Class BlobsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters

Enclosing class:

public static class BlobsRequestBuilder.GetQueryParameters extends Object
Represents the query parameters.
  • Field Details

    • format

      public GitBlobRefFormat format
      Options: json, zip, text, octetstream. If not set, defaults to the MIME type set in the Accept header which is "application/json".
    • download

      public Boolean download
      If true, prompt for a download rather than rendering in a browser. Note: this value defaults to true if format is zip.
    • resolveLfs

      public Boolean resolveLfs
      If true, try to resolve a blob to its LFS contents, if it's an LFS pointer file. Only compatible with octet-stream Accept headers or $format types
    • fileName

      public String fileName
      Provide a fileName to use for a download.
  • Constructor Details

    • GetQueryParameters

      public GetQueryParameters()