Class IterationsRequestBuilder


public class IterationsRequestBuilder extends BaseRequestBuilder
Provides functionality to work with Test iterations Api.
  • Constructor Details

    • IterationsRequestBuilder

      public IterationsRequestBuilder(String organizationUrl, AccessTokenCredential accessTokenCredential)
      Instantiates a new RequestBuilder instance and sets the default values.
      organizationUrl - Represents organization location request url.
      accessTokenCredential - Access token credential object.
  • Method Details

    • getAsync

      public CompletableFuture<TestIterationDetailsModel> getAsync(int iterationId, int runId, int testCaseResultId) throws AzDException
      Get iteration for a result
      iterationId - Id of the test results Iteration.
      runId - ID of the test run that contains the result.
      testCaseResultId - ID of the test result that contains the iterations.
      TestIterationDetailsModel object TestIterationDetailsModel
      AzDException - Default Api exception handler.
    • getAsync

      public CompletableFuture<TestIterationDetailsModel> getAsync(int iterationId, int runId, int testCaseResultId, boolean includeActionResults) throws AzDException
      Get iteration for a result
      iterationId - Id of the test results Iteration.
      runId - ID of the test run that contains the result.
      testCaseResultId - ID of the test result that contains the iterations.
      includeActionResults - Include result details for each action performed in the test iteration. ActionResults refer to outcome (pass/fail) of test steps that are executed as part of a running a manual test. Including the ActionResults flag gets the outcome of test steps in the actionResults section and test parameters in the parameters section for each test iteration.
      TestIterationDetailsModel object TestIterationDetailsModel
      AzDException - Default Api exception handler.
    • listAsync

      public CompletableFuture<TestIterationDetailsModels> listAsync(int runId, int testCaseResultId) throws AzDException
      Get a list of iteration for a result
      runId - ID of the test run that contains the result.
      testCaseResultId - ID of the test result that contains the iterations.
      List of TestIterationDetailsModel object TestIterationDetailsModels
      AzDException - Default Api exception handler.
    • listAsync

      public CompletableFuture<TestIterationDetailsModels> listAsync(int runId, int testCaseResultId, boolean includeActionResults) throws AzDException
      Get a list of iteration for a result
      runId - ID of the test run that contains the result.
      testCaseResultId - ID of the test result that contains the iterations.
      includeActionResults - Include result details for each action performed in the test iteration. ActionResults refer to outcome (pass/fail) of test steps that are executed as part of a running a manual test. Including the ActionResults flag gets the outcome of test steps in the actionResults section and test parameters in the parameters section for each test iteration.
      List of TestIterationDetailsModel object TestIterationDetailsModels
      AzDException - Default Api exception handler.
    • get

      public TestIterationDetailsModel get(int iterationId, int runId, int testCaseResultId) throws AzDException
      Get iteration for a result
      iterationId - Id of the test results Iteration.
      runId - ID of the test run that contains the result.
      testCaseResultId - ID of the test result that contains the iterations.
      TestIterationDetailsModel object TestIterationDetailsModel
      AzDException - Default Api exception handler.
    • get

      public TestIterationDetailsModel get(int iterationId, int runId, int testCaseResultId, boolean includeActionResults) throws AzDException
      Get iteration for a result
      iterationId - Id of the test results Iteration.
      runId - ID of the test run that contains the result.
      testCaseResultId - ID of the test result that contains the iterations.
      includeActionResults - Include result details for each action performed in the test iteration. ActionResults refer to outcome (pass/fail) of test steps that are executed as part of a running a manual test. Including the ActionResults flag gets the outcome of test steps in the actionResults section and test parameters in the parameters section for each test iteration.
      TestIterationDetailsModel object TestIterationDetailsModel
      AzDException - Default Api exception handler.
    • list

      public TestIterationDetailsModels list(int runId, int testCaseResultId) throws AzDException
      Get a list of iteration for a result
      runId - ID of the test run that contains the result.
      testCaseResultId - ID of the test result that contains the iterations.
      List of TestIterationDetailsModel object TestIterationDetailsModels
      AzDException - Default Api exception handler.
    • list

      public TestIterationDetailsModels list(int runId, int testCaseResultId, boolean includeActionResults) throws AzDException
      Get a list of iteration for a result
      runId - ID of the test run that contains the result.
      testCaseResultId - ID of the test result that contains the iterations.
      includeActionResults - Include result details for each action performed in the test iteration. ActionResults refer to outcome (pass/fail) of test steps that are executed as part of a running a manual test. Including the ActionResults flag gets the outcome of test steps in the actionResults section and test parameters in the parameters section for each test iteration.
      List of TestIterationDetailsModel object TestIterationDetailsModels
      AzDException - Default Api exception handler.