Package org.azd.enums
package org.azd.enums
Enum ClassesClassDescriptionType of Account LicenseUser status in the accountTypes of Exception to be thrownApprovals execution order.A filter which would allow fetching approval steps selectively based on whether it is automated, or manual.Gets or sets the type of approval.Gets or sets the condition type.Assignment Source of the License (e.g.Attachment upload typeRepresents a build definition.Represents the result of validating a build request.Represents a trigger for a buld definition.The status of the controller.Flag to handle errors in getting some nodes.NoneType of configuration.The current state of a feature within a given scopeCustom header type to set headers for request/responseRepresents a reference to a definition.A value that indicates whether builds can be queued against this definition.Represents a demand used by a definition or build.The type of the definition.Get the deployment group only if this action can be performed on it.Include these additional details in the returned object.Gets or sets the status of the manual intervention.The class represents a property bag as a collection of key-value pairs.The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.Gets status.Days of the week to release.Include these additional details in the returned objects.Status of release task.NoneStates of an installed extensionRepresent feature IdsRepresents the user scope for a feature.Supported capabilities of a feed.The role for this identity on a feed.Type of view.Visibility status of the view.The type of the field.The usage of the field.Gets the results in the defined order.The order in which folders should be returned.A variable group reference is a shallow reference to variable group.Expand options.Use ExtensionFields to include extension fields, otherwise exclude them.Expand options.Status of the git asynchronous operation.Represents the blob format for Git blobs Api.What Git history mode should be used.Type of object (Commit, Tree, Blob, Tag)Status context that uniquely identifies the status.NoneVersion options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous)Version type (branch, tag, or commit).Licensing Source (e.g.Group TypeThe class to represent a collection of REST reference links.Base Api instanceNoneLicensing SourceThe link query mode.Logical operator separating the condition clauseGets or sets the status of the manual intervention.Type of MSDN License (e.g.The current status of the operation.The patch operation.Type of operation that needs to be performed on packages.Expand options.Contains the temporary placeholder value.Policy type reference.RuleOption [ApplyGroupRule/TestApplyGroupRule] - specifies if the rules defined in group entitlement should be created and applied to members (default option) or just be testedThe build's priority.The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.NoneNoneIndicates whether to exclude, include, or only return deleted builds.The flag to control error policy in a query batch request.The membership information to include with the identities.The recursion option for use in a tree query.The type of query.Represents a reference to an orchestration plan.Gets or sets the status of the approval.Gets or sets the type of approval.NoneNoneNoneA property that should be expanded in the environment.Release environment status.NoneNoneThis class is used to provide the filters used for discoveryRuleOption [ApplyGroupRule/TestApplyGroupRule] - specifies if the rules defined in group entitlement should be created and applied to it’s members (default option) or just be testedTest run statistics per outcome.NoneAction filter for the service connection.Stage update typeNoneWhether or not the agent is online.The result of this request.NoneNoneNoneAttachment type By Default it will be GeneralAttachment.Test run details.PublishContext of the Runs to be queried.Test run state detailsTag attached to a run or result.Source of the test sessionState of the test sessionRepresents a reference to a timeline.Node structure type.Structure group of the classification node, area or iteration.Source type, such as Public or Internal.Specifies the status of the upstream.Indicates whether external upstream versions should be considered for this packageNoneAction filter for the variable group.Gets the results in the defined order.Defines provider data of the variable group.NoneRecursion level for subpages retrieval.Expand level for the API response.