All Classes and Interfaces

Provides functionality to work with Security Access control entries Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Security Access control lists Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
License assigned to a user
Represents Azure DevOps Account
Type of Account License
Represents Work Item Recent Activity
List of account
Accounts class to manage Accounts Api
Provides functionality to manage Accounts Api, and it's related entities.
User status in the account
ACL acesDictionary entry
this is a list of access control entries, for posting to replace or merge ACEs
Access Control List entry
List of Access Control Lists
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
Represents a queue for running builds.
Specification of the agent defined by the pool provider.
Builder class that constructs requests for Distributed tasks agents Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Grants ability to manage Git annotated tags Api.
Represents API inner exception
Types of Exception to be thrown
Represents the Api location response.
Container class that holds Api request and response information.
Approvals execution order.
A filter which would allow fetching approval steps selectively based on whether it is automated, or manual.
Gets or sets the condition type.
Provides functionality to work with Release Approvals Api.
Gets or sets the type of approval.
Gets or sets the condition type.
Represents binding of data source for the service endpoint request.
Gets operation status of deployment.
Represents an artifact produced by a build.
Indicates the deploy phase type.
Helper request builder that combines multiple Apis to create logical helper methods for ease of use.
Provides functionality to work with Azure DevOps Graph Api.
True to show information for deleted packages.
Provides functionality to Artifacts Api.
Provides the functionality to manage Build Artifacts Api.
Provides functionality to work with Pipelines artifacts Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Assignment Source of the License (e.g.
Represents an attachment to a build.
Provides the functionality to manage Build Attachments Api.
Provides functionality to work with Test attachments Api.
Represents the Attachment parameters.
Attachment upload type
Represents the identity of an user object.
Represents the required parameters for building authorization endpoint.
Data representation of a build.
Defines policy on environment queuing at Release Management side queue.
Provides the functionality to manage Build Authorized resources Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents an Authorized token object
AzDClientApi class to easily call VSTS REST Api with the connection parameters
Throws the exception from REST API
Client object instance creation factory class.
Client builder for constructing Api specific requests for Azure DevOps services.
Base request builder that provide required functionalities to the inherited members.
Decides whether to include the project or not.
Concrete implementation of AzD service client.
Request builder to manage Git blobs Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
The job authorization scope for builds queued against this definition.
Build class to manage build API
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
Represents a build definition.
Provides functionality to manage Build Api, and it's related entities.
Represents a change associated with a build.
An array of Build changes
Provides the functionality to manage Build Changes Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
BuildConfiguration Details.
Represents a variable used by a build definition.
Array of build controller
Build Coverage Detail
Represents a reference to a build log.
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
Represents a revision of a build definition.
List of build definition revisions
List of build definition
Subset of tags builder that builds request for build definition tags Api.
Represents metadata about builds in the system.
Helper request builder that combines multiple Apis to create logical helper methods for ease of use.
Represents a build log.
Represents a reference to a build log.
List of build log
Provides the functionality to manage Build Logs Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents a reference to a build option definition.
Represents a build process.
The reason that the build was created.
Represents a reference to an agent pool.
Represents a repository used by a build definition.
Represents a queue for running builds.
Represents the result of validating a build request.
Represents a reference to a build with details such as branch name, build system, and repository information.
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
The build result.
The build status.
Settings which influence pipeline runs.
Represents a trigger for a buld definition.
Represents a List of build results
Provides the functionality to manage Builds Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
The status of the controller.
Provides functionality to work with Build Tags Api.
Represents binding of data source for the service endpoint request.
Status of the phase.
Represents any workitems associated with a build
Represents an array of workitems
Provides functionality to manage Build work items Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Work capacities Api.
Flag to handle errors in getting some nodes.
Provides functionality to work with Work item tracking classification nodes Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Singleton class that configures Api request options.
Configuration builder to configure the client settings such as setting default retry and proxy configuration.
Request builder and executor that builds and executes the request for given parameters.
Api requests builder.
Implementation of the ClientRequest that executes or sends the request to Azure DevOps API.
Client request builder implementation to build the request.
Provides functionality to work with Test code coverage Api.
Request builder to manage Git commits Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the committer to the repository
Gets or sets the trigger type.
A wrapper class for a generic variable.
Provides functionality to work with Policy configurations Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Type of configuration.
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
A feature that can be enabled or disabled
The current state of a feature within a given scope
Represents feature handler settings.
An identifier and properties used to pass into a handler for a listener or plugin
The scope to which a feature setting applies
A contributed feature/state pair
A query for the effective contributed feature states for a list of feature ids
A rule for dynamically getting the enabled/disabled state of a feature
An individual contribution made by an extension
Specifies a constraint that can be used to dynamically include/exclude a given contribution
Description about a property of a contribution type
A contribution type, given by a json schema
Provides the functionality to manage Build Controllers Api.
The quality of the definition document (draft, etc.)
Core class to manage core API
Provides functionality to work with Core Api.
Configuration parameters of the pipeline.
Parameters to create a pipeline.
Custom header type to set headers for request/response
A custom field information.
Data provider
A value that indicates whether builds can be queued against this definition.
Gets or sets source of release definition.
Represents team member capacity with totals aggregated
Proxy authentication implementation.
Implementation of proxy selector.
Implementation of response handler.
Represents a reference to a definition.
A value that indicates whether builds can be queued against this definition.
The type of the definition.
Definition resource
Represents a collection of definition resource reference
Provides functionality to work with Build Definitions Api.
Provides functionality to work with Release Definitions Api.
Represents the query parameter for Create Definition.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameter for Create Definition.
Provides functionality to work with Release Definitions history Api.
Represents a demand used by a definition or build.
The type of the definition.
Project visibility.
Represents a JSON object.
Gets reason for release.
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
Gets environment status.
Deployment group.
Get the deployment group only if this action can be performed on it.
Include these additional details in the returned object.
List of deployment group
Builder class that constructs requests for Distributed tasks deployment groups Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Status of release gates.
Deployment target.
Gets or sets the status of the manual intervention.
The class represents a property bag as a collection of key-value pairs.
Provides functionality to work with Release Deployments Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
Type of release trigger.
Gets status.
Days of the week to release.
Provides functionality to work with Azure DevOps Graph Api.
DistributedTaskApi class to manage Agents, Deployment groups, Environments and Variable groups API
Provides functionalities to work with Distributed Task Api.
This is a temporary class to provide the details for the test run environment.
Represents the authorization used for service endpoint.
Provides functionality to work with Service endpoint Api.
Represents the delete query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Include these additional details in the returned objects.
Represents an environment
Array of environment instance EnvironmentInstance
Grant ability to manage distributed task environments Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Status of release task.
Provides functionality to work with Policy Evaluations Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Base class for an event callback for an extension
This is the set of files available from the extension.
How this extension behaves with respect to licensing
ExtensionManagementApi class to manage installed extensions API
Extension management request builder to manage Extension management Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
States of an installed extension
Represents the failing since information of a test result.
Represent feature Ids
Helper request builder that combines multiple Apis to create logical helper methods for ease of use.
Request builder to manage Feature management Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the user scope for a feature.
A container for artifacts.
Supported capabilities of a feed.
Feed Management class to manage Artifacts API
Provides functionality to manage Artifacts Feed Management Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Permissions for a feed.
Permissions for a feed.
Feed permissions request builder to manage Feed permissions Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
The role for this identity on a feed.
Array of feed containers
A view on top of a feed.
Feed view request builder to manage feed view Api.
Array of feed views
Type of view.
Visibility status of the view.
Provides functionality to work with Work item fields Api.
The type of the field.
The usage of the field.
Type of object (Commit, Tree, Blob, Tag)
Represents a folder that contains build definitions.
Gets the results in the defined order.
Gets the results in the defined order.
The order in which folders should be returned.
Provides methods for working with folders of build definitions.
Provides functionality to build requests for managing Git Forks Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Release Gates Api.
A variable group reference is a shallow reference to variable group.
Expand options.
Use ExtensionFields to include extension fields, otherwise exclude them.
Expand options.
A Git annotated tag.
GIT class to manage git API
Status of the git asynchronous operation.
Provides functionality to build requests for managing Git Api.
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
Represents the blob format for Git blobs Api.
State of the status.
Represents all the data associated with a pull request.
Represents an array of Git commit references.
Represents a request body object for Get Commits Batch API.
List of deleted repositories
Project state.
Status information about a requested fork operation.
Preferences about how the pull request should be completed.
Request to sync data between two forks.
Represents the request body for Git create fork sync request Api.
A list of fork sync requests.
Helper request builder that combines multiple Apis to create logical helper methods for ease of use.
What Git history mode should be used.
State of the status.
Git Item descriptor
Represents the request body for Git items batch Api.
Git object identifier and type information.
Type of object (Commit, Tree, Blob, Tag)
The options which are used when a pull request merge is created.
Specify the strategy used to merge the pull request during completion.
This class contains the metadata of a service/extension posting a status.
Status context that uniquely identifies the status.
State of the status.
Represents an array of GitPush
User info and date for Git operations.
This class contains the metadata of a service/extension posting a status.
List of refs (branches).
Describes a set of Git Ref operations
Result of a git reference update.
Result of a git reference update list.
User info and date for Git operations.
Project visibility.
Identity information including a vote on a pull request.
A list of git repositories.
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
The type of change that was made to the item.
Represents a collection of Git pull request statuses
Versions of the wiki.
Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous)
Version type (branch, tag, or commit).
Fully-qualified identifier for the source repository.
GraphApi class to manage graph users and groups
additional tests for graph api which require other (Core) API components to perform object lookups
Graph descriptor type
This field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject.
Collection of Graph subject or entity.
Graph entity
Graph group entity
Graph group entity
Do not attempt to use this type to create a new group.
Use this type to create a new group using the mail address as a reference to an existing group from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
Use this type to create a new group using the OriginID as a reference to an existing group from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
List of Graph group
Use this type to create a new Vsts group that is not backed by an external provider.
Helper request builder that combines multiple Apis to create logical helper methods for ease of use.
Graph membership entity.
list of graph membership
Status of a Graph membership (active/inactive)
Who is the provider for this user and what is the identifier and domain that is used to uniquely identify the user.
This field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject.
Provides functionality to work with Azure DevOps Graph Api.
Do not attempt to use this type to create a new service principal.
Do not attempt to use this type to create a new service principal.
Use this type to create a new service principal using the OriginID as a reference to an existing service principal from an external AAD backed provider.
Represents the collection of service principals.
Storage key of a Graph entity
Batching of subjects to lookup using the Graph API
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
Subject to search using the Graph API
Graph user entity
Project Group (e.g.
Do not attempt to use this type to create a new user.
Use this type to create a new user using the mail address as a reference to an existing user from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
Use this type to create a new user using the OriginID as a reference to an existing user from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
Use this type to update an existing user using the OriginID as a reference to an existing user from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
Use this type to create a new user using the principal name as a reference to an existing user from an external AD or AAD backed provider.
Represents a list of graph user
Do not attempt to use this type to update user.
A group entity with additional properties including its license, extensions, and project membership
The status of the group rule.
Group Type
List of group entitlement
Provides functionality to work with Group Entitlements Api.
Licensing Source (e.g.
Type of MSDN License (e.g.
Group option to add a user to
This is identical to GraphReferenceLinks and all references should be updated accordingly
Provides functionality to work with Graph Groups Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Group Type
Container class that includes helper methods.
Factory class to create an instance of HttpClient with request options.
Factory class to create a new instance of HttpRequest.
collection of identities
Identities API to find the legacy identity descriptors for users and groups.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represnts an Identity object.
identity returned by API identities descriptor lookup
An Identity descriptor is a wrapper for the identity type (Windows SID, Passport) along with a unique identifier such as the SID or PUID.
An Identity descriptor is a wrapper for the identity type (Windows SID, Passport) along with a unique identifier such as the SID or PUID.
Represents an identity reference with information about a graph subject.
Identity information including a vote on a pull request.
Ignored gates.
An expression which can be applied to filter a list of subscription inputs
The operator applied between the expected and actual input value
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
Represents build options input
Represents a VSTS extension along with its installation state
Array of installed extensions
Information about this particular installation of the extension
Represents an installation issue
Base Api instance
Factory class to create an instance of request and response object.
Represents an issue (error, warning) associated with a build.
List of issues occurred while execution of task.
The type (error, warning) of the issue.
Provides functionality to build requests for managing Git Items Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Test iterations Api.
Provides functionality to work with Work iterations Api.
Represents work items in an iteration backlog
Phase in pipeline
Model for path operation.
JsonSerializer class to serialize and deserialize json to object and vice versa.
Provides properties that describe a Git commit and associated metadata.
Provides properties that describe a Git commit and associated metadata.
Provides properties that describe a Git commit and associated metadata.
Last result details of test point.
Summary of Licenses in the organization.
Maps a contribution to a licensing behavior
Licensing Source
The link query mode.
Determines the Api location based on location url, area and resource id.
Response class for getting the resource area url.
A collection of logs.
Logical operator separating the condition clause
Represents a build log.
Provides functionality to work with Pipelines logs Api.
Determines the resource area.
List of manual interventions
Provides functionality to work with Release Manual Intervention Api.
Gets or sets the status of the manual intervention.
Represents the Release Manual intervention update request body
MavenApi class to manage maven artifact package api
Identifies a particular Maven package version
A batch of operations to apply to package versions.
Deletion state of a maven package.
Request body to restore the package from recycle bin.
Provides functionality to work with Azure DevOps Graph Api.
Represents the Path values for Maven Api.
MemberEntitlementManagementApi class to manage groups and user entitlements API
Provides functionality to work with Member Entitlement Management Api.
Provides functionality to work with Search Member Entitlements Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
This field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Graph Membership States Api.
Provides functionality to work with Members Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Minimal package details required to identify a package within a protocol.
Module coverage
Type of MSDN License (e.g.
Provides the functionality to generate and oauth access token to call Azure DevOps Api.
Represents OAuth authentication provider model.
OAuth Api class to authorize access to REST API
Reference for an async operation.
The current status of the operation.
Represents the application of an optional behavior to a build definition.
Represents a reference to an orchestration plan.
Represents an organization
Provides functionality to manage Organizations Api.
List of data provider
List of organization
Package version metadata for a Maven package
Package version metadata for a Universal package
Represents path parameters.
The patch operation.
Type of operation that needs to be performed on packages.
Source type, such as Public or Internal.
A page of users
Provides functionality to work with Wiki Page moves Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Wiki pages batch Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Wiki pages Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Wiki page stats Api.
Helper class to build the path parameter.
Represents personal access token authentication model.
Pipeline reference
Represents a phase
Definition of a pipeline.
Pipeline configuration object
Log for a pipeline.
A reference to a Pipeline.
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
Pipeline Run object
List of Run object
Defines a list of Pipeline object
PipelinesApi class to manage Pipelines API
Artifacts are collections of files produced by a pipeline.
Provides functionality to work with Pipelines Api.
Expand options.
Provides functionality to work with Pipelines Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Contains the temporary placeholder value.
Represents a plan
Adding test cases to a suite creates one of more test points based on the default configurations and testers assigned to the test suite.
Filter class for test point.
Provides functionality to work with Test points Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Model to update test point.
PolicyApi class to manage Policy API
The full policy configuration with settings.
List of full policy configuration with settings.
Status of the policy (Running, Approved, Failed, etc.)
Collection of PolicyEvaluationRecord
Policy type reference.
Provides functionality to work with Policy Api.
User-friendly policy type with description (used for querying policy types).
Policy type reference.
List of User-friendly policy type with description (used for querying policy types).
Provides functionality to work with Pipelines preview Api.
Preview run result.
Represents a build process.
Represents process
Provides functionality to work with Core Processes Api.
Stores process ID.
Stores project ID and its process ID.
Additional options for queueing the build.
A user profile.
Provides functionality to manage Profile Api.
Represents a Team Project object.
Represents the request body to create a new project.
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
data object representing project feature
RuleOption [ApplyGroupRule/TestApplyGroupRule] - specifies if the rules defined in group entitlement should be created and applied to members (default option) or just be tested
Provides functionality to work with Project process migration Api.
Array of project properties
A named value associated with a project.
A reference to a team
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
List of project
Builder class that constructs requests for Core Projects Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
The build's priority.
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
Build repository properties
The class represents a property bag as a collection of key-value pairs.
Represents a retention policy for a build definition.
The class represents a property bag as a collection of key-value pairs.
Provides data necessary for authorizing the agent using OAuth 2.0 authentication flows.
Provides functionality to manage project properties Api.
The class to represent a Generic store for test session data.
Provides functionality to work with Graph provider info Api.
Proxy configuration specification.
Implementation of node equivalent proxy provider.
Request builder to manage Apis associated with pull request.
Request builder to manage pull request labels Api.
List of pull request reviewers.
Request builder to manage pull request reviewers Api.
Represents a list of pull request
Pull requests request builder for managing Git PullRequests API.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request builder to manage pull request statuses Api.
Request builder to manage the work items associated with a pull request.
Provides functionality to build requests for managing Git Pushes Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Work item queries Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Describes a request to get a list of queries
Indicates whether to exclude, include, or only return deleted builds.
The flag to control error policy in a query batch request.
Represents an item in the work item query hierarchy.
The membership information to include with the identities.
The recursion option for use in a tree query.
The type of query.
Represents a queue for running builds.
Represents a reference to an agent pool.
Represents a reference to an orchestration plan.
Recycle bin repositories request builder to manage Git recycle bin repositories Api.
Provides functionality to work with Work item recycle bin Api.
Represents a common hyper reference link
Common class to represent self reference link
Represents all reference links commonly used across the services
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
A user entity with additional properties including their license, extensions, and project membership
Reference to a release.
The class to represent a collection of REST reference links.
Request builder to handle requests for Git Refs Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Release Api to manage releases service
Get a list of release approvals
Gets or sets the status of the approval.
Gets or sets the type of approval.
Gets or sets the list of artifacts.
Provides functionality to work with Release Api.
Release definition revision
Release definition revisions
List of release definition
A property that should be expanded in the environment.
Provides functionality to work with Release environments Api.
Release environment status.
Provides functionality to work with Release folders Api.
Represents the request body to update Release Gates
Helper request builder that combines multiple Apis to create logical helper methods for ease of use.
Provides functionality to work with Release releases Api.
ResultMetadata for the given outcome/count.
Gets links to access the release.
List of release
Provides functionality to work with Release releases Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Release releases task log Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the Uri parameters
List of repositories
Repositories request builder to manage Git repositories Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents build repository
Represents a repository's webhook returned from a source provider.
List of Repository webhooks
Represents an user object
Executes the given request.
Container class to set the request headers.
Internal class to construct the request parameters to call Azure DevOps API.
Configuration class to configure the Api request before sending.
Collection of resource area identifiers.
List of the resource references
Handler the Api response.
Metadata class to retrieve the response headers.
Provides functionality to work with Test result attachments Api.
This class is used to provide the filters used for discovery
ResultMetadata for the given outcome/count.
Provides functionality to work with Test results Api.
A valid retention lease prevents automated systems from deleting a pipeline run.
Represents a collection of retention lease
The result.
Retries the Api call based on Retry-After header value.
Identity information including a vote on a pull request.
Provides functionality to work with Policy Revisions Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
RuleOption [ApplyGroupRule/TestApplyGroupRule] - specifies if the rules defined in group entitlement should be created and applied to it’s members (default option) or just be tested
Provides functionality to work with Test run attachments Api.
This class is used to provide the filters used for discovery
Test run statistics per outcome.
Settings which influence pipeline runs.
Provides functionality to work with Pipelines runs Api.
Provides functionality to work with Test runs Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
An abstracted reference to some other resource.
An abstracted reference to some other resource.
Java implementation of azure-devops-node-api sdk's task library secrets method.
Represents a security namespace.
represents an action in a particular security namespace
List of security namespaces
Provides functionality to work with Security Api.
Provides functionality to work with Security Api.
encapsulate security role returned by devops
return security roles
Collection entity that provides additional functionalities such as next page, continuation token.
Serializes and Deserializes the JSON.
Represents an endpoint which may be used by an orchestration job.
Action filter for the service connection.
Service Endpoint Api to manage service endpoint service
Helper request builder that combines multiple Apis to create logical helper methods for ease of use.
Reference to a project
Provides functionality to work with Service endpoint Api.
A list of service endpoints
Service Hooks Api to manage service hooks service
Provides functionality to work with Service hooks Api.
Encapsulates an event subscription.
List of service hook subscription
Provides functionality to work with Members Api.
Provides functionality to work with Graph Service Principals Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Test session Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Stage in pipeline
Reference to a shared step workitem.
Signed url for downloading this artifact
Represents a SourceProviderAttribute
Represents an array of SourceProviderAttribute
Represents a pull request object.
Provides functionality to work with Build Definitions Api.
A set of repositories returned from the source provider.
Represents a repository returned from a source provider.
Represents an item in a repository from a source provider.
Represents an array of items in the repository from a source provider.
The set of ref mappings to use when performing a sync or create.
Test environment Detail.
Provides functionality to work with Build Stages Api.
Stage update type
Request builder to manage Feature management state Api.
Request builder to manage Feature management state scope Api.
Represents a definition steps
Provides functionality to work with Graph Service Principals Api.
Utility class that initialize an empty string.
Response object from a subject lookup via descriptor
Provides functionality to work with Graph Subject Lookup Api.
wrapper container for subjectLookup response
Provides functionality to work with Graph Subject Query Api.
Provides functionality to manage Service hooks subscriptions Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Test case for the suite.
Collection of test case for the suite.
The types of triggers supported by this source provider.
Provides functionality to manage build tage Api.
Represents a task in a step
Additional pool settings and details
Gets or sets the type of the pool
Represents the public key portion of an RSA asymmetric key.
A reference to an agent.
Whether or not the agent is online.
Represents a variable group.
Details about an agent update.
The result of this request.
List of task agent
Represents a reference to a task.
Represents a project team
Represents the team iteration attributes
Reference object for a TeamProjectCollection.
Represents a shallow reference to a TeamProject.
Represents list of team
Represents a shallow ref for a single iteration.
List of team settings iterations
Provides functionality to manage teams members Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents a test step result.
Reference to test attachment.
Test attachment request model
Attachment type By Default it will be GeneralAttachment.
Represents a test result with detailed information about its execution, outcome, and associated entities such as builds, releases, and test plans.
Test attachment information in a test iteration.
Reference to a test result.
List of test case results.
Provides functionality to work with Test cases Api.
Test Resolution State Details.
Filter to get TestCase result history.
Provides functionality to work with Test history Api.
Represents a test iteration result.
Collection of test iteration details models.
Test run details.
Test points
Represents a collection of test points.
Test point query class.
Provides functionality to work with Test Api.
Test run details.
Group the result on the basis of TestResultGroupBy.
List of test results filtered on the basis of GroupByValue
Test parameter information in a test iteration.
The types of sub states for test run.
PublishContext of the Runs to be queried.
Represents an array of test run
Test run state details
Test run statistics.
Tag attached to a run or result.
Represents the list of test session.
Source of the test session
State of the test session
Represents a sub result of a test result.
Provides functionality to work with Test suites Api.
Represents the timeline of a build.
Represents an entry in a build's timeline.
The state of the record.
Represents a reference to a timeline.
Provides functionality to work with Build Timeline Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the configuration to pass for query parameters.
Node structure type.
Structure group of the classification node, area or iteration.
Sourceprovider-specific information about what triggered the build
Represents a trigger for a build definition.
Provides functionality to work with Policy Types Api.
Represents the Path values for Maven Api.
UpackApi class to manage Universal Package artifact package api
A batch of operations to apply to package versions.
Deletion state of a Universal package.
Setting to false will undo earlier deletion and restore the package to feed.
Describes upstreaming behavior for a given feed/protocol/package
Represents the Path values for Maven Api.
Source type, such as Public or Internal.
Upstream source definition, including its Identity, package type, and other associated information.
Source type, such as Public or Internal.
Specifies the status of the upstream.
Indicates whether external upstream versions should be considered for this package
Utility class to build the url.
Url helper class to encode the special characters in the url.
Represents the result after adding a user
List of user entitlement
Provides functionality to work with User entitlements Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the response after adding a user
Provides functionality to work with User entitlement summary Api.
Provides functionality to work with Graph Users Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Summary of licenses and extensions assigned to users in the organization
Utility class that exposes helper methods.
A variable group is a collection of related variables.
Action filter for the variable group.
Represents the request body for adding and updating a variable group.
Variable group map to create variable groups easily.
A variable group reference is a shallow reference to variable group.
Sets provider data.
Gets the results in the defined order.
Container of Variable groups
Grant ability to manage distributed task environments Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Defines provider data of the variable group.
Recursion level for subpages retrieval.
The representation of data needed to create a tag definition which is sent across the wire.
The representation of a tag definition which is sent across the wire.
List of tag definitions
Represents WebApiTeam
Represents list of team
Wiki class to manage Wiki API
Defines properties for wiki attachment file.
Provides functionality to work with Wiki attachments Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Contract encapsulating parameters for the page create or update operations.
Defines a page in a wiki.
Defines a page with its metedata in a wiki.
Collection of WikiPageDetail.
Request contract for Wiki Page Move.
Contract encapsulating parameters for the page move operation.
Defines properties for wiki page stat.
Provides functionality to work with Wiki Api.
Provides functionality to work with Wiki wikis Api.
Contract encapsulating parameters for the page update operations.
Defines a wiki resource.
List of wiki pages
Wiki update parameters.
Provides functionality to work with Work item tracking Wiql Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Work class to manage work API
Describes a work item.
Collection of link attributes.
Describes a request to get a set of work items
Defines a classification node for work item tracking.
Represents the collection of WorkItemClassificationNode
Represents the reference to a specific version of a comment on a Work Item.
Full deleted work item object
Describes response to delete a set of work items.
Describes a request to delete a set of work items
Full deleted work item object.
Work item delete references
Shallow Reference to a deleted work item.
Work item shallow references
Describes a field on a work item and it's properties specific to that work item type.
Describes a work item field operation.
Reference to a field in a work item
Represents a Work item internal field elements
Describes an update request for a work item field.
Reference to a work item icon.
A link between two work items.
A link between two work items.
List of work item
Represents a clause in a work item query.
The result of a work item query.
The sort columns of the query.
WorkItem reference Details.
Contains reference to a work item.
Contains reference to a work item.
Relations of the work item.
Provides functionality to work with Work item revisions Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Provides functionality to work with work items Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Work item type state name, color and state category
Describes the tag value
Represents the collection of work item tag definition
Provides functionality to work with Work item tags Api.
WorkItem Tracking class to manage work items API
Provides functionality to work with work item attachments Api.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Represents the query parameters.
Request configuration object for the query parameters.
Helper request builder that combines multiple Apis to create logical helper methods for ease of use.
Provides functionality to work with Work item tracking Api.
Describes a work item type.
Field instance of a work item type.
Expand level for the API response.
Field Instance of a workItemype with detailed references.
Collection of work item field references.
List of work item types
Provides functionality to work with Work item tracking Api.
Provides functionality to work with Work item types Api.
Provides functionality to work with Work Api.
Represents a yaml build.
Provides functionality to work with Build Yaml Api.