsync(String, Consumer<WorkItemsRequestBuilder.GetRequestConfiguration>) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.workitems.WorkItemsRequestBuilder
Returns a single work item from a template.
getTemplateName() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.ProcessTemplate
getTemplateParameters() - Method in class
getTemplateParameters() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RunPipelineParameters
getTemplateTypeId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.ProcessTemplate
getTestApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getTestApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Test api
getTestCase() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.SuiteTestCase
getTestCase() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getTestCase() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getTestCaseId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestHistoryQuery
getTestcaseIds() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PointsFilter
getTestCaseReferenceId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getTestCaseRevision() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getTestCaseTitle() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getTestConfigurationsMapping() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getTestEnvironment() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getTestEnvironmentId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getTester() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PointAssignment
getTesters() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.PointsFilter
getTestIterationDetailsModels() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModels
getTestMessageLogId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getTestOutcome() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunSummaryModel
getTestPlan() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getTestPlan() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getTestPoint() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getTestPoints() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoints
getTestResult() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getTestResultId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResultIdentifier
getTestRun() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getTestRun() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRunCoverage
getTestRunById(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.TestDetails
getTestRunById(int) - Method in class org.azd.test.TestApi
Get a test run by its ID.
getTestRunCodeCoverage(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.codecoverage.CodeCoverageRequestBuilder
Get code coverage data for a test run
getTestRunCodeCoverageAsync(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.test.codecoverage.CodeCoverageRequestBuilder
Get code coverage data for a test run
getTestRunCoverages() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRunCoverages
getTestRunId() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResultIdentifier
getTestRuns() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.TestDetails
getTestRuns() - Method in class org.azd.test.TestApi
Get a list of test runs.
getTestRuns() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRuns
getTestRuns(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.TestDetails
getTestRuns(int) - Method in class org.azd.test.TestApi
Get a list of test runs.
getTestRuns(int, int, boolean, String, boolean, String, int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.TestDetails
getTestRuns(int, int, boolean, String, boolean, String, int, String) - Method in class org.azd.test.TestApi
Get a list of test runs.
getTestRuns(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.TestDetails
getTestRuns(String) - Method in class org.azd.test.TestApi
Get a list of test runs.
getTestRunStatistics(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.TestDetails
getTestRunStatistics(int) - Method in class org.azd.test.TestApi
Get test run statistics , used when we want to get summary of a run by outcome.
getTestSessions() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSessions
getTestSettings() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getTestSettings() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getTestSuite() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getText() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemCommentVersionRef
getTimeFrame() - Method in class
getTimeline() - Method in class
getTimeline() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getTimeline(int) - Method in class
Gets details for a build.
getTimeline(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getTimeline(int, String) - Method in class
Gets details for a build.
getTimeline(int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getTimeline(int, String, int, String) - Method in class
Gets details for a build.
getTimeline(int, String, int, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getTimelineId() - Method in class
getTimelineRecordId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTask
getTimeout() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionGatesOptions
getTimeoutInMinutes() - Method in class
getTimeoutInMinutes() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ApprovalOptions
getTimeoutInMinutes() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getTimestamp() - Method in class
getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Profile
getTimeToDeploy() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getTimeZoneId() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseSchedule
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getTitle() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getTitle() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2
getToken() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RepositoryResourceParameters
getToken() - Method in class
getToken() - Method in class
getTokenType() - Method in class org.azd.oauth.types.AuthorizedToken
getTokenType() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RepositoryResourceParameters
getTokenValidityInMinutes() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.RefreshAuthenticationParameters
getTotal() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.LicenseSummaryData
getTotalAfterNextBillingDate() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.LicenseSummaryData
getTotalCapacityPerDay() - Method in class
getTotalCount() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.PagedGraphMemberList
getTotalCount() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.SearchMemberEntitlement
getTotalDaysOff() - Method in class
getTotalPageCount() - Method in class
getTotalTeamCapacity(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkDetails
getTotalTeamCapacity(String, String) - Method in class
Get a team's capacity including total capacity and days off
getTotalTests() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getTransitions() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemType
getTransitionWorkItems() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestCompletionOptions
getTreeId() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getTrendDays() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestHistoryQuery
getTriggerContent() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentTrigger
getTriggeredByAutoComplete() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestCompletionOptions
getTriggeredByBuild() - Method in class
getTriggerInfo() - Method in class
getTriggeringArtifactAlias() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getTriggerReason() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getTriggerRepository() - Method in class
getTriggers() - Method in class
getTriggers() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getTriggerType() - Method in class
getTriggerType() - Method in class
getTriggerType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.EnvironmentTrigger
getTriggerType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseTriggerBase
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Process
getType() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.EnvironmentResourceReference
getType() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroup
getType() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupDefinition
getType() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.Contribution
getType() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionPropertyDescription
getType() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtensionStateIssue
getType() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedView
getType() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitTemplate
getType() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.UserAccount
getType() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineConfiguration
getType() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyConfiguration
getType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Artifact
getType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseArtifacts
getType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getType() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getType() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getType() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.RunCreateModel
getType() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.WorkItemReference
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDelete
getType() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteReference
getType() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getTypeId() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.ProcessIdModel
getTypeKey() - Method in class org.azd.exceptions.ApiException
getTypeName() - Method in class org.azd.exceptions.ApiException
getTypes() - Method in class
getUnanalyzedTests() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getUnavailable() - Method in class
getUniqueName() - Method in class
getUniqueName() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.Author
getUniqueName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getUniqueName() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.Reviewers
getUniqueName() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getUniqueUserId() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Identity
getUPackApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getUPackApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Universal Package Api
getUpdatedDate() - Method in class
getUpdatedDate() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitStatus
getUpstreamEnabled() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getUpstreamEnabledChangedDate() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getUpstreamingBehavior(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.MavenDetails
getUpstreamingBehavior(String, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.maven.MavenApi
Get the upstreaming behavior of a package within the context of a feed
getUpstreamSources() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getUpstreamSourceType() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.UpstreamSource
getUri() - Method in class
getUri() - Method in class
getUri() - Method in class
getUri() - Method in class
getUri() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionEventCallback
getUri() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildConfiguration
getUri() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.BuildReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.Organization
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.Author
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.OperationReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Process
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Project
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Team
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectCollectionReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.WebApiTeam
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedView
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitAnnotatedTag
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitBlobRef
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitChange
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitForkRef
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPush
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPushRef
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRef
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryRef
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.LastMergeCommit
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.LastMergeSourceCommit
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.LastMergeTargetCommit
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.ResourceRef
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.Reviewers
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectCollectionReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.WebApiTagDefinition
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntity
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlementOperationReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.ServicePrincipalEntitlementOperationReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementOperationReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.LogCollection
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.Pipeline
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineLog
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRun
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelinesArtifact
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.SignedUrl
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyConfiguration
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyType
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.policy.types.PolicyTypeRef
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ManualIntervention
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseApproval
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironmentShallowReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseShallowReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.types.ServiceEndpoint
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.servicehooks.types.ServiceHooksSubscription
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.IdentityRef
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.ShallowReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestActionResultModel
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestAttachment
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestAttachmentReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResult
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestCaseResultAttachmentModel
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestIterationDetailsModel
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResultParameterModel
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSession
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestSubResult
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.WorkItemReference
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AttachmentReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItem
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemClassificationNode
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemCommentVersionRef
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDelete
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteShallowReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFieldReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemIcon
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemRecycleBinReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemReference
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemRelations
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTagDefinition
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemType
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldInstance
getUrl() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldWithReference
getUrl(String) - Method in class org.azd.locations.LocationsBaseRequestBuilder
getUrlAsync(String) - Method in class org.azd.locations.LocationsBaseRequestBuilder
getUsage() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemField
getUser() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlement
getUser(String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.GraphApi
Get a user by its descriptor.
getUser(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GraphDetails
getUserCapabilities() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getUserDelayed() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentJobRequest
getUserEntitlement() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementsResponse
getUserEntitlement(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.MemberEntitlementManagementDetails
getUserEntitlement(String) - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.MemberEntitlementManagementApi
Get User Entitlement for a user.
getUserEntitlements() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.MemberEntitlementManagementDetails
getUserEntitlements() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.MemberEntitlementManagementApi
Get a list of users/members entitlements.
getUserEntitlements() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlements
getUserEntitlementSummary() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.MemberEntitlementManagementDetails
getUserEntitlementSummary() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.MemberEntitlementManagementApi
Get summary of Licenses, Extension, Projects, Groups and their assignments in the collection.
getUserId() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.UserEntitlementOperationResult
getUsers() - Method in class org.azd.graph.GraphApi
Get a list of all users in a given scope.
getUsers() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUsers
getUsers() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GraphDetails
getUsers() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.PagedGraphMemberList
getUsers(String, String, String) - Method in class org.azd.graph.GraphApi
Get a list of all users in a given scope.
getUsers(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.GraphDetails
getUserScope() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.FeatureManagementUserScope
getValidation() - Method in class
getValidation() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getValidationResults() - Method in class
getValidRemoteUrls() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getValidUntil() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.JsonPatchDocument
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.ProjectProperties
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.ProjectProperty
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.ConfigurableVariableValue
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.Demand
getValue() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.CustomHeader
getValue() - Method in enum class org.azd.enums.VersionControlRecursionType
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.WebApiTagDefinitions
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphDescriptor
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.GraphStorageKeyResult
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.graph.types.SubjectLookupResponse
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.locations.types.UserAccount
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.Variable
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.AuthorizationHeader
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Condition
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ConfigurationVariableValue
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Demand
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseCondition
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableValue
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.CustomTestField
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestResultParameterModel
getValue() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryClause
getValues() - Method in class org.azd.accounts.types.PropertiesCollection
getValues() - Method in class
getValues() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.PropertiesCollection
getValues() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.PropertiesCollection
getValues() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.PropertiesCollection
getVariableGroup(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get a variable group.
getVariableGroup(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getVariableGroupProjectReferences() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroup
getVariableGroupProjectReferences() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getVariableGroups() - Method in class
getVariableGroups() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get variable groups.
getVariableGroups() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroups
getVariableGroups() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getVariableGroups() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getVariableGroups() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getVariableGroups() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getVariableGroups() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getVariableGroups(int) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get variable groups.
getVariableGroups(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getVariableGroups(int, VariableGroupActionFilter, int, String, VariableGroupQueryOrder) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get variable groups.
getVariableGroups(int, VariableGroupActionFilter, int, String, VariableGroupQueryOrder) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getVariableGroups(String) - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.DistributedTaskApi
Get variable groups.
getVariableGroups(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.DistributedTaskDetails
getVariables() - Method in class
getVariables() - Method in class
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroup
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupDefinition
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineRun
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RunPipelineParameters
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.Release
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinition
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironment
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseEnvironmentUpdateMetadata
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseStartEnvironmentMetadata
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseStartMetadata
getVariables() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.VariableGroup
getVault() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.VariableGroupProviderData
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.abstractions.RequestOption
Get the Http version.
getVersion() - Method in class
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgent
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.distributedtask.types.TaskAgentReference
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.InstalledExtension
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.MavenPackageVersionDeletionState
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.Package
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.BuildResourceParameters
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.ContainerResourceParameters
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PackageResourceParameters
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.PipelineResourceParameters
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RepositoryResourceParameters
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTask
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.WorkflowTaskReference
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.upack.types.Package
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.upack.types.UPackPackageVersionDeletionState
getVersion() - Method in class
getVersion() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemCommentVersionRef
getVersionCheck() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ExtensionEventCallbackCollection
getVersionControl() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Capabilities
getVersions() - Method in class
getVersionsFromExternalUpstreams() - Method in class org.azd.maven.types.UpstreamingBehavior
getVersionSpec() - Method in class
getView() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getViewId() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getViewName() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.Feed
getViewStats() - Method in class
getVisibility() - Method in class
getVisibility() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.Project
getVisibility() - Method in class org.azd.core.types.TeamProjectReference
getVisibility() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.FeedView
getVisibility() - Method in class org.azd.feedmanagement.types.ProjectReference
getVisibility() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.TeamProjectReference
getVisibleRule() - Method in class
getVisibleRule() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.TaskInputDefinitionBase
getVisibleTo() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.Contribution
getVisibleTo() - Method in class org.azd.extensionmanagement.types.ContributionType
getVote() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getVote() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.Reviewers
getVotedFor() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.IdentityRefWithVote
getVsLink() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.FileContentMetadata
getWarningCount() - Method in class
getWeb() - Method in class
getWeb() - Method in class
getWeb() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getWeb() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.ReleaseReferenceLinks
getWebAccessUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestRun
getWebHooks(String, String, String) - Method in class
Gets a list of webhooks installed in the given source code repository.
getWebHooks(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getWebUrl() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
getWebUrl() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.WorkItemReference
getWiki(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WikiDetails
getWiki(String) - Method in class
Gets the wiki corresponding to the wiki ID or wiki name provided.
getWikiApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getWikiApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of WikiApi
getWikiPage(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WikiDetails
getWikiPage(String) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided path.
getWikiPage(String, boolean, String, VersionControlRecursionType) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WikiDetails
getWikiPage(String, boolean, String, VersionControlRecursionType) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided path.
getWikiPage(String, boolean, String, VersionControlRecursionType, String, String, GitVersionType, GitVersionOptions) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WikiDetails
getWikiPage(String, boolean, String, VersionControlRecursionType, String, String, GitVersionType, GitVersionOptions) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided path.
getWikiPageAsZip(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WikiDetails
getWikiPageAsZip(String, String) - Method in class
Gets content of the wiki page as zip file for the provided page id.
getWikiPageById(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WikiDetails
getWikiPageById(String, String) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided page id.
getWikiPageById(String, String, boolean, VersionControlRecursionType) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WikiDetails
getWikiPageById(String, String, boolean, VersionControlRecursionType) - Method in class
Gets metadata of the wiki page for the provided page id.
getWikiPageContent(String, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WikiDetails
getWikiPageContent(String, String) - Method in class
Gets content of the wiki page for the provided page id.
getWikiPageDetails() - Method in class
getWikiPages() - Method in class
getWikis() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WikiDetails
getWikis() - Method in class
Gets all wikis in a project or collection.
getWiql() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.QueryHierarchyItem
getWitFields() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPointsQuery
getWithRefreshedAuthentication(String[], List<RefreshAuthenticationParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.endpoints.EndpointsRequestBuilder
Gets the service endpoints and patch new authorization parameters
getWithRefreshedAuthenticationAsync(String[], List<RefreshAuthenticationParameters>) - Method in class org.azd.serviceendpoint.endpoints.EndpointsRequestBuilder
Gets the service endpoints and patch new authorization parameters
getWorkApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getWorkApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Work Api
getWorkerName() - Method in class
getWorkflowTasks() - Method in class org.azd.release.types.DeployPhase
getWorkItem(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItem(int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a single work item.
getWorkItem(int, WorkItemExpand) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItem(int, WorkItemExpand) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a single work item.
getWorkItem(int, WorkItemExpand, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItem(int, WorkItemExpand, String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a single work item.
getWorkItem(int, WorkItemExpand, String[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItem(int, WorkItemExpand, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a single work item.
getWorkItem(int, WorkItemExpand, String[], String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItem(int, WorkItemExpand, String[], String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a single work item.
getWorkItemClassificationNodes() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemClassificationNodes
getWorkItemComments() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getWorkItemDeleteReferences() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteReferences
getWorkItemDeleteShallowReferences() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemDeleteShallowReferences
getWorkItemField(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItemField(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Gets information on a specific field.
getWorkItemFields() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItemFields() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemFieldTypes
getWorkItemFields() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns information for all fields.
getWorkItemFields(GetFieldsExpand) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItemFields(GetFieldsExpand) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns information for all fields.
getWorkItemFromRecycleBin(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItemFromRecycleBin(int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Gets a deleted work item from Recycle Bin.
getWorkItemProperties() - Method in class org.azd.test.types.TestPoint
getWorkItemRefs() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
getWorkItemRelations() - Method in class
getWorkItemRelations() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryResult
getWorkItemRevision(int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItemRevision(int, int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a fully hydrated work item for the requested revision
getWorkItemRevision(int, int, WorkItemExpand) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItemRevision(int, int, WorkItemExpand) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a fully hydrated work item for the requested revision
getWorkItemRevisions() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getWorkItemRevisions(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItemRevisions(int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns the list of fully hydrated work item revisions.
getWorkItemRevisions(int, WorkItemExpand) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItemRevisions(int, WorkItemExpand) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns the list of fully hydrated work item revisions.
getWorkItemRevisions(int, WorkItemExpand, int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItemRevisions(int, WorkItemExpand, int, int) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns the list of fully hydrated work item revisions, paged.
getWorkItems() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
getWorkItems() - Method in class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
getWorkItems() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemList
getWorkItems() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemQueryResult
getWorkItems(int[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItems(int[]) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a list of work items (Maximum 200)
getWorkItems(int[], WorkItemExpand) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItems(int[], WorkItemExpand) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a list of work items (Maximum 200)
getWorkItems(int[], WorkItemExpand, String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItems(int[], WorkItemExpand, String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a list of work items (Maximum 200)
getWorkItems(int[], WorkItemExpand, String[]) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItems(int[], WorkItemExpand, String[]) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a list of work items (Maximum 200)
getWorkItems(int[], WorkItemExpand, String[], String, WorkItemErrorPolicy) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItems(int[], WorkItemExpand, String[], String, WorkItemErrorPolicy) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a list of work items (Maximum 200)
getWorkItems(String, String) - Method in class
Get work items for iteration
getWorkItemsAsync(String, String) - Method in class
Get work items for iteration
getWorkItemsBetweenBuilds(int, int, int) - Method in class
Gets all the work items between two builds.
getWorkItemsBetweenBuilds(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getWorkItemTagDefinitions() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTagDefinitions
getWorkItemTrackingApi() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.AzDClient
getWorkItemTrackingApi() - Method in class org.azd.utils.AzDClientApi
Returns an instance of Work item tracking Api
getWorkItemType() - Method in class
getWorkItemType() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getWorkItemType() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2
getWorkItemType(String) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItemType(String) - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns a work item type definition.
getWorkItemTypeFieldWithReferences() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypeFieldWithReferences
getWorkItemTypes() - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.WorkItemTrackingDetails
getWorkItemTypes() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemTypes
getWorkItemTypes() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.WorkItemTrackingApi
Returns the list of work item types
getWorkItemUpdates() - Method in class org.azd.common.types.ReferenceLinks
getWritePermission() - Method in class
getXmlForm() - Method in class org.azd.workitemtracking.types.WorkItemType
getYaml() - Method in class
getYaml(int) - Method in class
Converts a definition to YAML.
getYaml(int) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getYaml(int, boolean, String, String[], Number) - Method in class
Converts a definition to YAML, optionally at a specific revision.
getYaml(int, boolean, String, String[], Number) - Method in interface org.azd.interfaces.BuildDetails
getYamlOverride() - Method in class org.azd.pipelines.types.RunPipelineParameters
git - Variable in class org.azd.Properties
git() - Method in class org.azd.helpers.HelpersRequestBuilder
Constructs git helpers request builder instance.
git() - Method in interface org.azd.serviceclient.AzDServiceClient
Request builder for Git Api.
git() - Method in class org.azd.serviceclient.BaseServiceClient
Request builder for Git Api.
GIT - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.ResourceArea
GIT - Enum constant in enum class
GIT - Static variable in class org.azd.common.ApiVersion
GIT - Static variable in class org.azd.common.ResourceId
GIT_PUSH - Static variable in class org.azd.common.ApiVersion
GitAnnotatedTag - Class in org.azd.git.types
A Git annotated tag.
GitAnnotatedTag() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitAnnotatedTag
GitApi - Class in org.azd.git
GIT class to manage git API
GitApi(Connection) - Constructor for class org.azd.git.GitApi
Pass the connection object to work with Git Api
GitApiTest - Class in org.azd.legacy
GitApiTest() - Constructor for class org.azd.legacy.GitApiTest
GitAsyncOperationStatus - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
Status of the git asynchronous operation.
GitBaseRequestBuilder - Class in org.azd.git
Provides functionality to build requests for managing Git Api.
GitBaseRequestBuilder(String, AccessTokenCredential) - Constructor for class org.azd.git.GitBaseRequestBuilder
Instantiates a new RequestBuilder instance and sets the default values.
GitBlobRef - Class in org.azd.git.types
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
GitBlobRef() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitBlobRef
GitBlobRefFormat - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
Represents the blob format for Git blobs Api.
GitChange - Class in org.azd.git.types
GitChange() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitChange
GitCommit - Class in org.azd.git.types
State of the status.
GitCommit() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitCommit
GitCommitChanges - Class in org.azd.git.types
GitCommitChanges() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitChanges
GitCommitRef - Class in org.azd.git.types
Represents all the data associated with a pull request.
GitCommitRef() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRef
GitCommitRefs - Class in org.azd.git.types
Represents an array of Git commit references.
GitCommitRefs() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitRefs
GitCommits - Class in org.azd.git.types
GitCommits() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitCommits
GitCommitsBatch - Class in org.azd.git.types
Represents a request body object for Get Commits Batch API.
GitCommitsBatch() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitCommitsBatch
GitDeletedRepositories - Class in org.azd.git.types
List of deleted repositories
GitDeletedRepositories() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitDeletedRepositories
GitDeletedRepository - Class in org.azd.git.types
Project state.
GitDeletedRepository() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitDeletedRepository
GitDetails - Interface in org.azd.interfaces
GitForkOperationStatusDetail - Class in org.azd.git.types
Status information about a requested fork operation.
GitForkOperationStatusDetail() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitForkOperationStatusDetail
GitForkRef - Class in org.azd.git.types
Preferences about how the pull request should be completed.
GitForkRef() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitForkRef
GitForkSyncRequest - Class in org.azd.git.types
Request to sync data between two forks.
GitForkSyncRequest() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitForkSyncRequest
GitForkSyncRequestParameters - Class in org.azd.git.types
Represents the request body for Git create fork sync request Api.
GitForkSyncRequestParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitForkSyncRequestParameters
GitForkSyncRequests - Class in org.azd.git.types
A list of fork sync requests.
GitForkSyncRequests() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitForkSyncRequests
GitHelpersRequestBuilder - Class in org.azd.helpers.git
Helper request builder that combines multiple Apis to create logical helper methods for ease of use.
GitHelpersRequestBuilder(String, AccessTokenCredential) - Constructor for class org.azd.helpers.git.GitHelpersRequestBuilder
Instantiates a new RequestBuilder instance and sets the default values.
GitHistoryMode - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
What Git history mode should be used.
GITHUB_CONNECTION_USER_INVITE_TOGGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.FeatureManagement
Enables invite users toggle on new GitHub connection page
GitItem - Class in org.azd.git.types
State of the status.
GitItem() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitItem
GitItemDescriptor - Class in org.azd.git.types
Git Item descriptor
GitItemDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitItemDescriptor
GitItemRequestData - Class in org.azd.git.types
Represents the request body for Git items batch Api.
GitItemRequestData() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitItemRequestData
gitItems - Variable in class org.azd.git.types.GitItemsList
GitItems - Class in org.azd.git.types
GitItems() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitItems
GitItemsList - Class in org.azd.git.types
GitItemsList() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitItemsList
GitObject - Class in org.azd.git.types
Git object identifier and type information.
GitObject() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitObject
GitObjectType - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
Type of object (Commit, Tree, Blob, Tag)
GitParams - Class in org.azd
GitParams() - Constructor for class org.azd.GitParams
GitPullRequest - Class in org.azd.git.types
The options which are used when a pull request merge is created.
GitPullRequest() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequest
GitPullRequestCompletionOptions - Class in org.azd.git.types
Specify the strategy used to merge the pull request during completion.
GitPullRequestCompletionOptions() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestCompletionOptions
GitPullRequestMergeOptions - Class in org.azd.git.types
This class contains the metadata of a service/extension posting a status.
GitPullRequestMergeOptions() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestMergeOptions
GitPullRequestMergeStrategy - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
Status context that uniquely identifies the status.
GitPullRequestQueryParameters - Class in org.azd.git.types
GitPullRequestQueryParameters() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitPullRequestQueryParameters
GitPush - Class in org.azd.git.types
State of the status.
GitPush() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitPush
GitPushes - Class in org.azd.git.types
Represents an array of GitPush
GitPushes() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitPushes
GitPushRef - Class in org.azd.git.types
User info and date for Git operations.
GitPushRef() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitPushRef
GitRef - Class in org.azd.git.types
This class contains the metadata of a service/extension posting a status.
GitRef() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitRef
GitRefs - Class in org.azd.git.types
List of refs (branches).
GitRefs() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitRefs
GitRefUpdate - Class in org.azd.git.types
Describes a set of Git Ref operations
GitRefUpdate() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdate
GitRefUpdateResult - Class in org.azd.git.types
Result of a git reference update.
GitRefUpdateResult() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdateResult
GitRefUpdateResults - Class in org.azd.git.types
Result of a git reference update list.
GitRefUpdateResults() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitRefUpdateResults
GitRepository - Class in org.azd.git.types
User info and date for Git operations.
GitRepository() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitRepository
GitRepositoryCreateOptions - Class in org.azd.git.types
Project visibility.
GitRepositoryCreateOptions() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryCreateOptions
GitRepositoryRef - Class in org.azd.git.types
Identity information including a vote on a pull request.
GitRepositoryRef() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryRef
GitRepositoryRefs - Class in org.azd.git.types
A list of git repositories.
GitRepositoryRefs() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitRepositoryRefs
GitRequestBuilderTest - Class in org.azd.unittests
GitRequestBuilderTest() - Constructor for class org.azd.unittests.GitRequestBuilderTest
GitStatus - Class in org.azd.git.types
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
GitStatus() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitStatus
GitStatusContext - Class in org.azd.git.types
The type of change that was made to the item.
GitStatusContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitStatusContext
GitStatuses - Class in org.azd.git.types
Represents a collection of Git pull request statuses
GitStatuses() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitStatuses
GitStatusState - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
GitTemplate - Class in org.azd.git.types
GitTemplate() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitTemplate
GitUserDate - Class in org.azd.git.types
GitUserDate() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GitUserDate
GitVersionDescriptor - Class in
Versions of the wiki.
GitVersionDescriptor() - Constructor for class
GitVersionOptions - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous)
GitVersionType - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
Version type (branch, tag, or commit).
GlobalGitRepositoryKey - Class in org.azd.git.types
Fully-qualified identifier for the source repository.
GlobalGitRepositoryKey() - Constructor for class org.azd.git.types.GlobalGitRepositoryKey
GONE - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.HttpStatusCode
graph() - Method in class org.azd.helpers.HelpersRequestBuilder
Constructs graph helpers request builder instance.
graph() - Method in interface org.azd.serviceclient.AzDServiceClient
Request builder for Graph Api.
graph() - Method in class org.azd.serviceclient.BaseServiceClient
Request builder for Graph Api.
GRAPH - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.ResourceArea
GRAPH - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.VsoScope
Grants the ability to read user, group, scope, and group membership information.
GRAPH - Static variable in class org.azd.common.ApiVersion
GRAPH - Static variable in class org.azd.common.ResourceId
GRAPH_MANAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.VsoScope
Grants the ability to read user, group, scope and group membership information, and to add users, groups, and manage group memberships.
GraphApi - Class in org.azd.graph
GraphApi class to manage graph users and groups
GraphApi(Connection) - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.GraphApi
Pass the connection object to work with Graph Api
GraphApiTest - Class in org.azd.legacy
GraphApiTest() - Constructor for class org.azd.legacy.GraphApiTest
GraphCoreResolutionTest - Class in org.azd.legacy
additional tests for graph api which require other (Core) API components to perform object lookups
GraphCoreResolutionTest() - Constructor for class org.azd.legacy.GraphCoreResolutionTest
GraphDescriptor - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Graph descriptor type
GraphDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphDescriptor
GraphDescriptorReferenceLinks - Class in org.azd.graph.types
This field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject.
GraphDescriptorReferenceLinks() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphDescriptorReferenceLinks
GraphDetails - Interface in org.azd.interfaces
GraphEntities - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Collection of Graph subject or entity.
GraphEntities() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntities
GraphEntity - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Graph entity
GraphEntity() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphEntity
GraphGroup - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Graph group entity
GraphGroup - Class in org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types
Graph group entity
GraphGroup() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphGroup
GraphGroup() - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphGroup
GraphGroupCreationContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Do not attempt to use this type to create a new group.
GraphGroupCreationContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphGroupCreationContext
GraphGroupMailAddressCreationContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Use this type to create a new group using the mail address as a reference to an existing group from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
GraphGroupMailAddressCreationContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphGroupMailAddressCreationContext
GraphGroupOriginIdCreationContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Use this type to create a new group using the OriginID as a reference to an existing group from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
GraphGroupOriginIdCreationContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphGroupOriginIdCreationContext
GraphGroups - Class in org.azd.graph.types
List of Graph group
GraphGroups() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphGroups
GraphGroupVstsCreationContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Use this type to create a new Vsts group that is not backed by an external provider.
GraphGroupVstsCreationContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphGroupVstsCreationContext
GraphHelpersRequestBuilder - Class in org.azd.helpers.graph
Helper request builder that combines multiple Apis to create logical helper methods for ease of use.
GraphHelpersRequestBuilder(String, AccessTokenCredential) - Constructor for class org.azd.helpers.graph.GraphHelpersRequestBuilder
Instantiates a new RequestBuilder instance and sets the default values.
GraphMembership - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Graph membership entity.
GraphMembership() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphMembership
GraphMemberships - Class in org.azd.graph.types
list of graph membership
GraphMemberships() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphMemberships
GraphMembershipState - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Status of a Graph membership (active/inactive)
GraphMembershipState() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphMembershipState
GraphProviderInfo - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Who is the provider for this user and what is the identifier and domain that is used to uniquely identify the user.
GraphProviderInfo() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphProviderInfo
GraphReferenceLinks - Class in org.azd.graph.types
This field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject.
GraphReferenceLinks() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphReferenceLinks
GraphRequestBuilder - Class in org.azd.graph
Provides functionality to work with Azure DevOps Graph Api.
GraphRequestBuilder(String, AccessTokenCredential) - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.GraphRequestBuilder
Instantiates a new RequestBuilder instance and sets the default values.
GraphRequestBuilderTest - Class in org.azd.unittests
GraphRequestBuilderTest() - Constructor for class org.azd.unittests.GraphRequestBuilderTest
GraphServicePrincipal - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Do not attempt to use this type to create a new service principal.
GraphServicePrincipal() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipal
GraphServicePrincipalCreationContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Do not attempt to use this type to create a new service principal.
GraphServicePrincipalCreationContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipalCreationContext
GraphServicePrincipalOriginIdCreationContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Use this type to create a new service principal using the OriginID as a reference to an existing service principal from an external AAD backed provider.
GraphServicePrincipalOriginIdCreationContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipalOriginIdCreationContext
GraphServicePrincipals - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Represents the collection of service principals.
GraphServicePrincipals() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphServicePrincipals
GraphStorageKeyResult - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Storage key of a Graph entity
GraphStorageKeyResult() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphStorageKeyResult
GraphSubjectLookup - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Batching of subjects to lookup using the Graph API
GraphSubjectLookup() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphSubjectLookup
GraphSubjectLookupKey - Class in org.azd.graph.types
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
GraphSubjectLookupKey() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphSubjectLookupKey
Default constructor
GraphSubjectLookupKey(String) - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphSubjectLookupKey
Constructor with descriptor.
GraphSubjectQuery - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Subject to search using the Graph API
GraphSubjectQuery() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphSubjectQuery
GraphTraversalDirection - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
GraphUser - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Graph user entity
GraphUser - Class in org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types
Project Group (e.g.
GraphUser() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUser
GraphUser() - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GraphUser
GraphUserCreationContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Do not attempt to use this type to create a new user.
GraphUserCreationContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUserCreationContext
GraphUserMailAddressCreationContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Use this type to create a new user using the mail address as a reference to an existing user from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
GraphUserMailAddressCreationContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUserMailAddressCreationContext
GraphUserOriginIdCreationContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Use this type to create a new user using the OriginID as a reference to an existing user from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
GraphUserOriginIdCreationContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUserOriginIdCreationContext
GraphUserOriginIdUpdateContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Use this type to update an existing user using the OriginID as a reference to an existing user from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
GraphUserOriginIdUpdateContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUserOriginIdUpdateContext
GraphUserPrincipalNameCreationContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Use this type to create a new user using the principal name as a reference to an existing user from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
GraphUserPrincipalNameCreationContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUserPrincipalNameCreationContext
GraphUsers - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Represents a list of graph user
GraphUsers() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUsers
GraphUserUpdateContext - Class in org.azd.graph.types
Do not attempt to use this type to update user.
GraphUserUpdateContext() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GraphUserUpdateContext
group - Variable in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.types.MavenMinimalPackageDetails
Package group ID
Group - Class in org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types
A group entity with additional properties including its license, extensions, and project membership
Group() - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.Group
Group_Entitlements - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.ResourceName
GROUP_RULE - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.AssignmentSource
GROUP_RULES - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.UserEntitlementProperty
groupDescriptors - Variable in class org.azd.graph.groups.GroupsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
A comma separated list of descriptors referencing groups you want the graph group to join
groupDescriptors - Variable in class org.azd.graph.serviceprincipals.ServicePrincipalsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
A comma separated list of descriptors of groups you want the graph service principal to join
groupDescriptors - Variable in class org.azd.graph.users.UsersRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
A comma separated list of descriptors referencing groups you want the graph group to join
GroupEntitlement - Class in org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types
The status of the group rule.
GroupEntitlement() - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlement
GroupEntitlementOperationReference - Class in org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types
Group Type
GroupEntitlementOperationReference() - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlementOperationReference
groupEntitlements() - Method in class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.MemberEntitlementManagementRequestBuilder
Provides functionality to manage Group Entitlements Api.
GroupEntitlements - Class in org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types
List of group entitlement
GroupEntitlements() - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupEntitlements
GroupEntitlementsRequestBuilder - Class in org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.groupentitlements
Provides functionality to work with Group Entitlements Api.
GroupEntitlementsRequestBuilder(String, AccessTokenCredential) - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.groupentitlements.GroupEntitlementsRequestBuilder
Instantiates a new RequestBuilder instance and sets the default values.
groupId - Variable in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.maven.MavenRequestBuilder.MavenPathParameters
GroupId of the maven package
groupId - Variable in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.maven.PackageFromRecycleBinRequestBuilder.PackagePathParameters
GroupId of the maven package
groupId - Variable in class org.azd.artifactspackagetypes.maven.UpstreamingBehaviorRequestBuilder.UpstreamPathParameters
GroupId of the maven package
GroupLicensingRuleStatus - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
Licensing Source (e.g.
groupName - Variable in class org.azd.distributedtask.variablegroups.VariableGroupsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters
Name of variable group.
GroupOperationResult - Class in org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types
Type of MSDN License (e.g.
GroupOperationResult() - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupOperationResult
GroupOptions - Class in org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types
Group option to add a user to
GroupOptions() - Constructor for class org.azd.memberentitlementmanagement.types.GroupOptions
GroupReferenceLinks - Class in org.azd.graph.types
This is identical to GraphReferenceLinks and all references should be updated accordingly
GroupReferenceLinks() - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.types.GroupReferenceLinks
groups() - Method in class org.azd.graph.GraphRequestBuilder
Provides functionality to manage Graph Groups Api.
Groups - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.ResourceName
GroupsRequestBuilder - Class in org.azd.graph.groups
Provides functionality to work with Graph Groups Api.
GroupsRequestBuilder(String, AccessTokenCredential) - Constructor for class org.azd.graph.groups.GroupsRequestBuilder
Instantiates a new RequestBuilder instance and sets the default values.
GroupsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters - Class in org.azd.graph.groups
Represents the query parameters.
GroupsRequestBuilder.ListQueryParameters - Class in org.azd.graph.groups
Represents the query parameters.
GroupsRequestBuilder.ListRequestConfiguration - Class in org.azd.graph.groups
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
GroupsRequestBuilder.RequestConfiguration - Class in org.azd.graph.groups
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
GroupType - Enum Class in org.azd.enums
Group Type
GUID - Enum constant in enum class org.azd.enums.FieldType
Guid field type.
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