Class UsersRequestBuilder.ListQueryParameters

Enclosing class:

public static class UsersRequestBuilder.ListQueryParameters extends Object
Represents the query parameters.
  • Field Details

    • continuationToken

      public String continuationToken
      An opaque data blob that allows the next page of data to resume immediately after where the previous page ended. The only reliable way to know if there is more data left is the presence of a continuation token.
    • scopeDescriptor

      public String scopeDescriptor
      Specify a non-default scope (collection, project) to search for users.
    • subjectTypes

      public String[] subjectTypes
      A comma separated list of user subject subtypes to reduce the retrieved results, e.g. msa’, ‘aad’, ‘svc’ (service identity), ‘imp’ (imported identity), etc.
  • Constructor Details

    • ListQueryParameters

      public ListQueryParameters()